
14 tips to enhance your intimacy!

Blog – by Diskret Life

14 tips to enhance your intimacy!

Intimacy is an essential part of any healthy and fulfilling relationship. It goes beyond just physical attraction and involves emotional, mental, and spiritual connections between partners. However, with the demands of everyday life, it can be challenging to maintain intimacy and keep the spark alive in a long-term relationship. In this article, we'll explore some practical tips and strategies that can help you enhance intimacy with your partner and deepen your connection on multiple levels. Whether you're looking to rekindle the passion in your relationship or simply strengthen your bond with your partner, these tips can help you create a more fulfilling and satisfying relationship. 1. Communicate: Talk to your partner about what you like and what you don't like. Communication is key to having great sex and building intimacy. 2. Focus on foreplay: Spend more time on foreplay, such as kissing, touching, and oral sex, to build sexual tension and increase intimacy. 3. Try new things: Experiment with different positions, locations, and sex toys to keep things fresh and exciting. 4. Take your time: Don't rush through sex. Take your time to explore each other's bodies and enjoy the experience. 5. Build anticipation: Send flirty texts or leave little notes for your partner throughout the day to build anticipation and excitement for when you're together. 6. Use all your senses: Engage all of your senses during sex, such as touching, kissing, smelling, and tasting, to create a more intense and intimate experience. 7. Practice mindfulness: Focus on the present moment and connect with your partner on a deeper level by being fully present during sex. 8. Show appreciation: Let your partner know how much you appreciate them and how much you enjoy being intimate with them. Expressing gratitude can help build intimacy and strengthen your relationship. 9. Prioritize intimacy: Make time for intimacy and prioritize it in your relationship. Set aside time for sex and make it a priority, just like you would with other important activities in your life. 10. Explore each other's fantasies: Talk to your partner about your sexual fantasies and explore them together. This can be a fun and exciting way to build intimacy and strengthen your connection. 11. Take care of yourself: Taking care of your physical and emotional well-being can help improve your sex life and enhance intimacy in your relationship. This includes getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and managing stress. 12. Be open-minded: Be open to trying new things and exploring different aspects of your sexuality. This can help you and your partner discover new things you enjoy and deepen your connection. 13. Focus on pleasure, not just orgasm: While orgasm is great, focusing solely on achieving it can put pressure on you and your partner. Instead, focus on pleasure and enjoying the journey, rather than just the destination. 14. Show vulnerability: Being vulnerable with your partner can help build trust and deepen your connection. Share your fears, insecurities, and desires with your partner and encourage them to do the same. Remember, the most important thing is to be open, honest, and communicative with your partner. With patience, curiosity, and a willingness to try new things, you can enhance intimacy and strengthen your relationship. Every couple is different, and what works for one may not work for another. The key is to be open and honest with your partner and to keep exploring and experimenting until you find what works best for you both. ....While you are here, why don't check out some of our intimacy devices?

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Adult Party!

Blog – by Diskret Life

Adult Party!

At some point in our lives we have either heard about it, wanted to attend or have attended an adult party. As a woman that has been putting together countless of adult parties here in Los Angles I am here to give you some key insights on how to prepare, proper etiquette and over all respecting all members involved in the adult parties. Adult-parties, also known by a variety of other terms such as play parties, swinger parties, and lifestyle parties, are organized sex get-togethers where consenting, paying party-goers engage in sex with other consenting, paying party-goers. Simple, right? I bet you still have a list of things to know before going to an adult party. Consent is Sexy at Adult Parties: Consent is the most important rule in every sex scenario and the same goes for a adult party. Not everybody will be on the same page when it comes to sex, so communication is key. Everybody has boundaries (Always respect all boundaries). The attendees may be interested in exploring their erotic sides, but that doesn't necessarily mean they will have sex with anyone and everyone. It's important to not just touch or grope somebody without asking first. Basic manners and etiquette apply here in the same way that they would in any other scenario when someone approaches someone else to chat them up and don't forget, this means you can refuse as well at any adult party. The word "no"is perfectly acceptable to use in an adult party situation and must always be respected. Adult Party Protection: Although the host of the adult party secures a safe, sane and consensual environment, never solemnly rely on others to keep you and your partner protected. Every adult party has a different set of rules or ways to behave, but it is your responsibility to practice safe sex. It is generally good to get in the habit of bringing your own condoms or dental damns and if allowed, the same goes for your own sex toys. Hygiene is a big deal, so it's also a good plan to bring some antibacterial wipes or gel with you. It is always safer to bring your own material and never to rely on others to care for your personal health and well being.  Personal Care and Appearance at Adult Parties: Practice proper hygienic politeness, your basic shower, mouth wash and hygienic properties all apply here after all you will be in close proximity of peoples personal spaces and other sensual parts. Some adult parties have a theme; Partygoers tend not to be judgmental. Ask the organizer what other people normally wear. You don't need to go overboard with your outfit or rush to your nearest latex store for a rubber suit! The clothes will soon be coming off anyway. Each party has its own set of rules; Some are clear rules of things to know before going to a sex party and others you will pick up along the way. Make sure you do your research and homework before attending. There's also some behavior that you will learn as you go along. If you ever feel uncomfortable and are witnessing acts you feel are not safe, sane and consensual always look for the host/hostess of the parties and voice your concerns. It's also worth remembering that you might leave disappointed. Not every adult party will suit you or meet high expectations, so take it for what it is and put it down to an experience! The points above should give you a good introductory guide to things to know when going to a sex party. Every sex party experience varies and every party-goer is different.

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BDSM Games!

Blog – by Diskret Life

BDSM Games!

What are BDSM games? Just how it sounds, BDSM games are games with a focus on BDSM and kink. In many cases, these games are designed to be played with two people within a romantic or kinky relationship, but some BDSM games are designed for play at large-group kink gatherings. In most of these games, BDSM games are designed for arousal and sexual purposes, but some BDSM games can be crafted for giggling and fun. The purpose of each individual game will depend on the individuals involved, the board game purchased, or how the individuals are feeling. Just like the term "game" is very wide and expansive and can include such a huge variety of things, the term "BDSM games" is just as flexible. The only requirement is that the game includes some aspect of sexuality and kink. Why do I want to play BDSM games? BDSM doesn't always have to be so serious! While BDSM is usually portrayed as a very serious, very intense way to practice kink, BDSM doesn't have to be that way. In fact, it can be stressful to never have any fun and playful back-and-forth in a BDSM relationship. This is where BDSM games come in. Not only are games fun, but they're easy to play and are usually light-hearted and enjoyable. Instead of placing a lot of pressure on either partner to constantly perform and be ready to respond to the changes in a scene, BDSM games provide a pre-made game design to play within. This allows both partners to relax and play within the games' parameters. How do I play BDSM games safely? Just like regular BDSM, you'll want to play your BDSM games safely. The first step in doing this is to talk about a safeword. A "safeword" is a word that, if spoken, means that something is wrong and that all play needs to stop. Your safeword should be something not normally spoken within a play context like "paperwork" or "elephant". "Red" is the most-common safeword. "Safewords" work particularly well as they're clear, unambiguous ways of stating there's a problem. Especially with playful banter and people who love to be "forced" into service (“Oh no, Master, please don't spank me!”, the word "no" can become a part of the scene - and not a signal to stop. Using a "safeword" gives both parties a clear way to signal an issue with no confusion. After you've discussed your safeword, you should take the time to fully flush out the parameters of the game. While this may not help much with physical safety concerns, it'll help with mental safety concerns. When everyone knows what to expect, they're less likely to come away disappointed. Talk about how you win the game, how you lose the game, and how points are earned within the game. If there are any "prizes" for winning, don't forget to negotiate and discuss what prizes should be awarded the winner of the BDSM games.   How do I find inspiration for BDSM games? If you're going to dream up your own BDSM games, you might be looking for inspiration. Maybe you already have a game idea in mind. Maybe you just want to see your partner do something - and you're looking for cute ways to gamify what you want to see. Either way, you can help use your local community for a lot of inspiration. Munches and other conversation-style meet-ups will provide you the chance to ask about their experiences and games. Otherwise, most people will be happy to bounce around ideas with you as well. You might be surprised by how creative other kinky people can be - and how they might help you see your ideas in a different light! You might also want to look online. Fetlife and kinky blogs might have some great suggestions and inspiration. Look for people who are posting fantasies and are posting recountings of scenes they've done in the past. Both of those will help you flush out various BDSM games ideas and might even give you ideas for things you hadn't thought of! Plus, if you're going to be regularly enjoying BDSM games, consider giving back to the community that inspired you- either through typing up your own games or commenting and encouraging others. Finally, using the term "predicament" or "kinky games" might help you find what you're looking for. There are a lot of predicament ties and ideas out there, and "kinky games" will also provide lots of game-focused ideas. What prizes can I use for BDSM games? Prizes for your BDSM games are entirely up to the participants in the game. Prizes can be physical or they can be an experience. You might choose to allow the winner to purchase something off their wishlist. Or you might choose to allow the winner to enjoy fantasy fulfillment. Either way, prizes work best when they're something immediate. For example, don't agree to allow someone to purchase an item that's outside of your budget and will require months of savings. Instead, as soon as the game is done, come together and purchase the item ASAP. If you're choosing to reward with an experience, schedule the winner's experience within a week when possible. It's too easy to allow the rewards to slide underneath the stresses of everyday life, and your BDSM games won't seem very realistic if the prizes and rewards never come to fruition. Alternatively, prizes can be set-up for only one party. For example, if the submissive happens to complete their challenge within a set amount of time, they'll receive the prize or experience. Nothing will happen if the submissive doesn't complete their challenge. Of course, you don't have to use any prizes either. If neither partner is motivated by a "prize", then don't worry about it. Are there pre-made board game BDSM games? Don't want to come up with your own games? You're in luck! Manufacturers are always happy to sell you an item to meet your needs, and in this case, multiple manufacturers have jumped onto the idea of crafting and selling BDSM games board games. The level of "kink" will vary between these board games, so make sure to read the description before purchasing. When possible, try to look up a review of the BDSM games before purchasing as well. You want to make sure that the level of kink matches up with your own needs. If the game you purchased considers a silk blindfold as the highest level of "kink", it might be an unsatisfying experience when you own full sets of handcuffs and blindfolds and play with them regularly. Most manufacturer-made BDSM games board games stay within the "medium intensity" of BDSM. If you're looking for a very kinky or very-specialized-fetish experience, you might want to craft your own BDSM games instead of looking for pre-made options. You might even consider crafting your own BDSM games board game. While it may never make it to wholesale production, you can use paper and cardboard at your house to write out the game you have in mind. You could even just use slips of paper folded into a mixing bowl as "cards of chance". If you're really into production value, there are lots of small printing companies that'll print your cards and board game ideas for you into a sturdy, lasting board game – bringing your design to life for the two of you! What are some beginner couple BDSM games? Let's start off with an easy playful game. This game involves the submissive performing "tasks of skill" for the dominant of the relationship. The dominant can choose what skills are being tested - and what the bar for "passing" will happen to be. This can include rolling a can across the floor, while crawling, with only use of the face. It could include standing on one leg and singing a nursery rhyme. It could even include a staring contest! To really enforce the kink dynamic, I recommend the dominant either sit back, enjoy the view, and bark orders or get involved with a riding crop and lightly "crop" the submissive when the performance isn't up to par. Heat up the BDSM games! Looking for something a bit more sexual? Consider something with a focus on masturbation. The two of you should lay out in a comfortable manner, facing one another. Each person will select a sex toy for the other person. You could choose to also provide a kinky toy for each of the people as well. Now, compete to see who can orgasm the fastest. Participants are allowed to encourage or distract each person as they see fit. Maybe the blindfold that she selected will work great for blindfolding herself to avoid the arousing sight of her partner. And maybe that riding crop she selected will work perfectly for getting him closer to the edge as he enjoys the sting of additional pain. If you want something even more service focused, you might consider blindfolding your submissive and asking them to do the tasks you'd normally expect from them before a service scene. This may include bringing their collar, cuffs, and leash to you. This may include undressing you without the ability to see. This may include selecting an outfit from the closet for themselves while they're without sight - and then judging them upon how well they do at crafting an outfit. The idea is that you're testing their ability to "perform" their usual tasks without sight. This is one of those BDSM games can be very fun and very good at getting someone into a submissive mindset! What about group BDSM games? Most coupled BDSM games can be easily modified to work for a group. Remember our earlier example about "tasks of skill"? All the s-types in the group can now be competing against each other in these tasks of skill. In fact, all of the D-types can come together to discuss what they'd like to test - and the skills that are tested will be a nice mixture of what all of the tops wanted to see. You might even consider some competitive games which will have submissives trying to steal 'items' from each other in order to come out the winner. The winner might get bragging rights! You can also use the above masturbatory example in a similar manner. All of the participants can sit around in a circle and enjoy the same "race to orgasm" that we talked about before. Or, for a different spin, all S-types will be sitting around in the circle - while the D-types are allowed to touch and manipulate their own submissives' body to help them reach the "finish line" first. You might stipulate that the D-types are not allowed to touch between the legs - or you might say that D-types are only allowed to touch their submissives with sex toys or other items and with no hand-to-body contact. always within the control of everyone playing!

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Beginner Sex Toys!

Blog – by Diskret Life

Beginner Sex Toys!

There's literally no reason that anyone "has" to use sex toys. However, an entire booming industry exists, so clearly, sex toys must be doing something right! If you're looking for new sensations, want some pleasurable ways to add to solo play, or just want to experience pleasures that are impossible without the help of sex toys, it's time to turn to these masturbatory aids. Not only do sex toys offer no-fuss sex on demand, but in many cases, they can provide textures, experiences, and pleasures that are impossible to achieve with the human body alone. That alone can be worth giving them a try! Most people start off with beginner sex toys. Designed to be easy to use, beginner sex toys are affordable and let you start to figure out what you enjoy in a sex toy. Not only that, but they give you a non-threatening way to change up your sex life - no pressure necessary! Since you haven't sunk much money into your new toy, you don't have to feel like you have to “love it”. It's a perfect way to bring something new into your sex life. Beginner Sex Toys: What Vagina-centered Toys are Out There? Vagina-centered beginner sex toys tend to fall into two types of stimulation: there are toys designed for external stimulation (such as the clitoris), and there are toys designed for penetration and internal stimulation (such as the g-spot and the vagina). Neither type of beginner sex toy is better than the other, and depending on what stimulation you enjoy during your current sex sessions, you might prefer one type of beginner sex toy over the other. Part of the fun with beginner sex toys is starting to experiment with new sensations, though, so don't forget about branching out and trying new things sometimes! First off, we have the vibrator beginner sex toys. Vibrators are most-often designed for external, clitoral use. These sex toys are packed with strong moving parts that, when turned on, cause your sex toy to "shake". This pleasurable shaking motion can be really, really enjoyable on the clitoris - and on other sensitive areas of the body! Many vibrator sex toys are made from hard plastic - and designed for external use - but some vibrators are made from softer materials that can be pleasurable for penetration as well. Vibrators are one of the most well-populated categories of beginner sex toys - all the way from tiny, 2" long vibrators designed for discreet play all the way up to 13" wand massagers designed to be the strongest vibrators you've ever felt. Picking a good vibrator is a personal decision - and one that might include a bit of research and review reading.   We can't forget about the dildo beginner sex toys: These are sex toys specifically designed for penetration. Most dildos don't vibrate - but a select few may be equipped with vibrations. To keep costs low, a lot of manufacturers make their beginner dildos out of questionable materials. As we'll mention below, choosing a quality sex toy material is an important step when picking up beginner sex toys, so be on the lookout during your beginner sex toys search. Go to a trusted retailer. As a specialized category of beginner sex toys, a g-spot dildo is a dildo crafted for hitting the g-spot. This is a very-sensitive spot located inside of the vagina. Some people report very intense sensations of pleasure when this spot is rubbed - especially with a good amount of pressure. If that describes you, you might enjoy beginner sex toys like g-spot dildos. G-spot dildos are equipped with a curved shaft that makes them more effective at hitting the g-spot when compared to their straight-shaft counterparts. Designed to bring together the "best of both worlds", the rabbit vibrator type of beginner sex toys pleasures both internally and externally at the same time. A rabbit vibrator is a vibrating dildo that's also equipped with a small attachment. This attachment rests on the clitoris anytime the dildo is inserted. For even more fun, this attachment is usually equipped with vibrations that add even more pleasure! Depending on the beginner sex toy, you may be able to control the dildo's power level and the vibrator's power level individually. Rabbit vibrators can be amazingly fun beginner sex toys, but they're definitely a gamble. Since each sex toy is designed for a specific anatomy, you might find that some rabbit vibrators fit you like a glove - and some may miss your pleasure spots entirely. Finding a great rabbit vibrator is definitely an exercise in patience, but in can pay out in pleasure if you get the right one!   Beginner Sex Toys: What Penis-centered Toys are Out There? While not as plentiful or creative as many of the vagina-centered toys, there are still quite a few very pleasurable penis-centered toys designed as beginner sex toys. The most important - and most common! - is the male masturbation sleeve. This cylindrical sex toy has a empty chamber through the middle of it. Once lubricated, the penis can be slipped into the chamber for pleasurable penetrative sensation. Most chambers are very nicely textured and can add quite a bit of stimulation compared to the usual hand. Some male masturbation sleeves are close-ended (which can add to the suction-sensation and may be more pleasurable but will be harder for clean-up) while other male masturbation sleeves are open-ended (which can accommodate larger penis sizes and may be easier to clean). In order to accommodate the stretching that makes them pleasurable, many male masturbation sleeves are made from less-durable materials. Expect to replace most male masturbation sleeves semi-regularly - which is why so many of them are very affordable! In addition to male masturbation sleeves, there are quite a few sex doll beginner sex toys. However, keep in mind that most low-end sex dolls are just designed for giggles. In many cases, the harsh plastic seam necessary to craft the doll will run through the penetration hole - which will hurt when you try to use it! Unless the sex doll comes with a removable male masturbation sleeve that can be slipped inside of the doll, you'll likely find that sex doll beginner sex toys aren't usually a good pick. Beginner Sex Toys: Vibrators On Your Shaft?! You may not have considered it before, but did you know that vibrators can be just as pleasurable on the penis? If you'd like to try a different sensation, don't forget that vibrating beginner sex toys can be a fantastic sensation on the penis as well! A penis tends to respond best to strong vibrations, so look for vibrators powered by more powerful batteries or better yet: consider a wand vibrator! While we're on the topic of vibrators, let's not leave out the fun of a cock ring. These rings, which are designed to go around the base of the penis, can help restrict blood flow to the penis - leading to more sensitivity and a harder erection. Some of these cock rings are even equipped with a small vibrator! As most cock rings are very affordable, they can make fantastic beginner sex toys. Beginner Sex Toys: What Butt-Centered Toys are Out There? Ahh, the great equalizer: almost everyone out there has a butt that can be played with. Whether you're personally into it or not is another story, but most people can successfully experiment with anal play if they're interested in it. Luckily for everyone who's into it, manufacturers are happy to help you enjoy the pleasures of anal stimulation. There are hundreds of anal beginner sex toys out there. Anal toys tend to fall into some pretty simple categories: butt plugs, anal beads, and anal dildos. Beginner Sex Toys: Butt Plugs First off, there are butt plug beginner sex toys. These are penetration-focused toys that are designed to slip into the butt - and then stay there. Butt plugs usually have a design that's specifically crafted to help the rings of the anal muscles "grip" onto the plug and prevent it from easily sliding out. Butt plugs are "set it and leave it alone" types of toys. Beginner Sex Toys: Anal Beads However, you could choose to go with anal beads beginner sex toys. These strings of beads are designed to be slipped into the butt - one bead at a time. For those that enjoy the sensation of the anal muscles stretching during penetration, anal beads can be an amazing choice. The beads can be pulled in and out as desired, or they can be inserted and left alone until the point of orgasm - when slipping the beads out will add even more stimulation to the climax! Learn everything on anal beads here. Beginner Sex Toys: Anal Dildo Don't forget about anal dildo beginner sex toys. Much like regular dildos, anal dildos are crafted to be slipped in and out of the butt - at a regular pace - for pleasurable stimulation. Unlike regular dildos, anal dildos will come equipped with a flared base which prevents the dildo from easily slipping all the way into the body. Some anal dildos come equipped with suction cup bases which allows you to use the dildos entirely hands-free.   Beginner Sex Toys: How Much Should I Spend on my First Sex Toy? How much you spend on your first sex toy is really an individual decision, but a few things should play into your decision. First off, you should think about what your budget is. Some people have tighter budgets which means they may not be able to spend more than $40, and some people might be able to go up to $100 for their first sex toy. If you have a "dream" sex toy that's outside of your current budget, it might be worth saving up to get that toy instead of a toy you might not love. However, when purchasing your first sex toy, at least keep materials and safety in mind. You should aim for sex toys that are stated to be "phthalate-free". This will likely drop out all non-plastic toys in the $20 to $30 arena. Phthalates are a banned substance in children's toys and other not-sex industries, and it's just the fact that sex toys are an unregulated industry that lets them continue in adult items! Protect your body before everything else. Beginner Sex Toy Safety In addition, if you plan on sharing your sex toy with any other person (who isn't fluid-bonded to you), you might consider spending the extra cash to upgrade to a non-porous and sterilizable material like glass or silicone. It's definitely more pricey, but again, when it comes to your personal safety, you shouldn't attempt to cut corners. Once you've settled on your budget though, the other thing to consider about beginner sex toys is their durability. While it's hard to preach purchasing something of throw-away quality, you likely don't want to purchase the most expensive, top-of-the-line vibrator for your first sex toy either. Beginner sex toys are designed for learning what you like. Do you enjoy buzzy vibrations? A close-ended or open-ended masturbation sleeve? You won't know until you try! If you buy the best options of your trial sex toys, you'll end up spending hundreds just to try to find out what works for you. Instead, buying lots of less-durable (but still pleasurable!) options through beginner sex toys will allow you to figure out what types of sex toys you enjoy. In the future, as you finalize your opinions, you can invest in better-quality toys that are going to last years upon years!  

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Couple’s Sex Games!

Blog – by Diskret Life

Couple’s Sex Games!

Having a sex routine is great! However, it can become just that, the same old routine. This might require some spicing up… If that’s the case a lot of guides to “spice up your sex life” can be awkward and require uncomfortable conversations. Try a sex game to make things fun, light, and change up that mundane routine! Introducing a new sex game to the bedroom, can make you laugh, turn you on, and make a rememberable night! It’s exciting to pick a different sex game every now and then. Sex games have really adapted over the years and now you can just purchase one ready-to-go in a box. However, if you want to make your own, it can be a bit more thoughtful. Instead of pulling out and reading instructions for a boxed sex game… Just make your own sexy and fun rules at the start. Sex Games 101: This should go without saying but during your sex games keep in mind there is no winner or loser. You both win from getting fun sexual pleasure in new forms. Remember to communicate and stay loose. It’s called a game for a reason… have fun with it! Don’t stress the small details, just come prepared. If your game is going to require a timer, dice, cards, board, lube, sex toy, or any accessories remember to have it in the room ahead of time. If you start a sex game and don’t like it, just tell your partner and give a different one a go. It’s okay to stop mid-sex game and move on to something new. Top Rated Couples Sex Games: Stop & Go Sex Game This sex game requires you to set a timer under 5 minutes. You have 5 minutes to preform any sexual act you want on your partner. Once the timer goes off you must stop and switch positions with your partner. At that point your partner would preform the exact same sexual act on you. This sex game requires you to know each other’s limits and trust each other. It will be a huge tease and turn on having 4 minutes of extreme pleasure to be left hanging… until the timer goes off again. The sexual acts in this sex game can be anything from kissing to penetrative sex in specific positions. Pleasure Cards Sex Game This sex game requires a little bit of thought ahead of time but can be extremely fun! Sit down with your partner with a blank stack of index cards. You then trade off writing down sexual acts you want to preform on each other. You can even write some cards for them, to perform on yourself. This is fun, and a huge turn on just fantasizing about each sexual card. Make sure to have the cards split into “his” and “her” stacks. Then trade off picking cards and preforming the act in the bedroom. Porn Star Sex Game It’s time to bring out your inner porn star! Now stay with me here… Turn on some feminist porn that both of you can enjoy. Now there are varying degrees to this sex game, but you want to pick a sexual act that happens in the porno, to reenact that you both agree on. Maybe you’ll find your new go-to position or might discover you’re just not that flexible. But it will give you some new ideas and show you exactly how to do it. If you’re level “expert” on this sex game you can reenact every porn scene as it’s happens! Seek & Destroy Sex Game Everyone has seen the movie scene where they rip each other’s clothes off like ravage wild beasts before having mind-blowing, rough, passionate sex. We all have wanted to give it a go, but let’s be honest… who wants to destroy any of their clothes? For this sex game, simply go out and buy some very cheap clothes, and set a date you plan to have them on that afternoon. Then tear those clothes off their body by any means necessary. Bonus points if you can do it with your teeth! House Showing Sex Game For this sex game you can role play as a realtor and someone interested in purchasing your home. But the rules are pretty simple, nobody orgasms until you’ve had sex in every room of the house. This will require you to get a bit creative. Some rooms have couches, others only counter tops. Have fun with this sex game and take advantage of each room’s unique furniture. Sex Toy Teasing Sex Game                             For this sex game, shop a trusted sex toy retailer, pick something out together that you both find interesting. It can be something like a quality vibrator. Which might seem like a sex toy only for her but that’s not true because the guy can get extreme pleasure just from using it on her! Plenty of quality sex toys for gay and lesbian’s out there as well! Something like a cockring might be great since it will be pleasurable for both individuals. Once you picked out a high-quality sex toy, you have to set a date that you plan to use it. You can’t open it or use it until then! The anticipation alone will be a huge turn on. Talk and text each other about it… tell each other how you can’t wait to use it on them. The Red Room Sex Game Make a at home DIY sex dungeon. How involved you want to get with it is up to you. The main thing is that it can be cleaned up and put away relatively easy. Unless you want a permanent sex room that is! However, this sex game can be cheaper than you expect. Couple props like whips, feathers, sex toys, hand cuffs, and a bed will do the trick! Change the lighting to dark or dim lite. If you buy lights that changes colors, you can set it to something different for a cool effect. Girls, pull out your leather boots and lingerie for extra effects. Tie each other up and tease until you can’t handle it anymore! Monkey See, Monkey Do Sex Game For this sex game you both strip down and sit facing each other on the bed. Designate who starts out as the “instructor” and “follower”. The instructor will begin to touch the follower.  Then the follower needs to copy touching the instructor in the exact same manor. Through this sex game, you can show your partner exactly how you like to be touched. Plus, its just hot as hell learning through touching and kissing. The Mystery Sex Toy Game Blindfold and tie your partner to the bed to start this sex game. Then tease them all over with a mysterious sex toy you pick out. It can be a quality sex toy, or something as simple as a feather. Have them try to guess exactly what it is your stroking, caressing, and penetrating them with! Communication is key, if they feel any discomfort make sure they tell you. Park It Sex Game For this sex game you need a decent size car and park it in your driveway or garage, so you are mainly out of site. At night would be best for this one. This might give you flash backs to when you were in high school, but go in the car, leave it off or just leave the radio on. Then snuggle up with some blankets and start with some long foreplay. This one won’t be the most comfortable so being extremely turned on before you start will be key to this sex game.   Naked Twister Sex Game For this sex game, pull out your old twister board game and blow the dust off that thing! This is adult style twister. Start with clothes on, as each game progresses or ends, take a piece of clothes off until your getting intertwined fully naked. You can even try some really impressive sex positions while on the mat. This always makes for a good story and laugh. Lube each other up and bring out some sex toys to really spice it up.   Retail Sex Game Give your partner a budget and send them into a sex toy shop or to an online sex toy retailer. Tell them they can pick out one item (sex toy or lingerie) and they can watch you use it or wear it for one night. Don’t let them show you what they purchased. This will help build the anticipation leading up to that night. Then enjoy watching their jaw drop as you walk out with the sexy item! Pong Style Sex Game Most of us have played a game or two of beer pong back in the day. But this time set the game up on your dining room table and skip the brew. Arrange the 16 ounce plastic cups in a tringle shape on both ends of the table. Take turns throwing the ping-pong ball into each other’s cups. When you make one your partner must take off a piece of clothes, and you remove that cup. The person who becomes fully naked first must perform the sexual act that their partner (the winner) chooses. Keep it fun and light in nature of course! Pick a Card, Any Card Sex Game Start with a basic deck of cards and assign each suit a unique sexy meaning. For example, maybe hearts represent oral, diamonds is kissing, clubs is hand stimulation, and spades is penetrative sex. Take turns picking cards from the stack and preforming the acts on each other for a designated amount of time. The numbers on the cards can be how many seconds you preform the act for. So, if you pick the 9 of clubs you can finger her for 9 seconds. But if she picks the Ace of spades she blows you for only one second (but honey… sorry that’s the way the cards were dealt).   Make it a Story Sex Game This sex game can be really fun, but risky as well. Don’t risk full-on public nudity as it is against the law… but do test the limits of how kinky you can get outside the comfort of your own home. Try hooking up in a friend’s bathroom during a house party, or some serious foreplay at a nearby park, maybe in the elevator at the hotel. This one is pretty open but discus it ahead of time so your both on the same page when it comes to this sex game!   Sex Game Wrap Up: All these sex games can heat up your sex life and really pull you out of your comfort zone. This might be exactly what you need to help your mundane sex routine get blown up! Make sure you discuss the game with your partner so you both know what to expect. It might not be the smoothest game the first time around, but each time you play the sex game will get better. You will know exactly what accessories you want in an arm’s reach and exactly what your partner liked the most about the game. Keep things light, fun, safe and enjoy the ride!

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Feminist Porn!

Blog – by Diskret Life

Feminist Porn!

Men are not the only gender to masturbate, use sex toys, and of course WATCH PORN. Even though the porn scene has been dominated by the male customer, it doesn’t mean women don’t enjoying watching it too! So where is the feminist porn at?! Most of the mainstream porn sites are hardcore, fake, and downright cheesy. Most porn videos are low quality, have zero foreplay, and involve a man dominating a woman… The good news for women is that the times are changing. I believe “some” porn directors have noticed a shift in women becoming customers as well. So feminist porn is starting to become more popular. When I say “more popular”, I mean a few high quality websites or perhaps a category on a mainstream website. This guide was built for a quick reference to explain what feminist porn is, where the highest quality sites are to find it, and exactly how you should enjoy them.   What is Feminist Porn? The real question is what is feminist porn, and can porn even be geared towards women? This is a popular question among our customers, let us be the first to tell you, feminist porn is absolutely a real thing! If you’re a man or women with a specific fetish, chances are there are hundreds of videos on it. But what about the women who want a softcore porn experience? Turns out 50% of couples watch porn together, the chances are you don’t want to watch hardcore female domination as your first videos together or perhaps never at all. That’s where feminist porn comes into play. Feminist Porn Myths: There is a common misconception that feminist porn is strictly long foreplay scenes, where the couple gazes into each other’s eyes, and makes out for 20 minutes before slowly stripping each other’s clothes off. While you can find a lot of feminist porn like this if that’s your thing, it is not the only feminist porn style out there. Feminist porn can be more hardcore in nature, but the big difference is this: Everyone in the porn scene is tested properly. The performers are not pressured into any scenes they don’t want to do. The performers “safe words” are respected on set. The director is concerned for their performer’s well being vs. just turning the largest profit possible. Like purchasing a blood diamond vs. a certified clean diamond when you watch feminist porn you are supporting the actors and actress’s well-being both on and off scene. This does tend to make feminist porn less “harsh” in nature, and more enjoyable for couples to watch. How do I know It Is Feminist Porn? Even if you have been watching porn for years, being able to tell “feminist porn” from “regular porn” is no small feat. Especially for people new to porn.It’s a tall order to understand and support the feminist porn movement. I hate to say it, but if it’s free porn it most likely is not feminist porn. If you find free feminist porn, it was most likely stolen from a real feminist porn site. Turns out, most ethically made feminist porn you find on major sites has been stole, so none of the benefits you get from watching it actually support the sex workers. If you want to help change the industry you will need to invest a little. A slight investment for the amount of continued pleasure you can enjoy is well worth it. Same goes for investing in a quality sex toy! Introducing Your Partner to Feminist Porn: We get this question all the time… How do I introduce watching porn with my partner? Just so happens feminist porn is a great place to start! You won’t have to watch any uncomfortable hardcore porn where misogyny, sexism, and abuse happen. Here are a few tips to ease your partner into it: Bring up the topic of feminist porn in light conversation: The next time your talk about your sex life such as, sex positions you like, places you enjoy doing it, or the sex toys you enjoy most… bring up feminist porn. Tell them about a video you saw or article you read explaining it, then suggest the idea to them. Find out if they would be interested in exploring it with you. Ensure they are the focus not the feminist porn: The idea of watching feminist porn together is for the excitement and coming turned on initially. Use it as foreplay to start but it should not become the sole focus while you’re enjoying penetrative sex. Ensure your partner of this and have it on in the background while your main attention is always on your partner. Agree on what type of feminist porn you will watch: Make sure you pick something you both find to be a major turn on. This just involves communication and perhaps starting a few videos that you stop part way through in order to try something else. After a couple rounds of this you will know what each other like and compromise on the best videos possible. The Best Feminist Porn (Each site title is a link...NSFW): Here is a list of the highest quality, best feminist porn on the market. These are not only rated the highest by thousands of people, testimonies have shown these are a great starting place for diving into feminist porn with a partner. Frolicme: If you want the best feminist porn… start here. It has high quality HD erotic films, stories, and galleries with serious production value. The site is based on fantasy, trysts, sensuality, and light bondage. (1 week trial is $7.00) For The Girls: The title says it all! This was one of the original feminist porn sites. The site was built by 2 women and tailored to their specific content that they find most enjoyable. Its most common to find straight female porn on here. It starts with soft solo scenes all the way to light kink. ($45 for 3 months) Crash Pad Series: The Crash Pad Series is based on a queer porn cult classic. Here is the basic run down: you need a key to enter the crash pad, once you’ve used your key 7 times, you must leave. It’s essentially a reality TV show… as LGBTQ feminist porn. ($10 a month) Lust Cinema: This is the most common feminist porn site. It was founded by Erica Lust who was featured in the popular Netflix series “Hot Girls Wanted”. All the titles make the feminine perspective understood, and innovation are highly encouraged. It has various categories of vintage, modern feminist porn, romance, tutorials, and kink. ($16 per month for 6 months) Bright Desire: This is indie feminist porn at it’s best. It has a focus on real bodies and realistic sex scenes. It has lots of laughter, intimacy, and down to earth fun hot sexy scenes. This feminist porn will even interview the performers after to see a behind the scenes look at how it was made! ($40.00 for 3 months) X Confessions: This site is a little different than most feminist porn sites. People send in their erotic fantasies, and Erika Lust (who we spoke of earlier) will turn them into artfully made feminist porn films. Chances are if someone else had a serious fantasy, you might find it erotic and hot as well. The actors are real, and the collection of films are honest and down to earth. Hot Movies For Her: Hot movies for her has one of the largest collections of feminist porn available. You can try it out with 20 mins for free if you wish. They have everything from hot solo senses up to hardcore kink. ($45.00 for 3 months) Smart Ass Production: Tristan Taormino is an author, writer, sex educator, radio host and feminist pornographer. Smart Ass Productions is her adult film company. She knows most people who watch porn are sick of the fake loud screams and corny “plumber scenes” that fill the wide spread porn world. She wants to make something different, something unique, that everyone can relate to. Her films are special and treat actors with complete respect. Diskret Adult Life: While we are not a feminist porn site, we offer high class sex toys that are made to last! Our sex toys will bring intense pleasure while you enjoy your feminist porn. Remember they are great to use with a partner as well! Best Way to Enjoy Feminist Porn:               So now that you know the top feminist porn sites in the industry… what’s the best way to watch them? While everyone is different and enjoys porn their own way, we have a couple tips to really enhance the experience. Set the mood: It might seem “cheese” to prepare the atmosphere before watching porn, but it can make all the difference in the world! Make sure you have your privacy and are completely comfortable. It will give you an “ease of mind” knowing the doors are locked, window curtains drawn. Dim the lights and even light some candles as the smell will help your body fully relax. Relaxation is the key to enjoying the film and the pleasure it will bring! Have plenty of time: This relates to setting the mood and being able to relax… but make sure you have time! A quickie has its time and place, but if you want a long pleasurable experience, take the time to set the details first, then don’t proceed to rush into the pleasure. Enjoy the film, touch yourself or your partner as the film progresses. Depending on the length, watch it all the way to the end or start going at it part way through. But the longer you can hold off and get turned on, the better the sex or masturbation will be! Bring the lube! Make sure you have plenty of lube, the feminist films can be fairly long in length. To avoid her from drying up part way thorough or to keep the masturbation wet and pleasurable we suggest lube. The two main types of lube are water-based, which will clean of sheets and clothing but won’t last as long, so you may need to re-apply a few times throughout your session. The second type is oil-based lube, which will last for as long as you require. However, oil-based lube might stain your sheets so make sure to put a towel down first. Enjoy with your partner: Some wish to enjoy feminist porn alone for a great solo masturbation session… however, introducing a partner can add a whole new level of pleasure to the experience. Bring it up to them using the tips shown above, let the pleasure from all senses overwhelm both you! Bring the sex toy! With a partner or solo, a quality sex toy is almost a must. It will bring pleasure in many different forms weather it be a dildo, vibrator, or cockring. These can be used on your partner while they watch the feminist porn or on yourself while you watch. Make sure to bring the lube and expect zero faked orgasms from the porn and your partner!!  

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How To Make A Girl Orgasm!

Blog – by Diskret Life

How To Make A Girl Orgasm!

  So, you want to know how to make a girl orgasm? Or do you really want to know how to give her uncontrollable full-body orgasms that last for what seem like hours?! Okay guys, first you need to understand the female orgasm comes in a huge variety of forms. Everything from a quick “okay” orgasm to a body convulsing, squirting orgasm do exist. Plus, everything in between. Not only are their varying degrees of pleasure and length of time her orgasm can last but also completely different sensations depending on how you bring her to climax. A clitoral orgasm feels totally different than a g-spot orgasm which is different than a blended orgasm. One might stem from her core and consume her entire being, while others from standard penetration might feel good, they come and go in a flash. I will not only explain the basics around how to make a girl orgasm, I will also show you different ways to bring her to climax, and the best way to make her orgasm! Its time to learn from the experts who have over 10 years in the sex industry and consult hundreds of the top sex bloggers and sexologists in the world. Guys, its time to stop being intimidated by the “female orgasm”. With these simple methods and techniques, you can easily make any girl orgasm. It takes a bit of time, practice, and patience but you can do it! So, let’s get started on your journey to complete and utter sexual satisfaction! How to make a girl cum 101: It doesn’t matter if it’s your wife of 30 years, or a girl you meet last night to take home. The principle around how to make a girl cum are all the same. Only a few things might be “tweaked” if its your first time with her: Communication Confidence Nerves Routine   Which I will explain in detail later. But the very first thing in order to make any girl cum is setting the proper preparation upfront.   How To Make A Girl Orgasm By Setting The Stage: Is the halftime show of the Superbowl done outside in the parking lot of the stadium? No, the anticipation and advertising is displaying months in advance, the stage is assembled on the 50 yard line, and a coordinated show of skill and talent takes place. Guys, you need to “set the stage” in order to make a girl relax, feel comfortable, accept pleasure, and ultimately orgasm. How the hell do I do that?   Build The Sexual Anticipation: If done properly, the art of building sexual tension and anticipation can become explosive in the bedroom. You don’t need to last 2 hours in the bedroom in order to make a girl cum. Actually, when you build sexual anticipation properly, you might only need 2 minutes in the bedroom! The idea is simple; the mind is the most powerful tool to get women off. They need to be turned on, looking forward to what’s coming, and open to receiving pleasure. Start by texting her early in the day. Let her know you are thinking of her. Throughout the day ramp up the small talk into dirty talk. Ask her how she wants it. See what kind of sex toys she wants to use. What type of sex positions does she want to try? Get her turned on hours before you even meet in the bedroom. Have her focusing on sex, you, the pleasure, and the orgasm long before it takes place. Eye contact, physical contact like a brush of her hair or slapping her butt (if appropriate) and kissing/making out are all great ways to build the sexual anticipation. Try texting her a romantic quote, or a kinky quote. Send her a kinky photo (doesn’t have to be of yourself). Send her a photo or link to a new sex toy you want to try out or purchased for her. Tag her in a social media photo that is sexy… There are tons of ways to get her thinking about the mind-blowing sex you will be having later. Get her imagination going and you’re already halfway there to making her cum!   Show Her You Care: Guys, it’s not cliché. You need to show her you put some thought into the night. Setting the proper environment is very important to letting her relax and stay turned on. Put the effort in and reap the rewards! Lite some candles or the fireplace. Dim the lights. Pour some wine. Draw her a warm bath. Set out some new lingerie or sex toys you got her. These are all examples of small things you can do ahead of time to show her you care. They both excite her and relax her. If you want to know how to make a girl orgasm, it is a combination of things leading up to the pleasure that play the largest role.    Get Her To Relax & Feel Comfortable: Now that her imagination has been fantasizing all day about what you’re going to do to her, and she walks into a well thought out environment. It’s time to get her to relax and feel comfortable. If she is more comfortable at her place or in her bed, go there. But if she doesn’t mind coming to your place, you can take the extra effort to set some things out for her. What makes her relax? Both body and mind. It could be a cocktail, bath, movie, soft music, joint, yoga, a long massage….   Whatever it is, your job is to get her to relax and feel comfortable while being close to you. Don’t rush her in the door and strip her clothes off immediately. Set it up right, make her wait, tease her, and comfort her. Get her body ready for the pleasure that is about to overcome her entire being!   The Female Orgasm Unveiled: You can make a girl climax in a variety of ways. All will yield different pleasure sensations and a different type of orgasm. The orgasm could be soft or hard. It could last a lifetime or a mere moment. You could make her scream with pleasure from a fast orgasm or deep moaning from slow overflowing orgasms. The orgasm could stem from her toes through her head or be focused all in the core genitals. Here are the different types of orgasms and how they will make her respond:   Clitoral Stimulation Orgasm: Want her to orgasm fast? Clitoral stimulation is one of the fastest ways to get women off. In fact 7 out of 10 women require clitoral stimulation in order to climax during sex!   It’s no secret why… The clitoris is a “nub” towards the top of the vagina that can be exposed externally. When stimulated properly it can bring her huge waves of pleasure. Anatomy wise, the clitoris has no purpose other than for pure pleasure. It is packed full of nerves! But a common misconception is the exposed nub is all there is to the clit. However, the clitoris has “roots” these run about 4 inches back and spread the outside wall of the vaginal lining. If you uses your hands, tongue, or cock ring you can stimulate the nub, but if you want to truly give her a clitoral orgasm your going to need more than that. Some clitoral sex toys are designed to not only stimulate the nub but all the way down to the roots as well. These sex toys use “pulse wave technology” a fancy way of saying it oscillates air back and forth to create a suction that encompasses the nub and vibrates down through the roots. The most popular clitoral sex toy for this is the Womanizer. The womanizer is called the “90 second orgasm toy” for a reason… If you want to know how make a female orgasm fast, the womanizer is your answer! It delivers intense overwhelming clitoral pleasure that no woman can deny makes them orgasm fast! When a female orgasms from clitoral stimulation she will feel it on the surface of her body. Like a tinly feeling along her skin and in her brain. G-Spot Orgasm: The famous G-Spot! Is it real? Where is it located? How does it feel? How can I stimulate it? While a lot of reports or articles say the G-spot isn’t real… It’s actually a physical part of anatomy and scientifically proven that a spot inside the front vaginal wall can create intense pleasurable sensations. So, if you want to know how to make a girl orgasm hard, the G-spot is located about 3-4 inches inside her vagina facing up towards her stomach. It is a small patch that has the consistency of a raspberry. The G-spot orgasm is often associated with “squirting” or female ejaculation. Typically stimulating the G-spot in an edge play fashion is the most likely way to get her to squirt. Here is a full blog if you’re interested.   I’ve tried many ways, and nothing can stimulate the G-spot like a g-spot sex toy. Sorry guys, but your fingers swirling around can only do so much. They don’t have the girth, length, consistency, or vibration that most g-spots require to orgasm. Here is a list of my top 10 favorite g-spot vibrators if you’re interested.   If you want to stimulate yourself, while it's more difficult, it can be done. The best sex positions for g-spot orgasms are doggie style, or rear entry. But missionary probably won’t do your g-spot any favors.   Oral Orgasm: Alright guys, you’re not the only one that loves receiving oral sex! It’s time to return the favor and go down on her. Understanding how to make a girl orgasm doesn’t only involve your genitals. Its time to get your tongue going! Here are some basic tips for when you eat a girl out: Communicate- Let her know what you plan to do. Let her adjust you as she sees fit! Slow Down- This isn’t like the fake porn you watch. Fast flickering tongue isn’t going to do much for her. Build the anticipation: Don’t go right for the goods! Work your way down her body, up her thighs. Use Your Breath: Breath on it and tease it before you actually lick it! Circular Motions: As though you are making out with her clitoris. Slow and sensual. Pressure and Pulsing Motions: Apply different pressures at varying speeds. Break Time: Don’t be afraid to take a break, use your hand or a sex toy while you recover for round 2! Here is a great blog I wrote on how to eat a girl out!   Anal Orgasm: Yes, anal orgasms are real. If you want to know how to make a girl orgasm, you most likely don’t go right for the anal orgasms but it is a possibility and yes it can be done. Anal orgasms are triggered through rear penetration. Typically, with a anal sex toy that can vibrate. While your penis can do it, it’s extremely difficult to get her off with just that through rear entry. A anal sex toy allows for varying shapes, sizes, and features that are tailored specifically for anal orgasms. Anal beads or butt plugs are the most popular way to give her an anal orgasm. Since the anal cavity runs parallel with her vaginal wall, you can stimulate her through it, even giving g-spot stimulation through it! Before her big O she may feel the sensation to pee, but the contractions definitely wont be felt around the genitals. Instead, they’ll be around the anus. Her entire body will send uncontrollable contractions from her core. Her stomach area will feel a warming sensation that stems from her anus. She will boil over into a complete state of euphoria when it happens! Just make sure to use lots of lube! Take things slow, have her experiment on her own first, and try various techniques. Sex Toy Orgasm: It's almost like cheating… If you want to make a girl cum nothing can compare to using a sex toy on her. I use one almost every time. Why? Because she loves, I love giving her pleasure and watching her cum! So, there are two main ways to make a woman cum with a sex toy: Foreplay: Use a sex toy on her right away when you start getting busy. Caress her body with it, build the anticipation and then start using it on her. Quality vibrators are especially good for this!You don’t have to make her cum with the vibrator, but get her near the edge… Then finish her off with your penis! Like I said, its like cheating! Having someone else run the marathon until you tag in for the final mile! After You Get Yours: Another great way to use a sex toy to make a woman cum is by finishing her off with it. Once us guys orgasm, we need a break or call it quits for a while. However, if she hasn’t orgasmed yet, why should you get all the pleasure and leave her left hanging? It’s a classic mistake and happens all to frequently. Instead, grab your “go-to” sex toy and finish her off with it. It’s still you using it on her and making her cum, even if it’s not your penis she will appreciate that you didn’t leave her hanging!   How To Make A Girl Orgasm (Quick Orgasm): Ahh, the famous quickie! Who doesn’t love a quick fuck to burn some stress off and relieve some built up sexual tension?! Most men and women enjoy a quickie now and then. However, the principle behind a “quickie” is typically about receiving some pleasure fast and doesn’t always result in an orgasm. If you want to know how to make a girl orgasm, typically we shy away from quick orgasms. Most women really desire long foreplay and time to relax. A quick orgasm is much more likely with a sex toy then a “penis quickie” before heading out for the night. But both ways are fun and keep her on her toes! If she is okay with not getting hers, a quick orgasm for you is always a bonus too!   How To Make A Girl Orgasm (Long Orgasm): The best way to give a woman a long orgasm is through extended foreplay and continuous edge play. In order to give her a long orgasm, build up the pleasure and sensations until she is just about to orgasm. Have her let you know when she feels it coming on and then stop all stimulation! Its hard for her, rightfully so, its like pleasure torture! But when done properly, building up, letting her cool down, then building her back up. When she does finally cum its explosive! This will lead to really long orgasms that flush across her entire body. Often leaving her body shaking and convulsing uncontrollably!  So, remember when you want to go for a more advanced technique, use edge play and extended foreplay for long orgasms!   Best Sex Position For Female Orgasm: I often hear “what are the best sex positions for female orgasms?” There is a long list, but according to a large survey, here are what women like most in order to climax: Women on top Doggie Style Sideways straddle (one knee on each side of your leg while you’re on your back) Bridge (popping her hips up while thrusting on your knees) I personally believe in "women on top" as the best way to make a girl cum.   Why? She has all the control! Instead of telling you faster, slower, left or right she can do it all herself as she desires it. She can apply the pressure where needed and remain comfortable; controlling the depth of each penetrating thrust. Unless she is totally against it, I always say a woman on top is the best way for her to control her own orgasmic destiny! How To Make A Girl Orgasm With Your Hands: If you want to know how to make a girl orgasm with just your hands, its about being prepared and using proper technique. The first step is keeping your fingernails neat and trimmed. Don’t want her saying “ouch” when you begin caressing her. Use some lube to make it extra moist and slippery. You don’t want the “dragging” effect. Make circles with your middle finger over her clitoris. You can adjust pressure and speed. Remember consistent and controlled motion is the best! If she wants it hard and fast, try thrusting your middle finger in and out of her. Curving your finger up towards her belly button slightly will allow you to stimulate her g-spot as well! You can also slide your wet fingers externally, top to bottom across her vagina. Start by going down the side of the clit all the way into her vagina and then back out again. Remember practice makes perfect. Ask her how she likes it, read her body signals and blow her mind!   Wife Orgasm: I hear this one a lot… “I’ve been married for years and that spark in the bedroom has died. How can I help my wife to achieve orgasms again?” First let me say, you’re not alone. Its perfectly natural for that wild sex drive to fade over time. The key is focusing on change of pace. Keep things sexy and interesting! Get her a new sex toy, while our libido does go down after mid 30’s; masturbating and using sex toys can help ramp it back up like you’re 18 again! Get her a high-quality vibrator, set it out as a surprise. Try using it on her to warm her up or finish her off with!   Encourage your wife to talk about your sex life. Have her tell you in detail about what feels good and what doesn’t. Don’t judge her, just listen. Our bodies change over time and something she used to love might have changed to something else. Remember most women need direct clitoral stimulation in order to climax. So during intercourse, use a clitoral stimulator such as this one, or at least get your hand down there! Keep the foreplay long, start with an oil massage and have her give feedback 1 to 10 what feels good or not. Stroke her entire body, kiss, lick, and caress everything. Work from oral to fingers and toys, to finally penetration. Use lots of lube and make mental notes of that 1 to 10. If she says 8 or higher to anything, stick with it! Most women need consistency in order to cum. Just keep at it for a bit and ask if you should move on or keep going. Best Orgasm: So, what’s the best orgasm you’ve ever had? Think about it for a minute. Think about how specific your answer is in your head. Now, you understand how much that would vary from someone else’s answer? People ask me; so what is the best orgasm possible? All I can say is a massive US survey showed that 72% of women voted a blended orgasm to be the best orgasm possible.   A blended orgasm is an orgasm brought on through multiple forms of stimulation. Such as: Anal and Vaginal Vaginal and Clitoral G-spot and Clitoral Deep Penetration and Clitoral Anal and G-spot You get the idea… Most of these require specific sex toys to stimulate one while you penetrate or stimulate the other through oral or hands. While this gives you an idea, all the details are really what make it the “best orgasm” ever. The mood you set, the mood she is in, the foreplay, the passion and pleasure. It is a full experience, not just about the orgasm(s). Benefits of Orgasm: In life, most pleasures are bad for you. I love my sugar, glass of whiskey, and a good cigar now and then but of course these are bad for my health. Well lucky for you and me, the most pleasurable thing in the world is also healthy for us! A good orgasm now and then does your body wonders. So make sure to tell her, you’re just looking out for her health is all 😉 Here is a list of all the benefits that come with making a girl orgasm: Orgasms relieve stress. They can make your partner less likely to cheat (according to a German conducted experiment in 2015) Orgasms help with insomnia (making it easier to fall asleep) Cum makes a woman less depressed according to a study from University of New York. Orgasms help alleviate pain. They can help you live longer. They stimulate your brain. Keep you looking younger. They get stronger as you get older. Give you glowing skin. Lower risk of prostate cancer. Strengthen your immune system. Relieves headaches. So, get busy getting healthy!   Make her orgasm Conclusion: We have gone over a ton of different ways to make her orgasm. The main thing when asking yourself how to make a girl cum is not about mastering some crazy technique. Its about communicating with her, paying attention to the details, and controlled consistent pleasure. Find out what she likes and stick with it. There are a lot of different types of orgasms such as clitoral, g-spot, deep penetration, and anal. By blending multiple forms of stimulation together you can give her a full-body orgasm. These are felt from her core and overwhelm her entire being. Using techniques like “edging” bring her close to climaxing then stop, only to build her back up again can bring long intense orgasms. These orgasms through g-spot stimulation can often lead to squirting as well. Orgasms are good for both of you! They help relieve stress and sexual tension. They can bring you closer together than ever before, and even help save marriages and relationships. It’s a powerful feeling and through the correct methods can be explosive.  

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How To Use A Penis Sleeve!

Blog – by Diskret Life

How To Use A Penis Sleeve!

A penis sleeve can mean a lot of different things. Whenever talking to fellow sexologist, it becomes frustrating and confusing what exactly a penis sleeve is? You most likely have an idea in your head what you think a penis sleeve is, how it should be worn, and how to use it. But did you ever think of these types of penis sleeves or versions of them too? Cock sleeves Penis extensions Penis Girth Sleeves Male Masturbators Penis extenders Masturbation Sleeves Thick Penis Sleeves Vibrating Penis Sleeves Realistic Penis Sleeves Silicone Penis Sleeves You can’t be serious right now… What the hell are all those and why do I need to know about them? I decided to dig deep and research every kind of penis toy there was… (That probably doesn’t sound fun to you, but that’s why I’m here) Ill break it down in a simple easy guide so you know what your looking for and where to find it. I will also explain how to use these versions of penis sleeves and the best ones to try. So, hold tight, we’re diving tip first and ending balls deep on all thing’s penis enhancing and stimulating! What is a penis sleeve? To be very clear, while a penis sleeve can look like a lot of different things. Most common penis sleeves hold these traits: Penis sleeves usually do not bring the user pleasure or additional stimulation. Penis sleeves are not used for masturbation. They are typically worn during couples sex (specifically for penetration). Penis sleeves can artificially add length or girth to a man instantly. They make the user last longer before climax. They can be made from a large variety of material Some penis sleeves completely encompass the penis while others do not. Penis sleeves are typically worn after the male is erect. Hopefully this starts to paint a clearer picture on what exactly a penis sleeve is.   There are still a lot of different variations that we will start to cover below. Along with exactly how to use a penis sleeve and why you should try it! Should I try a Penis Sleeve?   Yeah... Ohhh Yeah!! Straight or Gay, men of all sexual orientation are starting to learn the true joys of a penis sleeve. While a lot of guys still resort to pills, or penis extenders (a medieval torture device) to get a larger penis, there are other options! A penis sleeve could satisfy your partner like never before. Pills typically help get you erect, but they don’t make you longer or girthier (especially not like advertised). Penis extenders are what I believe to be medieval torture devices! Don’t believe me? You literally have to put your cock and balls into a clamping device and crank it open while it stretches your penis!! Com’on you can’t be serious guys! There has to be a better way… Well there is, it’s called the penis sleeve and its here to save the day! I’m talking instant results for girth, length, and make you last longer in bed while completely rocking your partners world. Give them the hardest, deepest, most satisfying night of their lives! How Does A Cock Sleeve Work?  Before we dive into how to use a penis sleeve, lets cover how exactly a penis sleeve works. The same as a cock sleeve, you will place only your cock or both your cock and balls into a sleeve. Like a condom, it will encompass your entire cock. Sometimes a ring around the base of the cock sleeve can provide both constriction to your balls and hold the cock sleeve in place. Its always nice to have a slight tug on your balls while thrusting away! The constriction on your balls and cock will keep you rock hard for a longer period of time. Same concept as a cock ring does.   Some cock sleeves have a textured inside or textured outside. Inside obviously provides the user a slight amount of stimulation, and the outside is for the individual being penetrated. Most cock sleeves are made from silicone for the simple “growth factor”. It’s hard to know your true size when constriction is applied, and you will grow and shrink throughout your penetrative sex. To solve this, most cock sleeves are made from extremely flexible silicone or Thermo Plastic Elastomers (TPE). These cock sleeves will adapt as you grow and shrink to help provide a complete seal. How to use a penis sleeve? The easiest way to put a penis sleeve on is through a lot of lube and patience. Here are a couple pro tips to make it much easier: Lube the inside of your penis sleeve, and your cock to start (don’t lube the outside of the sheath yet.) Once your penis is in the sleeve, then worry about stretching the silicone ring around your balls. The ring will expand around your balls, don’t try jamming your balls through the ring! If you don’t “groom yourself” it can catch pubic hair quiet easily. A quick trim beforehand will help. Some penis sleeves do not have an opening in the tip. This can cause a “ballooning” effect and trap air in the tip. Use a small knife and put a hole in the tip to allow trapped air to release (obviously do this when the penis sleeve is off!!!) A penis sleeve is not a means of birth control. When first penetrating your partner, use lots of lube on the outside of the cock sleeve and take things mighty slow. You’ve just added length and girth to yourself so your partner might not be used to it! Use basic communication to see if your partner wants it faster, slower, harder or softer. Keep these tips in mind for the best night of her life! I Just Blew My Partners Mind… Now What?   It’s the unfortunate reality of a cock sleeve; the guy wearing it just doesn’t feel huge amounts of stimulation. Why not? Due to the thickness of the sleeve, you simply don’t feel much… Even the stimulating nubs or ribs on the inside do little for me. I’m here to tell you… SO WHAT?! You knew that when you slapped it on. I hate to say it but using a cock sleeve really isn’t all about you. This is what it’s all about: Giving your partner the best dick of their lives! Having fun, experimenting, and trying something new with your partner. Putting your partner first, letting them cum fast and hard. Sometimes multiple times in a row. Feeling a confidence about your cock like you’ve never experienced before. (lets face it your hung like a horse now and it feels quite nice!) But with that being said, nobody ever said you couldn’t get yours too! My partner and I always make sure we both end sexually satisfied. So, even when I wear a cock sleeve and make her climax. I proceed to remove it so she can finish me off! Wearing the cock sleeve gives me confidence, plus it’s a huge turn on and great foreplay when I know I am rocking my partners world! When you pull the penis sleeve off you will be so hard and turned on, it doesn’t take you very long to finish too! *** The one upside to not feeling that much when the cock sleeve is on, you can go for hours without cumming! When its time for you to get yours, simply remove and finish off your built-up sexual tension. Types of Penis Enhancer Sheath’s: As I stated earlier, there are a lot of different types of “penis enhancer sheaths”. I will break these down to explain the main differences (if any) and the best type of penis enhancer sheaths you can purchase in each category. This was based on countless hours of research, testimonies, interviews with sexologists, and the main sex toy retailers in the industry. After all, someone’s got to test all these sleeves! Penis Girth Sleeve: A penis girth sleeve has a single purpose… You guessed it, adding girth to you! I personally love penis girth sleeves. Almost any man can fit in the universal one size fits all since your length doesn’t matter. A true penis girth sleeve will only wrap around the outside diameter of your cock in one section. Typically, it doesn’t cover your entire penis or the tip of it. I noticed the transition from the tip of your penis onto the penis girth sleeve, back down to the base of your penis outside diameter makes for a lot of ridges. These bumps and ridges as you penetrate your partner give a dynamic and unique sensation. Bringing huge waves of pleasure to your partner. Plus, because the penis girth sleeves doesn't encompass your entire shaft, you get some great pleasure out of them too! Beyond feeling more pleasure, you still get the added benefits of penis and ball constriction from something like the Colt Slammer Penis Sleeve Colt Slammer Penis Sleeve   The Colt Slammer penis girth sleeve is big, heavy, and thick. Which is exactly what you want! This 4.25 inch long, 2 inch diameter penis girth sleeve will add nearly 2 inches in diameter to your cock instantly! Using a body-safe thermo plastic elastomer (super flexible jelly-like material) this penis girth sleeve is super easy to stretch on and fits like a glove! It wraps part of your cock and balls, keeping it in place during use and providing good constriction. No more having to worry about your penis girth sleeve slipping out of place or sliding off while thrusting away. It has an ultra-smooth inside and out and give your partner a huge sense of fullness while leaving your sensitive tip exposed for pleasure. Easy to clean after with warm water and soap, great with all water-based lubes! Penis Extension Sleeve A penis extension sleeve is something different. A penis extension sleeve adds mainly length but does inherently add a little girth since it wraps your entire shaft. This prevents the user from experience that much sensation during use. However, if your lover is looking for a fun twist on things, a penis extension can be the perfect gift! The penis extension will give you a huge boost in confidence and make you feel massive down there! Take things slow as the added length can be a rather large surprise for your partner. Just remember to clean it after use and let the silicone or TPE air dry when done. I just use warm water and soap to keep things simple but clean. I really prefer the Adams extension for a lot of reasons: Adam’s Penis Extension   Its nothing new, Adam’s Extension has been one of the highest rated, best-selling penis extension sleeve for years. It has over 60,000 sold worldwide. Why? Because it’s the best. It’s very user friendly, great design, fits almost all men, and provides the mind-blowing pleasure you’d expect. The Adam’s penis extension is made from a very soft jelly that is body safe and super flexible. Making it adapt to nearly any size, and fitting snug against you during use. The clear jelly has pleasure points inside and out allowing you to see the action while its taking place! Watch as you thrust your new huge cock into your partner, making them moan with intense pleasure. All by using a sophisticated condom! ** I say condom because that’s how simple it is to apply and use although it is not rated for birth control guys! Vibrating penis sleeve Want to give her even more stimulation beyond the huge, thick rock-hard cock? Try adding vibration and some really unique texturing to the penis sleeves. These are not as common, and frankly a little hard to find. Finding one that is of decent quality is nearly impossible! Most of the vibrating penis sleeves I’ve used have been a serious disappoint. What I can tell you, is it’s usually due to the bullet vibrator being a cheap battery-operated piece of junk! Can you tell it’s frustrated me in the past? Same as a cheap cock ring with a little bullet vibrator that takes a AA battery, they last about 10 minutes in bed. However, you have a few options. There are a couple good ways to add vibration during penetrative sex. Take a bullet like the Tango by We-Vibe and throw it in the slot on the vibrating penis sleeve for the crappy bullet. Oldest trick in the book, replace the junk piece with the best bullet vibrator on the market! You could get something like a finger vibrator from Hot Octopuss or the finger vibrator from Dame Products and directly hold it to her while penetrating her. You could have her slide a vibrator in like the EVA ll by Dame Products before you start. Lastly, you could use a cock ring on top of the vibrating penis extension and just remove the bullet all together. It’s a genius idea if you and your partner don’t mind two things being around your cock at the same time. If you want the best vibrating penis sleeve right out of the box, I have to recommend the Maxx Gear Vibrating Penis Sleeve. Maxx Gear Vibrating Penis Sleeve   “It lasted me a long time, fit really well, and had clitoral stimulators on top that my partner loved.” – Jeff (Maine) It’s true, the Maxx Gear vibrating penis sleeve will leave your partner in aww. I love it for the added vibration. While typically adding size and girth is enough to satisfy a partner, sometimes they are even looking for more! That’s where the vibration comes in handy. This is a rare find due to the quality and ability to last long. Most are made from low-grade material and the bullet vibe doesn’t last beyond a few uses. If you want extreme vibration, your best bet is still by using a quality cock ring over a good penis sleeve. Or replacing the bullet with the Tango. But if you don’t want to mess around with purchasing and dealing with adding two things together; the Maxx Gear Vibrating Penis Sleeve will work wonders. The clitoral stimulator is another added bonus that you wont find by adding a basic cock ring on the end too.   Masturbation sleeve:  A masturbation sleeve is another form of “penis sleeve” but with an entirely different function than what I’ve discussed earlier. Masturbation sleeves still wrap your cock, but are used and designed for solo play. Guys, if you’re still using your hand its time to advance beyond the stone age! We’re not in middle school anymore... Going from using your hand to a quality masturbation sleeve is like driving a Prius to getting in a Ferrari. It’s not a minor upgrade! However, I must warn you… When I first discovered using a masturbation sleeve over my right hand; I didn’t leave my room for a week! It’s like rediscovering what an orgasm is all over again! Masturbation sleeves have many different shapes, sizes, and designs. They can be made from various material but the general concept of how you use one is all the same. It’s designed to move! Slap some lube inside the masturbation sleeve and on your cock. Then slide the sleeve up and down to experience all the wonderful new textures, suction, and features it has to offer. Maybe it vibrates or uses a crazy internal design. Either way, it will make you climax fast and hard! Here are the main styles of masturbation sleeves: Open masturbation sleeve Enclosed masturbation sleeve Vibrating masturbation sleeve Tip Sleeve Remote controlled masturbation sleeve Pocket Pussies / Fleshlights Strokers **Click the link above for an example of the best in each category! Masturbation sleeve use: While they are really designed and advertised as for solo play, I feel I must inform you about how great they are for couples play too. It’s a rare thought to take a masturbation toy to the bedroom with a partner but think of it this way… Is it rare for a straight man to use a vibrator on a woman? Hell no its not, and if you haven’t tried it yet that’s a must go for the ultimate foreplay. So, why is it odd for a man to bring a masturbation sleeve to use with his partner? Let me tell you, it’s not odd, and it’s extremely pleasurable! Watching your man or girl use a masturbation sleeve on you during foreplay is smokin’ hot! Like the ultimate turn on! Also, say he/she finishes before you and doesn’t want to keep going with penetration. Let them finish you off with a masturbation sleeve so everyone is left sexually satisfied and happy! The same as if you used a vibrator on her to warm her up or finish her off. The Best Masturbation Sleeve: It's no easy task picking out the best masturbation sleeve. Unlike penis extensions and cock sleeves, a high quality masturbation sleeve is easily found. Men love them and have been using them for over two decades, so of course there are a ton of options. My personal favorite is the Tenga Zero Flip EV. Tenga Zero Flip EV:   Penis Sleeve Vs. Male Masturbator So to help clear things up on the whole penis sleeve or masturbation sleeve. A male masturbator is designed for solo use. A penis sleeve is designed for couples penetration. The male masturbators are used with a stroking motion. A penis sleeve is worn and used to thrust into a partner with. Male masturbators bring the user huge satisfying orgasms, while the penis sleeve does this for the one being penetrated. The user of the penis sleeve receives minimal physical stimulation but a lot of mental stimulation from bring their partner to climax. A male masturbator is great for training yourself to last longer in bed. It allows you to control each stroke and thrusting motion. Along with the amount of suction being applied. So, you can train your body to “edge” or get near an orgasm without actually orgasming. Once you have mastered this, you can engage in sex much more efficiently. Giving you the control over when you want to orgasm or hold off. Thick Penis Sleeve   Some men and women love the “penis sleeve” idea but really don’t want the extra length. In that case you should look for an extra thick penis sleeve. These will be cut at the tip, so no additional length is added, and you won’t struggle with trapped air. However, the additional girth can give your partner a serious sense of “fullness” while also allowing you or the person wearing it to experience some pleasure. It will provide the cock and sometimes both the cock and balls with great constriction. Keep you harder and making you last longer. Check out this ultra-thick, high-quality penis sleeve. It’s a personal favorite of mine and is sure to satisfy your partners every thick fantasy! The Best penis sleeves I always get the question “what’s the best penis sleeve”? But after reading this blog you can understand why no single option is the best penis sleeve. You will need to test different styles for yourself. A lot of it has to do with fit-up. The best penis sleeve will fit you like a glove and not rub or feel irritating during use. This does happen… All the time! Please read the dimensions for both the outside and inside closely. Next time you’re erect, measure the length and circumference of you’re cock. You’ll need to know this to find the best penis sleeve. Think about the main differences and how you plan to use it. Do you want a solo masturbation sleeve? Do you plan to use it on a partner? Would you like it to add length and girth or just girth? Do you want a silicone penis sleeve that will stretch and adapt to you? Once you understand how you want to use it, and your size. Remember silicone and TPE can stretch nearly twice their size. The rest is history! There is no going back once you’ve used one of these awesome sleeves! While I highlighted some of my favorite sleeves above in each category. Here are a just few more from my all-time favorite penis sleeves and masturbation sleeves list. PULSE III DUO   This is the only high-quality masturbation sleeve I know of that offers a remote control. They make the SOLO without the remote, but I must say… Having the clicker gives a whole new spin on things! Made by the extremely reputable manufacturing company “Hot Octopuss” the Pulse III Duo offers the first hands-free orgasm I’ve ever experienced. Literally, it wraps around your cock and you scroll through vibration patterns and intensities until you blow your load. The best part for me is it’s waterproof. So I just lay back in a bubble bath and vibe all my daily stresses away!  

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How to Give a Good Blow Job!

Blog – by Diskret Life

How to Give a Good Blow Job!

It is a common question among most women, how do I give a good blow job? In this article we don’t explain how to give a good blow job… but how to give an earth shattering, mind blowing, eye rolling blow job! He will never forget the night you used these techniques and examples. A lot of women and men are self-conscious about their blow jobs and looking for some extra help. Some women and men are confident in their skills but looking for new and interesting techniques to try on their man. Don’t worry, Diskret has you covered. The examples, and techniques below are put together through a massive amount of research, expert interviews, and testimonials. We want to provide you a go-to expert guide for exploring all the avenues on how to give a good blow job. Don’t give another “okay” blow job ever again rather, give him something he will never forget! How to Give a Good Blow Job: Blow Job Engagement: If you want to know how to give a good blow job, you need to be enthusiastic while preforming it! Remember during all acts of sex, you never want to seem dull, disengaged, and not interested. Giving a good blow job can turn you on a lot as well, so get your mind completely engaged in the act. Don’t start the act if you’re not in the mood to finish the job. Some men can go quite awhile during a good blow job so make sure you’re in it for the long haul. If you start and can feel yourself starting to drift and not enjoy it, then you can switch positions to save yourself. Switch to penetrative sex or something new to finish him off. Blow Job Lube: Yes, I know you will be sucking on his penis, that doesn’t mean you should bypass the lube. Lube is very important for any sexual act. Lube reduces the friction on his shaft and can reduce the risk of injury, soreness, rug burn, general uncomfortableness. So, is there a lube that is best when giving a good blow job? I highly suggest a water-based lube or an all-natural lube. It will be safe with any sex toys you might be using. It will also be safe to ingest. Coconut oil is a great natural lube and safe for cooking and to ingest if you’re not allergic. Remember to read the lube bottle first, it will explain the ingredients and if it is safe to ingest. Try to imitate a vagina, but with your lips and mouth. You want it warm, tight, and wet with lots of suction. Typically, the wetter and slipper the better. You can ask your man if he is okay with it being “sloppy” or extremely wet with both lube and saliva. You can also get flavored lube, so you can enjoy a great tasting penis while giving the good blow job. It’s not that a natural penis isn’t mouthwatering… it just can be used for an interesting twist on the standard lube. Blow Job Teasing 101 Want to know how to give a good blow job? Forget that, teasing is how you ramp it up to an earth shattering, eye rolling blow job. You should have him so turned on that he can’t handle another second of his penis not in your mouth. Here are some amazing ways to tease him before and during the blow job: Get his shaft wet with lube and saliva. Start with your hands by caressing the shaft nice and slow. Work your way into more of a hand job motion to get him really worked up. Slowly lick from the base of his shaft to the tip. Grab the shaft and direct the tip around your tongue in circular motions. Lick just the tip and smack it against your tongue. Put the tip in your mouth and rub it against the inside of your cheek. Try just blowing on his tip and shaft softly. Don’t forget to fondle his balls. Eye contact during all these techniques is very important! Pay attention to the tip “it is the most sensitive part” How to Give Great Blow Jobs: Blow Job Positioning: Changing up the positioning during a good blow job is vital. Try having him stand up, sit up, or lay on their back with a pillow. Make sure he has a great view since a good blow job is visual just as much as it is touching and sucking. If you have long hair, tie it up or have him hold it back so he can have a front row seat to the show. You can try facing your butt towards him and letting him touch you while you suck on them. Or tie up his hands and make him watch without touching, whatever you are into. Make sure to keep one, or both hands on him at all times. The more going on the better. If you’re going to give him a hand job before you put the penis in your mouth, remember to use your hands all the way from the tip to the shaft. But do not go from the shaft up, only draw your hands down then release. This way when you suck up and down on him for the first time the blow job will feel twice as good. How to Start a Good Blow Job: You want to know how to give a good blow job, then you need to know how to start it off. The beginning is just as important as the finale, so pay close attention.     Make sure you are both fully relaxed. Nobody can focus on the blow job if they are stressed out or in a rush. Have plenty of time. Just like sex, unless it is a planned “quickie” leave plenty of time. Just because it is a BJ doesn’t mean he will instantly cum. Keep the lube on. Your mouth can get dry if nervous or dehydrated so just keep the shaft lubed to help out. Tease him for at least 3-5 mins. Nobody said go straight for the kill shot. Build the anticipation. Curl your lips around your teeth and focus on the tip to start. The tip is the most sensitive area so even if you can’t “deep throat” no worries. Make sure he enjoys the position you are in. You can literally ask them “do want it like this?” Set the mood with porn on in the background, soft music, or candles. Whatever your style is in your relationship. He doesn’t have to be rock hard before you start to suck it. Sucking on it while it is still soft is a unique sensation for him, and it won’t take long for him to get erect after that. Pace Your Blow Job: If you want to know how to give a good blow job, you need to learn the best blow job pace. This pace will be unique to your partner, and after a couple good blow jobs you will be able to read what he wants. He might thrust his hips slightly if he wants it faster, or just verbally say slower / faster. To start, just make sure you are going at a nice steady rhythmic pace. Its not a race, so in the beginning start slow, otherwise your partner might feel rushed to cum. The orgasmic pressure will build for him the most as you keep your rhythm and slowly increase pace and pressure with your mouth. If your mouth gets tired, don’t be afraid to use your hand to give yourself a break. The change of pace may be welcomed by him and you can crank up the pressure with your hand easier than your mouth. Don’t Obsess Over the Blow Job Stereotypes: Watching porn can help give some good blow job tips and tricks, but don’t obsess over the stereotypes. So, let’s be clear on a few things: Nobody has the right to tell you to swallow. If you don’t want cum in your mouth you don’t have to. Your partner should never push you to do anything you don’t feel comfortable with. Nobody can deepthroat and not gag at times. Deepthroating is not a necessary act for a good blow job. Less than 20% of women are willing to take cum on the face, even though you see it in every porn video. Definitely not necessary for a good blow job. Don’t be afraid to get him right to the edge and finish him with your hands if you don’t want the cum in or around your mouth and face. Blow Jobs Get Better with Sex Toys: It’s a bold statement, I know. But if you are looking to give a mind-blowing blow job, try mixing it up with bringing a sex toy into the mix. You can try out a cock sleeve in your hand to heat things up. Simply hold the sleeve, apply good amounts of natural lube, and use it as though you were giving him a hand job. It will feel unique with the textured sleeve and vibrations on his shaft. You can still apply pressure by squeezing your grip tighter as well.   Another great sex toy to try is a cock ring. These are typically a silicone ring that slides over the penis to the base of his shaft. It can then be turned on to vibrate so during penetrative sex the ring will hit the women’s clitoris. This delivers pleasure to both during sex. However, try sliding a cock ring on and letting it vibrate while you give him a good blow job. The cock ring will constrict around the penis keeping him extra hard, the vibration will add an intense sensation, and you sucking on the rest of the shaft will be a trifecta of sensory overload! Great Blow Job Sensory Play: What techniques and examples should I throw in if I want to know how to give a good blow job? Try just one of these to throw a twist on your average blow job. Warning: he might be asking for a lot more blow jobs after using these! Lick and suck the balls: Some guys find licking the balls to be a major turn on. Most guys wont orgasm solely from this but it adds to the overall experience. Use your hands at the base of the shaft while sucking the tip: It’s a combination of a good blow job and good hand job. Temperature play: Try sucking an ice cube before going down on him. This will add a unique sensation to the already amazing blow job. Long slow licks up the shaft while making eye contact. This one is self-explanatory, we talked about having good enthusiasm during it. This is a great way to be enthusiastic about the blow job. Slide the tip against the inside of your cheek. This will simulate the inside of a body cavity and bring your blow job to the next level. Good Blow Job Wrap-Up In order to give the best blow job possible, keep things simple to start and then slowly progress and branch out your techniques. But get the basics down first. The basic things to remember are make sure both you and him are fully relaxed. Set the mood and have plenty of time to get the job done. Foreplay, foreplay, and more foreplay. Start with kissing, rubbing, and take your time removing his clothes. Then start nice and easy with kissing, licking, and touching his shaft. This will all lead to the anticipation of the actual blow job, making it feel so much more intense for him. In the end, you do what makes you feel the most comfortable. Leave the stereotypes of deepthroat, cum play, and facials to the porn stars if its not your style. A blow job should be sensual and pleasing for you both, not just a man demanding what he wants. Give these techniques a try the next time you go down on him to really blow his mind! Happy blowing!

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How to Make a Girl Squirt!

Blog – by Diskret Life

How to Make a Girl Squirt!

The mysterious and elusiveness around how to make a girl squirt has been around a long time. But what exactly is squirting? How to make a girl squirt isn’t exactly taught in high school sex ed class. This article will pull back the curtains and dive deep into the anatomy of squirting. If you are a girl and want to learn how to squirt or a guy wondering how to make a girl squirt, this will become your ultimate guide. The myths around how to make a girl squirt have gone from confusing to straight fairytales over the past decade. Many men and women don’t believe female ejaculation and squirting is even a thing. Let us tell you, female ejaculation is real, it is fairly common, and is not as mysterious as people make it out be!   What is Squirting & Female Ejaculation: There is a famous myth about squirting actually being pee. The fluid that women release when they ejaculate is not urine! Make sure you pass that a long to help squash that famous rumor! Before you learn how to make a girl squirt, you should know what to expect when it comes to female ejaculation. Female ejaculate is a watery clear liquid, it forms in the female prostate glands and is released through the urethra, yes, the same hole women pee out of. But female ejaculate does not smell, look, or taste anything like urine. When women squirt, they may feel that sensation of having to pee or peeing. That sensation to pee during g-spot stimulation is completely normal. What happens is the tissue around your urethra is flooded with blood and the tissue contracts and presses against the bladder. If the women are very worried about the pee during squirting, she can pee before starting to stimulate or take a pe e break to give her confidence that is not what’s coming out. The History Behind Squirting: Both men and women have been wondering how to make a girl squirt for a long time. This is no new bodily function women have just developed in the 21st century. The ability to squirt for women has always been there. The first noting of female ejaculation was in the Kamasutra, it talks about female semen continuously falling from the vagina. The Kamasutra was written between 200-400A.D. Keep in mind, sex should not become this mission to achieve something like squirting. You should be relaxed and if it happens, it will happen naturally. You don’t need to be ashamed or scared of it. Most women would like the ability to squirt so if your given natural ability allows it, good for you!   Why is Squirting so Important? Odds are you want to know how to make a girl squirt for more than one reason. Maybe you want to impress her by making her squirt for the first time ever or feel it’s a goal you must achieve. Some women find it to be empowering or something that brings them closer to their partner. The only problem with squirting becoming increasingly popular is women find it as something they need to do, in order to satisfy their partner or show how experienced they are. According to Pornhub women are 44% more likely to search for squirting then men. The term exploded to top 20 category on the website between 2013-2015. Why are women searching for squirting so often compared to men? A lot of pressure seems to be mounting about women performing this task during sex. It is common for both men and women to search for “how to make a girl squirt”. This pressure to preform has only hindered women. If you are constantly focusing on trying to squirt, just like an orgasm, it is less likely to occur. The ability to squirt might happen more frequently for some women than others, also some women might discharge more fluid than others. But no women should ever feel pressured to squirt, as no man should ever expect their partner to perform this. When mainstream porn videos show you how to make a girl squirt, the women discharge huge amounts in a single spray-like fashion. However, in reality, this is often far from how porn displays things… Women typically only discharge small amounts, so much so, they may not even know it takes place. The Myths Behind Squirting: Squirting only happens in porn: Squirting is a natural thing that can happen to most women during sex. The big difference is how it is portrayed in porn typically is not how it happens to most women. Female Ejaculation is the same thing as squirting: Actually, the fluid produced while squirting is expelled from the urethra, whereas female ejaculate has a more viscous consistency, like saliva, and comes directly from the vagina. This was explained by Dr. Madeleine Castellanos to BuzzFeed Life. You need to orgasm in order to squirt: Squirting can happen during an orgasm or completely inde pendent of an orgasm. Some women can squirt multiple times before achieving an actual orgasm. Women can control if they want to squirt and when they squirt: If you want to know this golden rule on how to make a girl squirt every time on demand, I’m sorry to disappoint you but that’s not how it works. Squirting is very involuntary, yes you can try to stimulate specific areas in the correct manor to help persuade your body to squirt but it is no guarantee for every girl. You can’t prepare for squirting it just happens: If you don’t know how to make a girl squirt, but really want to try, there are a few things she can do prior to help. She should drink a lot of fluids that are high in protein and electrolytes and absent from sexual contact for a couple of days. This will help her intensive the squirting or make it more likely to occur. How to Make a Girl Squirt 101: Now that you know the history, anatomy, and myths behind squirting. This is the best step-by-step guide if you want to know how to make a girl squirt.   Set the Mood to Squirt: We have gone over how important this was to have the best sex of your life. Setting the mood is the initial parts of foreplay. The foreplay is must if you want to know how to make a girl squirt. She must be completely relaxed and fully turned on to help her achieve orgasm or to squirt. Just remember that “squirting” and “making a girl squirt” is not the ultimate goal. If it happens great, but if it doesn’t no big deal either. The only thing that is important is you both are receiving and or giving pleasure that is mutual and exciting. So how do I set the moo d if I want to know how to make a girl squirt? It doesn’t have to be anything over the top. But some basic examples would be diming the lights, lighting some candles, soft music, turn some porn on, lock the doors so you feel comfortable alone. You don’t want to be rushed, or have fear of someone barging in. A clear mind can go a long way! Make Yourself Comfortable and Have Plenty of Time to Squirt! Don’t be in a hurry or constantly thinking about squirting. It is a sub-conscious thing. If it will happen, let it happen naturally. Most women cannot squirt immediately after simulation, so allow plenty of time to become fully relaxed. If you are in a rush or have a time limit, don’t plan on trying to squirt for the first time ever. Gently and slowly stimulate yourself. Porn gives this misperception of having to go fast and almost violently in order to squirt. This is not how to make a girl squirt in most cases. Most of the time it will require a process of long slow g-spot stimulation and building up towards the peak of climax. If you need it fast and hard at that point, don’t hold anything back. Lube is King (or Queen)! When learning how to make a girl squirt, just remember lube is extremely important. With out lube she may dry up mid process. Lube will make everything more wet and slippery. This will aid in the ability to squirt and continue that wetness. Lube will help both him and her feel more comfortable and reduce any potential risk for soreness or injury. Stimulate the G-Spot to Squirt: Once everything is prepared its time to stimulate the g-spot. With your finger(s) inserted about 2-3 inches in, facing up towards your stomach, you’ll feel a patch that is textured like a raspberry. This is your g-spot! Continually stimulate this with lube at a slow and gentle pace to start. Once you find your rhythm you can slow down or speed up to achieve the most pleasure. This will give you a good chance of squirting. But if you want the best chance possible, you will need to invest in a g-spot stimulating sex toy. G-Spot Stimulation Sex Toys: A vibrating g-spot stimulating sex toy will give you t he best chance to make a girl squirt. So, if you’re interested in how to make a girl squirt, a vibrator like this is a must have. The vibration, lube, and g-spot stimulation will mount until you release for the ultimate orgasm or possibly squirting. What is the best g-spot stimulating sex toy? Take a look at our bestselling, highest rated g-spot sex toys: GiGi2 Enigma G-Kii Rave   Who Can Make a Girl Squirt? What’s the best part about squirting? It doesn’t take a partner to be able to squirt. You can do it all on your lonesome. Of course, your partner can stimulate you to orgasm and squirting as well. Whatever you feel most comfortable with. A lot of women like to start alone with a favorite sex toy. Then move into doing it with a partner. That partner can stimulate the women with their fingers or use the sex toy. Never limit yourself when starting out.   How to Make a Girl Squirt Conclusion: Keep in mind the most important things when learning how to make a girl squirt. Start slow, use lube, set the mood, and stimulate the g-spot. It sounds so simple, yet so many of us rush it, stimulate to hard, forget to set the mood, and never bring the lube. All these factors build on each other for the ultimate house of pleasure. One block missing, and it could come crumbling down mentally. With each piece in place, may you enjoy the pleasures of squirting and climax, time and time again.

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How to Use a Dildo!

Blog – by Diskret Life

How to Use a Dildo!

It’s a difficult and exhausting task trying to find and pick out the right dildo, but have you given much thought in how to use a dildo? Once you find and pick a dildo out, the last thing most women are concerned with is are they actually using it properly? You slide it in and out until achieving orgasm. Simple, easy, and effective so what more could you really ask for? In this article I will explain through research and testimonies, the vast and pleasurable ways of using a dildo. If you want to know how to use a dildo for the most pleasure, try a few of the examples shown below. It can be simple to start out, but once you develop more advanced techniques you will never go back. How to Pick a Dildo That’s Right for You: You have thousands of options when it comes to picking a dildo and it can be quite overwhelming. But if you want to know how to use a dildo the right way, you must pick the proper dildo for the task at hand. Here are the main things to consider when picking out a dildo:   Dildo Size: When learning how to use a dildo the size is very important. If you know your body and understand how “tight” your vaginal cavity is, you can pick out a dildo with more confidence. If one finger feels tight, you might want to stick with a slim dildo, if three fingers feel loose, you will need something with more girth. Its not a scientific measurement but will help guide you in the beginning. Once you own a few dildos, you will know what range size is best for that “fullness” feeling. If you are learning how to use a dildo with something too large or small, it will feel uncomfortable or even sore. If you experience anything uncomfortable stop immediately! Using a dildo is about experiencing pleasure not fighting through some discomfort to see if it gets better. Most good retailers will take the product back within the first week no questions asked. Clitoral Stimulation: Some dildos will stimulate the clitoris at the same time as your vagina. It is recommended when first learning how to use a dildo, save these types of dildos for when you have slightly more experience. It’s not that a beginner can’t get pleasure from a dildo of this type, it’s just easier to start simple and work your way up from there. Vibrating Dildo: Ever wonder how a dildo would feel with vibration? Well that’s where vibrators come into play. There are a lot of beginner vibrators on the market, but some women prefer a standard dildo over the vibrator, especially when first starting out. Plus, dildos typically cost less than vibrators. Check out how to use a vibrator here. Dildo Shape: How does the dildo shape really effect the pleasure you receive? It’s a simple concept really, all women’s bodies are a different shape, size, and look. You need to find a dildo that matches your body curves. You also will need to find a dildo shape that will stimulate what you’re looking for. For example, are you looking for deep penetration, external stimulation, g-spot stimulation or an all-around well-balanced dildo? This seems a little extreme, I know… But it is all an important factor that over time you will develop, learn, and understand to receive the ultimate pleasure. Have you used a g-spot dildo curved to match your vaginal cavity, that has the proper girth and length for the ultimate orgasm? It’s a beautiful thing when done properly. The days of grabbing this cheap silicone thing and shoving it in and out are over… Were now in the 21st century where sex robots can talk to you! Dildo Material: When learning how to use a dildo the material is almost as important as the size and shape. When looking at very cheap dildos the material can be toxic, so be aware of the chemical make-up. The most risk comes from silicone dildos with oil-based lube. The lube can break down these cheap dildos and release toxins. Just be aware of this is all. Dildos can come in stainless-steel, glass, crystal stones, wood, and silicone. From a quality standpoint I ranked them highest to least. Like most things, you typically get what you pay for. If you find a silicone dildo for 10 bucks that is 50% off chances are your taking a risk and won’t be satisfied with the quality or pleasure it brings. Dildo Lube: Keep this rule in mind: Silicone does not mix with oil. You should always use lube with any sex toy but keep oil-based lubes away from silicone sex toys and condoms. It increases the risk to break down the sex toy or tear the condom. Instead use water-based lubes. Oil based lube is great for all other material sex toys and in the shower or tub since the oil will last longer. Dildo Color: Not the most functional feature of any dildo, but if you buy something quality, it can last you years of pleasure. So, make sure it’s visually appealing to you and your partner. It should be a show piece, not something you are embarrassed to pull out in front of your partner. How to Use a Dildo to Masturbate:                   There are a couple key things to remember when understanding how to use a dildo to masturbate. The most important are: Set the Mood: We have said it before but continue to stress the importance of setting the mood. It is not “cheap” or “corny”. Setting the mood can turn any ordinary masturbation session into the ultimate night in. It can be something as simple as dimming the lights and lighting some candles. Or something as extreme as turning hardcore porn on. However, you decided to alter your surroundings, take the time to prepare for your masturbation session and it will really pay off. Understanding the technique behind how to use a dildo is just as important as the time spent leading up to the actual penetration of the dildo itself. Have Plenty of Time The “quickie” has its time and place. Don’t turn every masturbation session into a quickie. To experience a full body, mind blowing, body shaking orgasm it doesn’t occur in 2 minutes. Its all about the buildup and anticipation. Once you have the proper dildo, run it all over your body, rub it on your clit and get it nice and wet. Lube the shaft, stroke the shaft, suck the shaft, use the dildo for more than just single-entry penetration. Take the time, to experience your bodies full potential. Fully Relax the Body & Mind: Knowing how to relax your body and mind is just important as knowing how to use a dildo. Being stressed out can have negative effects on trying to get turned on or having the ability to orgasm. So, take a warm bath, hire a babysitter to take the kids out, or watch a long romantic movie. Whatever it is that helps relax your body, do before touching yourself. You can always start touching yourself in the bath or during a partner massage if you feel completely relaxed and ready to go! Warm Yourself Up: Use your favorite water-based lube on your fingers to start. Start slowly touching yourself in all places, don’t just go straight for your genitals. Don’t ignore other sensitive areas like your ears, nipples, and inner thighs. Your partner should never ignore these either while warming you up either. Once you are completely turned on, and fully relaxed pull out your dildo. Each dildo will give unique experiences and pleasure so if you want to know how to use a dildo for the most pleasure, you must experience a wide variety before truly knowing your body and style. How to Use a Dildo with a Partner: When most people think of how to use a dildo it is always a solo masturbation act. But why is that? Using a dildo with a partner can be better than alone. Your partner can help warm you up, use the dildo, then finish off with penetration or oral sex. It can all easily blend into one large orgy of pleasure. You have his penis (or her vagina) their tongue and touch, then you throw a dildo into the mix! When first trying this, if your partner is a guy who has never used a dildo on a partner or you, he will require guidance. You need to show him how to use a dildo, either through words (left, right, fast, soft) or with your hand on his. If he still isn’t getting it, make him sit back and watch how you use it. This will show him exactly how to use a dildo on you. It is also a huge turn on to force him watch you masturbate. How to Use a Dildo (technique & examples)       Now that you understand almost everything about how to use a dildo, lets get into some more technical detail about the actual process. Once you set the mood, get relaxed, have the lube, and warmed up… what’s next?! Grab that dildo and we will show you some amazing examples of how to use it. Deep Thrusting Dildo: The name says it all ladies… slow, long, deep thrusting. Thrusting along the entire length of your vagina provides external and internal stimulation as it slides in. For this example, a textured straight dildo will suit you best. Make sure the length and girth are appropriate for your body type. It should have a fullness feeling and reach as far as your willing to comfortably go. A wobbly silicone dildo can make this action tough. Stick with something stiffer, if the texture becomes overwhelming you can always switch to a smooth dildo. Rock the Dildo While Entering: A straight dildo doesn’t always limit you. When learning how to use a dildo you need to experiment different techniques with it. Try rocking it in and out. As you slide it in, pull the handle towards you and vise versa on the way out. Start slow and increase pace in a rhythmic pattern. You want the dido to apply pressure at the bottom of your vagina when fully inserted. This sensation is similar to thrusting but will also provide some clitoral stimulation when the dildo is at the shallowest part of entry and it is tipped up. Rocking works best with a dildo that has some give in it. You can try it with a curved dildo for that extra rock effect if you enjoy it with the straight dildo. Rotational Thrusting Dildo: In this one you twist the dildo in rotations while thrusting it in and out. There is a whole category of dildos known as “juicers” they come with a crank and you turn them as you insert. So you know this action works well. Most dildos will work with this technique as long as they don’t have sever bends in them. Shallow Dildo Strokes: As the famous saying goes “just the tip”. When first starting to learn how to use a dildo try slowly inserting just the tip. Shallow quick strokes can actually bring the most pleasure. This is because majority of your nerves are based externally and up to 2 inches inside the vagina. That means you don’t need the super victor (now discontinued… I wonder why?) in order to get off. Dildo Anal Play: Although specific toys like anal beads and butt plugs are typically used for anal. By no means does it leave dildos off the table. If you love anal play, go ahead and use that dildo in the rear. If you are not used to anal sex, make sure to take the proper measures first before tying a dildo back there. Use lots of lube, make sure the dildo is clean before putting it back in your vagina. Double Penetration: Who said only one dildo is allowed? Grab two dildos or a dildo and butt plug. Then leave one in your butt while you stroke the dildo in and out of your vagina. This will provide A-spot and G-spot stimulation. Still not enough pleasure? Use that spare hand to rub your clitoris while stroking the dildo. This will be an overload of pleasure surging through your body. It can be overwhelming for some women, so I highly suggest working your way up to something like that.   How to Use a Dildo Conclusion:   In the end you will learn how to use a dildo through experience and a little research. The most important part is not the actual action of the dildo, but the steps you take in preparation leading up to it. Take your time, start slow, use lube, set the mood… the list goes on. Everything will be a new and exciting sexual experience so don’t try to jump into it all at once. Just take it one step at a time, try a different dildo here and there. It’s a fun process to learn your body and what kind of pleasure something as simple as a dildo or vibrator can bring. Once you know your body and how to really receive loads of pleasure from your dildo, share that experience with a partner! It can become a massive turn on for both of you to introduce sex toys into the bedroom with each other! With or without someone, have fun and enjoy the delightful, mind-blowing orgasms that a dildo can bring!

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Lesbian Sex Toys!

Blog – by Diskret Life

Lesbian Sex Toys!

Being in a same sex relationship can make it difficult to shop for sex toys. Not only is it difficult due to the stigma, but going into a sex store where at times no one is willing to aid you on this incredible journey can be extremely stressful. Ladies, this article is for you; sorry gentleman, I will compose one for you soon. There are a lot of options that you can choose, but not many of them are actually worth the price you'd pay. Worse, some of them are not even as lesbian-friendly as you'd hope them to be. Lesbian sex is intended to inspire and entice lovers to broaden their sexual repertoire. To make shopping easier for you and your lover, I made a list of the best sex toys for lesbian couples with some incredibly erotic position tips.   We-Vibe Sync: The Facts: Rechargeable, pure silicone, dual motor, remote control and app ready, waterproof . Pro’s: The majority of women can’t orgasm from penetration alone. Ladies, if you are using a strap-on the We-Vibe Sync is a delicious addition to your love making, as it offers clitoral stimulation. It’s a simple and luxurious toy with every speed you can think of, and ladies, if you find a vibration pattern that you love the sync can keep this rhythm in an ongoing loop. Recommended Position:Classic Scissor-Achieves maximum pussy contact with both women propped up on their hands and elbows. The bottom lover twisting onto her side with her leg draped over her lover’s same leg. The women spread, slide in, and rotate and grind, usually in a circular rhythm, intermittently pressing into each other, clit to clit, vagina to vagina.   Satisfyer Beads The Facts: Soft and graduated shape, beginner friendly Pros: The beads are flexible, and each bead is a different size for added pleasure. The beads vary in size from small to large, making it easier for beginners to relax and enjoy the exquisite sensation of each bead. Recommended Position: Review Mirror- The partner receiving oral sex is bent over at the waist, her hands on her ankles, and her legs shoulder-width apart. Her partner is on her knees behind the standing woman, holding the standing woman’s hips with her hands, with her face near her vulva from the rear. This the perfect position to place the anal beads in the anus. The kneeling partner may want to place a pillow under her knees if it’s more comfortable.

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Liberator Shapes!?!

Blog – by Diskret Life

Liberator Shapes!?!

What are Liberator Shapes? In the effort to get that "perfect" angle for penetration, I bet you've used a lot of things. The most common happens to be piles of pillows stacked on top of each other, but lots of people experiment with other things: arms of the furniture, piles of blankets, and more. We all know that new angles for the hips can increase pleasure and help hit some of those "special" places, but it can be hard to get the body to fold into that perfect manner on its own. That's exactly what Liberator Shapes were made for. Made from high-quality, very-dense foam, Liberator Shapes are light-weight pieces of sex furniture made in various sizes and designs. Whether you're looking to hold a sex toy in place. Or lift the hips a bit more for missionary position, have a perfectly comfortable surface to help support your body during doggy style. Or just want a full piece of furniture with lovely curves just for sex purposes, the Liberator Shapes were designed to help out. The full range of shapes offers specialized sex positioning help - including shapes with optional bondage points as well. Designed for the realities of sex, each Liberator shape comes equipped with a removable, washer-safe cover. Underneath that outer removable layer is an inner water-resistant layer that protects the foam at the core. This helps keep your Liberator shapes in tip-top shape for as long as possible - even through the realities of intense squirting or messy sex. In addition, in case you ever harm the outer layer of material or stain it irreversibly, Liberator also sells extra covers for most of their shapes. You may need to contact customer support to find out what colors and options they offer for your particular shape. Why Should I Use A Liberator? Like we've mentioned, getting that perfect position can be pretty hard without some "help" from your environment. Missionary can be hot as-is, but it can help hit the g-spot when the hips are tilted up at an angle towards the ceiling. Holding that position, though, can be pretty exhausting on the muscles, and nobody wants to be focused on struggling muscles rather than the hot sex they're having! That's where the Liberator Shapes come in. Designed to make your sex easier to hold, the shapes are individually crafted to help keep the body into specific positions to make it easier to enjoy sex without worries about having to strain in that position. Doggy style can be so much more fun for you when you have your hands free to touch yourself or your partner because your weight is resting on a soft cushion. No, nobody needs one of these for sex, but it's going to be hard to go back to sex without them once you've started integrating them into your sex positions and sex life! Much like a vibrator, a sex toy, or a sex swing, Liberator shapes are fantastic sex accessories designed to enhance and add to your sex life. Use them as a tool to make your current sex even better!   How Does It Work for Plus-Sized Bodies? Yes! Most Liberator shapes are designed for a plethora of body shapes to begin with. For many bodies, you'll find that the space allowed on most of their standard, regular shapes will be enough room to support your body just fine. Consider taking a measurement of your laid-out width and comparing it to the width of the Liberator shape you're looking to purchase if you're worried. However, if you're concerned, Liberator makes a few of their shapes available in a plus-size variant. The variant includes more width to allow for more support for larger bodies. Available on their most popular designs, Liberator makes a plus-size Wedge and a plus-size Ramp. In addition, they've customized some of their optional accessories (such as the Black Label bondage covers and storage covers) for these plus-size variants as well. If you're worried about using these shapes as a plus-size body, you don't need to be! The foam that Liberator uses is extremely supportive - and even the largest bodies will still enjoy a noticeable boost up and support when using Liberator shapes. There's a reason the shapes receive such positive reviews in most areas. Are They Used with Sex Toys? Yes! In addition to making shapes just designed for penetrative sex, Liberator also makes shapes designed to hold your toys in place. Not only does that mean skipping trying to make a DIY alternative, but it usually means that the sex toys are held in the perfect place every time - with no fussing or frustrating adjustments. The sex positioning company makes mounts to hold wand vibrators. These mounts have space for cords to run through the mounts, and they'll hold the wand in a place that's designed for optimal clitoral sensation. Check out the Wanda Magic Wand Toy Mount, the Axis Magic Wand Toy Mount, or the Tula Toy Mount if that's of interest to you. Liberator also makes mounts designed to hold dildos for penetrative use. Much like a strap-on harness, these mounts will hold the base of most dildos in place to provide a hands-free and stable way to "ride" your sex toys without having to hold them. Some Liberator sex toy mounts also feature deep, tight channels designed to hold onto the handle of any non-flared-base dildos or vibrators. Depending on what sex toys you plan on using with your sex toy mount, make sure you've done a bit of research to see what channels and holding mechanisms your Liberator toy mount is equipped with. If you're looking to hold a dildo or vibrator for your use, look into the Tula Toy Mount, the Wing Sex Toy Mount, the BonBon Sex Toy Mount (our personal favorite!), or the Pulse Sex Toy Mount. In addition, as we mention below, Liberator also makes a few shapes designed for use with Fleshlight male masturbation sleeves.   What About Men? All Liberator shapes can be used for men! There's no rule that a partner who is receptive to penetration must be a woman, so any of these shapes can be used for pegging and anal sex on male-bodied individuals as well. Plus, if you're going to be enjoying partnered, heterosexual intercourse, most men will get some great use of these as well. Try switching it up with a "woman on top" position if your guy would like some chance to lay back and enjoy the added enjoyment. Outside of that, Liberator actually makes a few shapes designed for male masturbation sleeve use. The Fleshlight Top Dog and Fleshlight on a Mission Liberator shapes are shapes made from the sturdy Liberator foam you've come to love and know: only they include small tunnels. These small tunnels are where you slip a Fleshlight into the shape. This allows the Fleshlight to stay nicely tucked into the channel for hands-free Fleshlight use that's at the perfect height and angle. It's worth noting that you don't need to use a Fleshlight brand sleeve with the Liberator furniture if you don't have one, but the channels were specifically designed for standard-size Fleshlights. In addition, the male masturbation sleeve you choose to use with your shape should have a closed case design. It's not easy to clean the interior Liberator shape's channel after use, so any masturbation sleeve you use should "catch" most of your own mess afterwards to reduce the damage on the mount. What Type Of Maintenance Is Required? Luckily for you, Liberator shapes were designed to be as stress-free as possible! As mentioned before, most Liberator shapes come with two layers of material. The inner-most layer is a water-resistant layer that protects the crafted foam of the shape. The outer-most layer is a machine-washable, colorful layer that can easily be removed after every use for cleanliness purposes. Each layer zips on easily with a zipper - and can be removed just as easily with that zipper. After each use, you can easily unzip the outermost layer and toss it into the laundry machine. Wash the cover as stated on your product's instructions (each item will have different instructions). Some covers will allow you to use the dryer as well. After the cover is fully dry, just zip it back onto your shape! It might be a tighter fit after the washing process, but it's the right size for your shape. Depending on which Liberator shape you own, you might have to get creative with storage. Some Liberator shapes can double as "yoga blocks" - which makes it easy to explain when anyone comes across the Ramp in the corner. Other shapes are harder to explain, and they may be better off in the back corner of your closet until you're ready to use them. What’s Most Popular? It's hard to beat the popularity of the wedge and ramp! Some of the oldest offerings from Liberator also happen to be their most popular. If a retailer carries these, they likely carry these two iconic shapes. Why such the popularity? Well, these two shapes are just so darn multi-faceted. Either shape can be used perfectly for lifting the hips perfectly during missionary position. Then the next night, you can lay over one for weight support during doggy style. The next night, the partner receiving oral sex can elevate their hips to allow for easier access (and less neck cramps!) for the giver. The next, the Wedge or Ramp can be used to elevate the hips for the laying partner on a "cowgirl" position. They're pretty versatile shapes; it's no surprise that they're some of the most popular shapes out there! Other Sex Accessories? Like many sex retailers, they craft a large variety of accessories designed to improve your sex. However, they go beyond just shapes. First off, you might find yourself wide-eyed by the large variety of sex furniture that they craft. These large pieces might rival the size of your couch! Each piece is crafted with the same attention to detail and features as their smaller-sized shapes - but much larger for full-body use. While it's much harder to hide these full furniture pieces, they can add a whole new dimension to your sex life - and who doesn't want to add furniture to their home that's purely designed for better sex? In addition to the furniture, Liberator also crafts full-sized sex beanbags designed for two (or more!) people! Second off, their Liberator Throws are regularly-recommended as a fantastic addition to the bedroom. A Liberator Throw is a waterproof blanket designed for sex. Unlike other "waterproof blankets" which look medical or are disposable, the Liberator Throw is designed to catch all of the messes - while looking like an integral and sensual part of your sexual experience. After you're done, just toss the blanket into the washing machine. The Liberator Throw is known as a fantastic accessory for squirters - or anyone else who likes wet, messy, or food play. It's available in a standard or a King-size. Protect your furniture while enjoying worry-free sex.

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Multiple Orgasms!

Blog – by Diskret Life

Multiple Orgasms!

You've had single orgasms, and you're ready to figure out how to have multiple orgasms. Maybe you've given it a couple of times and maybe this is your first stop on a curious journey, but either way, we're glad that you're looking for new pleasure avenue for your body! No matter what your genitals are, your body is likely capable of learning how to have multiple orgasms. Each distinct orgasm may not feel the same as the current orgasms you've grown to know and love, but with practice, self-learning, and time, it's possible for most bodies to learn to enjoy multiple climaxes. To get started on your journey to learn how to have multiple orgasms, start with these tips: How To Have Multiple Orgasms: Step 1: Stop Feeling the Pressure After the entire spiel, I know you're ready to jump into your masturbation session and force your body to do exactly what you want. It's YOUR body, after all - shouldn't it do what you want? Unfortunately, that type of mindset doesn't tend to work too well when it comes to learning how to have multiple orgasms (or in most sexual topics, really). Instead, you're going to have to learn how to let go of the pressures you're feeling to have those multiple orgasms. I know, I know. You're reading all of this to learn how to have multiple orgasms, and you're eager to put it into use. But at the same time, such a single-focus on a single "achievement" is surprisingly detrimental to your sexuality. What if your body doesn't do it easily? What if it takes months (or years!) to learn how to have multiple orgasms? If you're only focused on meeting your goal, you're going to feel awfully disappointed in yourself until you manage it. Another alternative is to focus on the pleasure and the journey. Instead of focusing on achieving those multiple orgasms, focus on the fact that you're learning new things about yourself. Your goals could include smaller, self-discovery things like "Find a new pleasure spot" or "Enjoy stimulation after my first orgasm". Focusing on the journey - and the self-discovery - that learning how to have multiple orgasms can give you is more likely to lead to success in the end.   Step 2: Schedule Lots of Time You probably have a good idea of how much time it takes for you to have a single orgasm. But if you're hoping to train your body into having multiple orgasms, you're likely going to need a lot more time than that. Especially if your body doesn't have single orgasms easily, you'll want to plan out a good amount of time - at least two hours. This gives you plenty of time in the process. It especially gives you a bit of time to enjoy the sensation of your growing arousal. "Quickie" is not the name of the game if you're trying to learn how to have multiple orgasms. Instead, you should be planning a "slow burn" of your arousal. The more aroused you are to begin, the easier it's going to be for your body to have a chance at multiple orgasms. Bask in the pleasure of the arousal and sexuality, and you're more-likely to enjoy those multiple orgasms. Step 3: Pick Your Favorite, Non-Numbing  Sex Toy Do you usually use your hands? What about sex toys? Depending on what's been going on, you might need to switch it up. If you've been trying to learn how to have multiple orgasms with your fingers without much luck, it might be time to give sex toys a try. If you've been trying to learn how to have multiple orgasms with your favorite wand vibrator, it might be time to give your fingers a try - or at least a different sex toy. While some sex toys work fantastically for the first orgasm, they can reduce sensation for further orgasms, so it's worth experimenting with a few different methods of pleasure to find a good one that seems like it might produce a lot of orgasmic results.   In particular, a lot of vagina-owning individuals are finding success with air-suction toys such as the Womanizer series or the Satisfyer series. These toys work by surrounding the clitoris and providing pleasurable, pulsating suction. Both lines of toys have been known to provide women's first experiences with multiple orgasms, and it might be worth exploring if you're not finding success with your current fingers and sex toys.   Step 4: Play as Much as You'd Like Now that you're set up and ready to play, it's time to do just that: play! Like we've mentioned before, you need to set aside some good time to enjoy that playtime. Let your fingers explore your body. Enjoy the building orgasmic energy as you get closer and closer to orgasm. You might even consider edging yourself and allowing yourself to get near to orgasm and then back away again. You might consider experimenting with your orgasmic cues and how you've always reached orgasm. I know, I know. You know exactly what your body likes, but that's just it: if we do what your body always does, your body is going to do what it always does! That means that it may not achieve those multiple orgasms from the way you're doing things. Instead, consider mixing things up. In particular, as you approach orgasm, consider pushing outwards instead of letting your muscles tighten. Consider focusing on allowing your body, and your muscles, to relax against the impending orgasm, and see if that allows your body to climb up that orgasmic wave again and again. Step 5: Never Cease Stimulation Another common tip that's given is to never cease stimulation. Even after you've had your orgasm and things feel sensitive, you need to continue to stimulate your orgasmic areas and your body. Even if it's not through direct pressure (as the area is too sensitive), consider playing around with the surrounding areas and keeping the sexual energy high instead of letting it drop back down. Multiple orgasms can be as mental as they are physical, and you need to keep your brain riding high on that sexual arousal! You've given those steps a chance, but you're still not finding that multi-orgasmic bliss that you've been dying for. That's perfectly fine! I'd never want you to stress about something that's integrated with your sex life, but at the same time, I understand if you're just trying to "find out what all the fuss is about". If your body isn't cooperating with some of the above tips, you might want to jump into the trenches and consider some of these more time-intensive options: How to Have Multiple Orgasms Troubleshooting: Read Some Books: I've given you some basic information on how to have multiple orgasms, but let's be fair: what I've written is nowhere near the depth and breadth of what you can find in a book purely designed for that purpose. Instead of a 10 minute read, you'll spend hours learning about the basics of your anatomy, how to improve the likelihood of enjoying multiple orgasms, and how to go about masturbating and having sex in a way that'll help your body coax out those waves of pleasure. So with that in mind, if you're ready to dive even further into the journey for multiple orgasms, it's time to pick up an educational book. Books we'd recommend include "The Multi-Orgasmic Woman" by Mantak Chia and Rachel Carlton Abrams, "The Multi-Orgasmic Man" by Mantak Chia and Douglas Abrams, "The Multi-Orgasmic Couple" by all four aforementioned authors, "The Ultimate Guide to Orgasm for Women" by Mikaya Heart, or "Female Ejaculation: Unleash the Ultimate G-Spot Orgasm" by Jeffre TallTrees and Somraj Pokras. While some of these books are specifically-focused on how to have multiple orgasms, others are just focused on orgasms in general - including how to get in touch with your body's orgasmic potential. That can help you down the road as you're trying to learn how to coax your body into enjoying multiple orgasms.   How to Have Multiple Orgasms Troubleshooting: Practice Those Kegels! Do you know that your pelvic floor muscles are pretty intricately tied into your orgasms and orgasmic potential? When you're getting close to orgasm, you can feel a tightening of the muscles around your genital areas. A good chunk of these muscles are part of the pelvic floor. That lovely tightening and releasing that you experience during orgasm? Yep, you guessed it! It's caused by the tightening and releasing of the muscles of the pelvic floor. As you can imagine, this makes your pelvic floor muscles - and their strength or lack thereof - an important part of your orgasmic potential. Some people find that their pelvic floor muscles are so tight after orgasm that it makes it near-impossible to get them to tighten strongly enough for another orgasm. Some people find that their pelvic floor muscles are so exhausted after the first orgasm that they're unable to tighten up enough to cause another orgasm. That's why knowing your body - and practicing your kegels - can be a fantastic addition to learning how to have multiple orgasms. Practice Kegel PC Muscles: Practicing your kegels doesn't have to be hard, either. First, in case you don't know what those muscles are, we need to give you a simple way to figure out where those muscles are located. Lucky for us, we use them multiple times a day. Next time you're peeing, stop midstream. There you go. Those are the pelvic floor muscles we need to target. Get an idea of what those muscles are, what they feel like to control, and then finish your restroom time.   At another time (doing kegels during urination is NOT recommended), you'll need to spend some time focusing on these muscles. Lucky for us, doing kegel exercises are virtually impossible to see (unless you have a “kegel exercise face”). That means you can do them while you're busy. Watching your favorite TV show on the couch? Think about your kegel muscles. Standing in line at your coffee shop? Could be kegel time. Bored at your office desk waiting for an e-mail response to come in? There you go: kegels! Kegal Workouts: So what are you supposed to do with those kegel muscles once you've "thought" about them? Well, you're supposed to work them out - just like any other muscle on the body! That includes tightening them and releasing the tension - over and over. As you start, you might consider a simple exercise such as "Tighten as tight as possible for 5 seconds then slowly release the tension for 5 seconds then repeat". As you get better at isolating those muscles, you might reduce the seconds to 3 seconds or 2 seconds. As your experience grows, you may even consider small "pulses" of the muscles - maybe even to the beat of your favorite music! The important part is that you're isolated the muscles, squeezed them, and made them workout. Once you feel like you're ready for more of a challenge, it might be time to consider picking up kegel balls - or reading some articles about advanced kegel exercises. In the journey to learn how to have multiple orgasms, being in touch with your pelvic floor muscles and having control over them can go a long way!

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Oral Sex Seduction!

Blog – by Diskret Life

Oral Sex Seduction!

Who doesn’t like the act of Cunnilingus (aka yoni worship), btw did that word make you cringe or did it send a wave of orgasmic bliss down your spin? Don’t worry ladies I am diving deep into the art of fellatio (lingam worship) as well. Now don’t be shy we all love oral sex and having our vagina’s and penis’s worshipped and aroused via a nice moist mouth. Let’s talk about the ever so magical vagina/ yoni and how incredibly juicy it is. Without it, we would not be here, let us not forget the spark plug to our desire (the clitoris). Not every owner of a vagina loves clitoral stimulation, but those of us who do are typically BIG fans. I felt that this would be an excellent opportunity to talk, clitoris-owner to clitoris-lover, Clitoris- enthusiast or those who are hoping to become one. In case you have never seen a vulva, save yourself the neck ache of leaning over and spreading. Here is a labeled diagram of an incredible beautiful yoni. Also, don’t despair I have more links and reads for you to indulge in some highly informative yoni 101 information. Before we go any further, make sure your body is in good health and not carrying any STDs. Oral Sex “The Penis”: Ladies if you have yet to worship a penis lingam or are one of the few women that closes their eyes while performing this incredibly pleasurable act lets take you through the 101’s on the penis (umm yes it’s a diagram of the penis). “Fellatio,” comes from the Latin, fellare, to suck. Fellatio is popular but by no means universal. According to a recent survey by researchers at Indiana University’s Kinsey Institute, 60 to 90 percent of adult men have received oral sex at least once, with 50 to 80 percent of those age 21 to 49 saying they’ve received oral sex during the past year—20 to 50 percent of men over 50. If your lovemaking includes fellatio (oral sex), here’s how women can boost their own confidence and men’s enjoyment. Okay so some woman are not givers, however, expect to always be receivers of pleasure, hate to burst your bubble but this is a two-way street where all desire is created equal. Oral Sex “Communication”: Before any acts of sexual delight begin always make sure that you and your lover are on the same page and want the same thing ( consent is sexy). You should check in multiple times with your lover. If you are unsure about whether or not it is okay to kiss them, ASK. Once you have permission, you can start thinking about the heavier stuff. Oral sex isn’t nearly as exciting, literally and figuratively, without a hot, lengthy make-out session. Before you even think to take off their undergarments, you should spend time kissing and exploring their bodies. This experience is new to you, so relish it. Make them feel wanted. Start with the neck and kiss their backs and tummies before you even get their bra (if they wear one) off. This is a tip for the men. A lot of women simply don’t feel comfortable receiving oral sex. Oral Sex for Women: For some women, this is due to insecurities about their scent or taste, or their internalized beliefs that their genitals are “ugly”. Some worry that their partners are finding the experience unpleasant. Others dislike being the center of attention or find themselves unable to relax when receiving. Women are socialized to be hypercritical of their bodies, so having your eyes, nose, and mouth right in the middle of one of the most sensitive parts of the female body is going to evoke at least a little resistance. Do not even think of touching any part of your partner’s vagina with dry fingers or lips. Remember your diagram: Outer labia/lips, inner labia/lips, vaginal entry toward the bottom, clitoris and its external hood to the top. All parts should have your attention. If you are so inclined (as well as your partner), there is also the ass to consider. For now, consider that a lovely area to grasp on to when you are really getting into things. If You’re a beginner take it easy on yourself and focus on learning one new thing at a time. I just need your extra time and your kiss- Prince These crib notes aren’t just intended for the gentleman as I realize woman also love to give oral sex to other women so do with this information as you please. Now to begin breathing through your nose, otherwise, you may accidentally blow a raspberry on her Yoni/vagina Keep your lips close to the labia and kiss it, drag your tongue over it, and then use more pressure and force. Slip your tongue inside, along with a finger or two.  Make a beckoning motion with a finger or two if they like being penetrated. Your partner will let you know if it is okay to put more in there. I also always have a clitoral stimulator nearby aka a vibrator I highly recommend the we-vibe touch. This incredible love tool is pure silicone, waterproof, rechargeable with eight vibrations make her moan and scream with pleasure.     Give oral sex everything you got: Every part – outer and inner labia, vagina, clitoral hood, clitoris– should be licked, kissed, and made to feel warm, wet, and wanted. Long, flat licks work really well on me because they cover so much area. The clitoris has over 8,000 nerve endings whereas the penis has around 4,000. Keep that in mind before you spend too much time on it unless you are directed to do so.  The clit is also a lot like a tiny little penis, so if you have ever gone down on one, it’s not much different.  As it swells, you can see that the little button is like the head of a penis, and is at the tip of a shaft. That small shaft needs to be stimulated, as well, either orally or with your fingers. Rub up and down with your mouth and/or fingers while stimulating the tip (or not the tip, depending on how much stimulation your partner can handle). According to Dr Lisa she states that women do not have an orgasm through vaginal penetration and that many times it is only achieved through clitoral stimulation. About 70 percent of women experience situational anorgasmia, which is when a woman is able to orgasm only during certain situations, such as through oral sex or masturbation, just some food for thought. Silence is not golden in the oral sex arena: If you are confused, ask what your partner likes. For those reading this that are on the receiving end, make sure you are telling your partner when they are doing a good job or when they’re doing something that you are not fond of.  They’re not a mind reader though they should be able to catch non-verbal cues.  Make it easy on both of you by telling them when something feels incredible.  The good people at Good Therapy have an insightful article in the art of communication, My personal favorite is about Understanding and communication ins which they state -“Listening can be tough, especially when the other person is saying something that triggers a defensive response in you. Remind yourself that you will also have a turn; right now it’s important to tune in and not interrupt. Make eye contact and be fully present with your partner. You can demonstrate being present by focusing exclusively on the conversation and what’s being said. It might be helpful to view the discussion as involving two subjective perspectives rather than one person being “right” or “wrong”. If you’re not clear on something, ask a thoughtful question or two to make sure you really understand. You might even say, “Am I getting that right?” or, “I want to make sure I understand; tell me if I’m hearing you correctly” Take turns talking and listening to each other. Spending just 10 minutes focused on the other person sharing their perspective can make a significant difference. If you find things are escalating, take a 5-minute break and come back.” Don’s stop till you get enough- MJ Just keep doing it, my loves!  It might take a while, or you may have one of those magical folks who get off right away. You may also have a partner who has multiple orgasms, so what are multiple orgasms? Multiple orgasms occur when a person climaxes more than once during a period of sexual activity. They are more common in women, but not all women have them. Most women have the capacity to have multiple orgasms, but past research suggests only about 15% actually do. Multiple orgasms have not been studied extensively, and much of what is known comes from patients’ personal stories. There are also varying definitions of what multiple orgasms are. For example, some experts believe that multiple orgasms occur one right after the other, with little “down time” in between. Women stay aroused in between each one. You will get tired.  If you need a break, use the flat part of your tongue and do the wide, long laps from bottom to top.  Conversely, you can bite your tongue to use your neck muscles rather than your tongue muscles.  It creates a firm tongue that you can drag all over the place.  This has been especially effective for me when really going at it once we’ve gotten to the brink of orgasm. Once the inner thighs start trembling, here is your signal to continue as you are now in the promised land, congratulations you have officially rocked your lover’s world. Let’s head down the path of fellatio shall we, I love to call this act of love lingam/penis worship. Ladies and for those gentlemen who love giving other gentlemen this type of pleasure this part if for you. So just like us woman, men are also self-conscious about their penis size, it is known as penis anxiety and is real and common: In one study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, 30 percent of tested were very dissatisfied with their penis size. The study found no link, however, between size anxiety and actual penis size. Not all erections were created equal. Those who measured their penises after oral sex or intercourse sported larger penises than those who relied on fantasy alone, the study found. So be aware that he might perhaps be as uncomfortable as you are going into this act of pleasure. Lets head down the path of fellatio shall we, I love to call this act of love lingam/penis worship. Ladies and for those gentlemen who love giving other gentlemen this type of pleasure this part if for you. Your Eyes are the windows to seduce his soul: There is nothing that arouses your partner more than your eyes as you unzip their pants, next to this exhilarating move is be enthusiastic. Do not cover your head in the bed sheets as you are in complete control of your lover, what could be more exciting than that! You might want to start with teasing just the head of the penis with the tongue or just licking the shaft. Again, take your time. Watch his reactions. Remember that the head is the most sensitive part of the penis for many men, and could be a great place to start, or it may be too much at first. When you feel you are ready to go a little further, you might want to incorporate your hand along with your mouth, either grasping the base of the penis (you can try stroking if you feel coordinated) or massaging the testicles, or both.   Keep it interesting, Play with speed and motion: Once you have his penis in your mouth, there are a few things you can do. Experiment with the speed of movement, alternating between fast and slow. Take breaks if you’re tired or if your jaw starts to hurt. You can alternate your blowjob with hand-job or Boob-Job break, perhaps this the perfect time to gather some lube. When it comes to lube I always highly recommend water lube, silicon tends to be harder to clean and gathers bacteria rapidly. At this point in the game you might want to ask your lover to let you know when he is about to finish, perhaps you like his milkshake on your body or you don’t mind drinking him down. The key to swallowing for a beginner is not tasting it. An advanced head giver might play with it in their mouth but that’s your choice. I’m not one for interrupting the moment, so I don’t recommend spitting it out (unless you’re going to sop it back up). When that tangy (sometimes bitter) secretion flows, think of it as yogurt and swallow. I can not express the importance of consistent communication also be intuitive watch his body as this will indicate if he is nearly about to ejaculate and or still has some time to reach his climax. Oral Sex Conclusion: As we reach the end it is important to remember that both men and woman truly enjoy the act of oral sex, although some more than others. Oral sex gives you permission to express yourself in a new way, showing your lover how much you're enjoying their generous oral stimulation. The sexiest oral sex is the one that allows you to fully enjoy your lover's stimulation, so explore the find What would work best for you and your lover.

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Prostate Orgasms!

Blog – by Diskret Life

Prostate Orgasms!

Most sexually curious men and women are interested in anal play, and more specifically how to stimulate the prostate for the most pleasure. Prostate orgasms and prostate play have not been truly explored until more recently. Sure, anal sex has been going on for thousands of years but documenting the process of stimulating the specific p-spot zone known for pleasure is relatively new to us. There is still a lot to learn about prostate play and we have only scratched the surface of its true capabilities to bring male pleasure. In this guide, we will explain everything about prostate play and prostate orgasms. Where the prostate is located, how to stimulate it, how to achieve orgasm from it and different positions to bring the most pleasure. This is an easy to follow guide that takes a lot of medical research and simplifies it for all to unlock the enormous pleasure the p-spot can provide. Prostate Orgasm 101: Prostate Location: The first and most important thing to achieve prostate orgasm and even prostate stimulation is of course locating exactly where the prostate is! Like the female g-spot the male p-spot is NOT located 8” in the body. The stereotype of needing a large penis to hit the g-spot or p-spot is scientifically false. The prostate gland is 3-4” from the beginning of the anal cavity. It’s about 1” across and is just behind the deepest portion of the penis. The gland runs across the urethra. The only way to directly stimulate the prostate is through the urethra (which is not for the faint of heart). The good news is through the anal cavity you can stimulate the prostate, not directly, but still can provide all the prostate stimulation you need. This is the most common way of stimulating the prostate and providing prostate orgasms. Prostate Function: The prostate has more function than just providing mind blowing prostate orgasms. The prostate gland’s main function is to secrete prostate fluid, which is one of the components of semen. It also helps propel this seminal fluid through the urethra during ejaculation. A lot of men say that prostate massages feel like the beginning of an orgasm. That is because during ejaculation the prostate squeezes to mix and propel the sperm and fluid out of the body. So just imagine that feeling of just before orgasm lasting for as long as you want. Now you know why prostate play and prostate orgasms are so popular among men! The Dark & Mysterious Prostate Orgasm! Anal sex has been around for thousands of years, but prostate stimulation and prostate orgasms are relatively new to us. Not to say they didn’t experiment with anal play back in the day, the actual process of stimulating the prostate to achieve orgasm hasn’t been documented or understood until modern science dove deeper. Naturally because it is new to us it’s considered this dark and mysterious act that only the taboo partake in. Which in reality… is quite sad! The pleasure of the prostate orgasm needs to be explored by all men! Here is the general process that men go through just before and during prostate orgasms. This is what men can expect after exploring prostate playmultiple times…usually most men are nervous and uncomfortable the first time. This is common, after a few times of anal play and prostate massaging you will get more comfortable with it to the point of experiencing a prostate orgasm! Prostate Orgasm Mindset: The first step in achieving a prostate orgasm is getting in the correct mindset. If this is your first-time diving into prostate play, the mindset play’s and even larger role in making it a pleasurable experience. You should start with a bowel movement an hour or longer before you get started. This will help purge your system. Then follow up with a warm shower and clean your butt with warm soap water. This will give you a sense of relief during anal play that your all clean and ready to go down there. It is extremely important when you crawl into bed that your comfortable and relaxed. This calm state of mind will help relax your entire body and help loosen your anal muscles to receive your finger, partners finger, anal sex toy, or a partner’s penis. Practice taking some deep inhales and exhaling slowly to help slow your heart beat. Turn some soft music on, light some great smelling candles, dim the lights… whatever helps you get relaxed and comfortable. Mind & Body Stimulation: The second step in achieving prostate orgasm is you or a partner must stimulate your prostate. This is where all the fun begins! Start shallow and slow to start. Use lots of lube, lube, and more lube! If I didn’t stress this enough… use lube! The anal cavity does not produce a natural lubricate like the vagina and requires lube for pleasure and prostate orgasm. Start with a small anal sex toy or a finger unless you’re experienced in anal play. Lube up your anus and finger… start by applying light pressure around your anus and then over the top of your anus. Pulse the pleasure with your finger and do this until your completely turned on. Either massage your penis with the other hand, watch porn or if your partner is involved have them stimulate you too. To receive anal pleasure being turned on beforehand is critical. Prostate Stimulation: Increase the pressure of your pulsating finger over your anus until you enter your anal cavity. Start shallow and when you feel comfortable progressively enter more and more of your finger. Fecal matter is stored much higher in your intestines so don’t worry about touching any waste, if you are really concerned you can wear a latex glove or use a condom over your finger. If this is your first anal play experience and you are using an anal sex toy, it may feel uncomfortable at first. If you experience any pain or bleeding make sure to stop immediately. You may feel slight discomfort when stretching over the bulb end, this is normal. Just proceed unless the pain is too much, you should pause and try again or stop all together. Once the large bulb end is in, it will feel much more comfortable and relaxed. Prostate Massage to Achieve Prostate Orgasm: Now that you have stimulated your mind and your anus, its time to stimulate your prostate. Work your finger or anal sex toy about 3-4 inches in your body. The prostate will feel similar in size and consistency to a walnut. It is facing towards your stomach and penis. Once you find it, gently start massaging it. Start with slow circular patterns or the “come here” motion. Start with light pressure and increase until your desired need. If you are preforming this on your partner, make sure to communicate to find the ideal speed and pressure. You can also try the contract and release method. This is where you flex and release your pelvic floor muscles also known as your PC muscles. These are the same muscles you start and stop the flow of urine with. In fact, you can practice training you PC muscles the next time you go to the bathroom to understand how to “flex” them. Then reenact this sensation during your next prostate massage to help achieve prostate orgasm. I suggest holding the flex for a few seconds and then slowly releasing. Why Flex your PC Muscles for Prostate Orgasm? When you flex your PC muscles the rectal wall muscles are slightly drawing the sex toy in and out, causing it to bump against the prostate gland. This is massaging your prostate hands free! The harder you contract the harder the bump will become. This is very good control over massaging your own prostate and it creates pleasure that builds towards prostate orgasm. Keep in mind that prostate orgasm is NOT the ultimate goal. Simply receiving pleasure through anal stimulation is the goal and can be extremely fun and pleasurable. If you receive a prostate orgasm on top this… it’s considered the cherry on top! If you are new to flexing your PC muscles, it will be difficult to keep going as those muscles are not trained yet for this activity. You will improve over time, same as you would training your arms, chest, or legs at the gym. Contractions Leading to Prostate Orgasm: The first sign you are heading towards a prostate orgasm is contractions. Stimulate the prostate until you are receiving minor PC muscle and sphincter contractions involuntarily. You’ll notice a slight sensation of fullness and warmth in the anus and surrounding pelvic area. Building up to Prostate Orgasm: The second sign you are heading towards prostate orgasm is the increasing tension around the area of your prostate gland. The contractions behind your pubic bone start to intensify and the warming sensation in your rectum grows. If you are starting to experience these sensations your preforming your prostate massage correctly. Continue to do this towards achieving your prostate orgasm. Concentrate on how you got to this point. The process, your mindset, the technique you used… This will make getting to this point much easier the next time around. Trembling to Your Prostate Orgasm: This is where it starts to get really good… As you start to transition from the increasing tension and warming sensation into a prostate orgasm your body may start to tremble involuntarily. It’s generally focused around the pelvic area. But if you’re lucky, you’ll experience it as a full body tremble. At this stage its important to continue stimulating your prostate in the same manor you had done to get here. It’s working well, so don’t change it up now! You’re getting closer to a prostate orgasm that will blow your mind. Any slight change of pressure or movement could cause you to lose it. For many men, this where the erection starts. But don’t focus on the penis, simply leave it alone. Stimulating this at the same time could distract focus away from the prostate orgasm and lose the momentum you have built. Just let the hard-on happen. It’s all apart of the experience. The Big Bang! (Prostate Orgasm): Now its time for the big bang, better known as a prostate orgasm! Most men report a prostate orgasm as being 33% more intense than a normal orgasm. After the buildup and trembling, this is where the PC muscles start the most intense stage of contractions and release. The feeling of fullness and warmth around your rectum will be at an all time high. Your penis may go soft, this is common it doesn’t matter since the prostate orgasm your about to experience is much more powerful than anything your penis can provide. The incredible p-wave will radiate throughout the mid-section of your body. The best part of a prostate orgasm is there is no refectory period. You don’t have to stop and wait to recover like a normal orgasm. Keep going for as long as you feel comfortable. The sensation will overwhelm your entire body with complete ecstasy! Recommended Anal Sex Toys: PFUN Plug One of the best anal sex toys to train your p-spot is the Pfun Plug by Njoy. It is shaped specifically to hit the p-spot and the size is reasonable for any beginner to intermediate level person. It is 100% stainless steel so it is very easy to clean up after anal play, and has a large flared base to prevent you from “losing it” inside your rectum.   Bruno: Want a soft silicone butt plug designed specifically for anal stimulation? This is an amazing anal sex toy from Lelo called “Bruno”. It is waterproof, rechargeable, and provides and intense vibration to stimulate the P-spot beyond belief. Bootie Ring: Looking for a different way to mix up your prostate orgasm and anal play? This is a bootie ring that is similar to a butt plug but branches forward as cockring too! Once you get the butt plug in, wrap the ring around your penis. Then when you masturbate or have penetrative sex, with each thrust the ring pulls on the plug which stimulates your prostate. It is an incredible sensation like nothing else!

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Blog – by Diskret Life


Sure, everyone has heard of light bondage… Over 80% of American couples have even said they’ve dabbled in it. But what if I told you “light bondage” is only scratching the surface of what is really out there. What if I told you “light bondage” can be awkward, intimidating, and even painful if not done properly (many of you are shaking your head up and down as you know exactly what I’m talking about). A bit a practice and education can take bondage from awkward to an “out of body” experience of pleasure and euphoria for both of you. My goal is to educate you on light bondage first, but then dive deep into the world of Shibari and the most extreme forms of rope bondage. Shibari, rigger, rope bunny, kinbaku… What the heck are we talking about? “Were talking about using bindings to help with your bonding” A sense and feeling of closeness to your partner like never before! I’m talking about building the anticipation with each and every knot tied, leading to the most mind-blowing sensual experience of your life… But let’s back it up a minute, we need to walk before we run. Here is the last guide you'll ever need to rope bondage and shibari: Light Bondage: When I say “light bondage” the first thing that comes to mind is an amateur couple who saw 50 shades of grey and though that looks hot let’s give it a go! To be clear, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! I love the fact couples can watch a sexy movie like that and are willing to try something new! Everyone needs to start somewhere, and while you might not be a Kinbaku rope master… So what, you’re pushing the limits and having fun with it! Sometimes the word “bondage” gets confused with metal handcuffs, chains, and leather straps. But you don’t need to go this hardcore. Shabari and rope tying can come after a lot of “light bondage” sessions. Light bondage is more up the alley of loosely binding the wrists with a scarf, tie, or stocking. Using things like a blindfold and feather to tease and heighten the sensation. How Do I Initiate Light Bondage?   If you both have mutual consent, trust, communication and a desire to expand your sexual boundaries; this will be a walk in the park! The next time you’re fooling around, roll your partner on their back and straddle them. Raise their arms over their head and bound their hands. Then… Have your way with them. Building the anticipation is key here. Lick, caress, kiss, and massage your way up and down their body. Dominating can be intoxicating, but surrender is sweet. If you both enjoy the experience and looking to ramp up the heat, start using additional accessories like a blindfold, feather, pinwheel, whip, or sex toy (find here). You can also start dabbling in new rope positions such as tying their hands and their feet, or their hands behind their back. Remember, the pleasure is in the journey, not just in the penetration although it often leads to this... If you both really enjoy the light bondage; the actual act of tying and being tied… you should consider trying Shibari or Kinbaku. What is Kinbaku? In the theme of Japanese sayings: “To understand Shibari, you must first understand Kinbaku. “ Think Macro vs. Micro. Some also think of it as  Authentic Japanese Vs. Western Culture. Kinbaku means “tight binding” and Kinbaku-bi means “the beauty of tight binding”. Kinbaku is a Japanese style of bondage which involves tying a person using a simple yet visually appealing pattern using a series of rope knots. This is typically done with a thin piece of rope in a symmetrical pattern throughout. Kinbaku bondage started as a sexual activity in Japan around the early 1600’s. But tying someone up to have sex with them is not exactly what it’s all about... The aesthetics of the binding are extremely important, and the journey of tying or being tied is just as important as the sexual aspect. These bindings are distinguished by it’s use of specific form and rules. For example; most Kinbaku bondage is asymmetric and often intentionally uncomfortable positions are employed on the person being tied. The person being tied is usually naked leading to heavy sexual reference. It can often lead to sexual activities during or after being tied, but is certainly not the sole focus.   There are a lot of different views between what exactly Shibari is vs. what Kinbaku is. But without getting to involved; most think of Kinbaku as an artistic, connective, sensual, and sexual practice as a whole. It is a term for artistic or erotic tying within traditional Japanese rope bondage circles. What is Shibari?     On the flip side of Kinbaku, most think Shibari strictly refers to artistic, aesthetic rope bondage, without the focus on sexual activities. It’s also been said that Shibari is a Western misuse of Japanese vocabulary. The word denotes “tying” in a generic way not in the specific context of bondage. However, now-a-day Kinbaku and Shibari are virtually interchangeable. Both are extremely common among the tight knit communities that tie (you see what I did there?). I can even say, in Japan, they use Shibari very frequently without looking upon it as a negative term developed by Western society. So, in the end people have their theory on the difference, but “potato or patato”. They both refer to very technical rope bondage with some sensual focus. They heavily emphasize the journey over the destination. Shibari attracts a lot of BDSM players who want to take their bondage experience to the next level. The Shibari Bondage Technique: Shibari is based on a specific rope patterns, many were derived from Hojojutsu, but modified to be made safe. Hojojutsu were Japanese ties that were deliberately designed to cause a prisoner harm; hence why they had to be modified for erotic bondage! The basis of most Shibari ties stem from a type of box ties which surrounds the chest and arms. There are many different Shibari patterns I will touch on later. But from a technique standpoint, you really need to think about what you and your partner want out of the experience. Do you want to just feel bound up, or do you want to feel pain, get comforted while tied (like having your back/arms/hands rubbed) or whatever else. Talk about it and have a game plan of ties going into your first session. Don’t forget the teasing, dirty talk, foreplay, denial play, and edging to go with it all. Remember if you want it to be a more sexual experience to build this anticipation throughout the entire session. The options are endless, so be creative, fun, and above all safe! Rope Bunny Vs. Rigger BDSM: Throughout the BDSM community the individual being tied and the one doing the tying have been given the terms Rope Bunny and Rigger. Here is what you need to know about each: Bondage Rigger:   A bondage rigger can be a person of any gender who practices the art of tying bondage, although often pictured the male, lots of women participate as the rigger too! There are a lot of different reasons one becomes a bondage rigger. It could be as a form of art, BDSM play, personal enjoyment, or a profit enterprise for teaching others. The bondage rigger doesn’t always have to tie a person up. They can tie themselves up in a form called self-rigging or self-suspension. The rigger term itself comes from sailing, when it was applied to the person who was responsible for the ropes that controlled the sails. (well that makes more sense now!) Rope Bunny:   On the flip side of the BDSM rigger, you have the rope bunny. The rope bunny is someone who is tied up with rope by another individual. Rope bunny can also be referred to as the model who is tied up to demonstrate the shibari techniques and knots. Some individuals in the BDSM and kink community see the term “rope bunny” as a name towards a victim, instead of an active participant in the tying. So a more neutral term “rope bottom” is also used. Most rope bunny’s really enjoy the power exchange that comes with being tied up. They are helpless, controlled, and restrained. This can be a big turn on for those who on the flip side are controlling or have more powerful roles on a day-to-day basis. The tight sensation and look of the rope wrapped around their skin is very sensual in nature. There is a degree of risk when being a rope bunny though. Make sure you read about the correct safety procedures below and only work with riggers you trust. My First Rope Bondage Experience?   There is a long lists of reasons people practice, participate, and love shibari. But first, I need to tell my personal story, perhaps you can relate. When I first met my boyfriend, he had practiced shibari for some time. He enjoyed both rigging and being tied. I was always skeptical but let him practice with others and continue to do what he loved. I wasn’t going to ruin something he enjoyed even if I wasn’t immediately ready to immerse myself into that world. Light bondage sure, but being tied for an hour… I was skeptical I could receive much pleasure form that. After about a year of being heavily involved in the bdsm community due to my business “Diskret” and my boyfriend who tied; my curiosity got the best of me. I decided to give Shibari a shot! I’m a bit of a control freak, my boyfriend knew that, so it was not easy for me to overcome my fear of being tied, restricted, and not being able to move. My boyfriend helped ease my mind and started slow. Just one arm, then one leg. It was okay, nothing to special in my mind. I was just proud I didn’t freak out. I finally agreed to a full tie session. Head to toe, immerse myself in the rope and give it a go. I figured I would freak out, be super bored, or love it and finally understand why so many others do too. So, when we were at a kink party one night, I decided to let him tie me in front of others for a show. He was super surprised, and also extremely excited. I could tell by the look on his face he was questioning if I was sure I wanted to do this… I assured him I was ready and went over to the mattress where he began to slowly tie me. Something about the atmosphere, the darkness, the people watching, the comfort and confidence I had in my boyfriend… I was out like a light! I seriously do not remember much... He was halfway up my leg and arm and I floated away off in my own world. On a cloud, like the “out of body” experiences you see in movies. I don’t have anything to really compare it too… But I can imagine it would be like a very powerful psychedelic drug. I didn’t freak out, I wasn’t bored, I was extremely calm actually. I loved the feeling of the rope slowly wrapping my body, I remember others at the party talking, and can slightly remember him checking in with me. Making sure I was okay, although I cant remember my exact responses. For a while the only things I could get out of my mouth were small moans. Time drifted away, and when I was finally untied, I sat up mind-less like I was on the ultimate "rope high". I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t grab my drink, my boyfriend caressed my shoulders as I relaxed and came down from my rope bondage high. It took hours for me to become completely coherent again. I know how strange and absurd this sounds now. But those who have tied and been rope bunnys for a long time know exactly what I am talking about. Not everyone experiences this rope high on there first try. I get that I was lucky. I contribute it to a few factors: I am a control freak and seldom let go of all control like this. I trusted my boyfriend to tie since I’ve seen him do it so many times, and I was also joining a community I understood and grew to love. I quickly understood why so many men and women love Shibari bondage! Shabari is passion, lust, erotic, and a form of deep meditation. I want to be tied! What Do I Do? So, you want to be a rope bunny ehh? Great! Well you’re not alone. The shibari bondage community is growing big and its really not that difficult with mainstream media to find others with the same interest, passion, and love for rope bondage. This makes finding a qualified rigger easier than 10 years ago when it was just an underground community. Rope Bondage: When practicing shibari you really need to focus on a few things. The pleasure, yes of course, but your safety is always the number one priority. If you’re being tied, your well-being is placed in the hands of your rigger. It is imperative they know what they are doing. If done improperly they can cut of blood circulation to any limb of the body. Shibari Safety The most important thing when practicing Shibari is communication. The rigger should check in with his subject being tied. How frequently that needs to occur is really based on the experience level and comfortability of both the rope bunny and BDSM rigger. At a minimum they should check in after each major knot that is tied. A good rigger will ask how you feel and what sensations are you feeling throughout. The rigger should know what knots apply pressure to specific nerves and understand the sensations associated with compression on them. Scissors: It’s always a good idea to keep a heavy duty pair of medical grade scissors nearby. In case of an emergency the rigger can quickly cut the knots away. Safe word: You should also have a safe word. Some BDSM and kink couples say “stop” but really want to keep going; It’s a form of dominance play. If that’s the case, make sure you have a random safe word that means stop immediately. Stretch & Hydrate: I can tell you from personal experience, I’ve had to pull the trigger on safe words when cramping during a Shibari session. It can be so hot and sexy, yet nothing kills the buzz quicker than a bad cramp in the leg or arm that you can’t stretch due to being tied up. The pain can be intense on these cramps, and I might even have the rigger cut the ropes away depending on how bad it is. The best way to prevent cramping during your next kinbaku session? Make sure to drink water and stretch plenty. It’s a good idea to start drinking extra water the day before. It's also a buzz kill and hard to focus if you have to pee after being tied up! So, slim back on the water an hour or two before your session. Food: For some, it's all about being comfortable when the rope bunny. Make sure you have a decent meal in you and hydrate. If you get hungry halfway through, well that’s just to bad! It then becomes hard to focus and relax. Not a big deal on quick ties, but if you plan to be tied for a few hours, don’t forget a snack ahead of time! What rope ties should I learn?   I always say a blog or book is not the best place to learn the exact Shibari rope ties. While you can get a good understanding of what Kinbaku is, how it is performed, and why it is performed. The exact ties are best learned from a rigging master, videos, and tutorials (will link you to the best at the end). Here is a list you can ask a rigging master about or research on your own to get you started: Single wrist binding Both wrists binding Handcuff binding Prisoner handcuff binding Hands behind the back binding High hands behind the back binding Hands behind the head tie Tasuki (kimono string) tied Crotch rope tie Turtle (diamond pattern) binding Upright standing binding Cross-legged binding Shrimp binding Reverse shrimp binding Standing partial suspension One foot lifted partial suspension Hanging letter M, open leg binding Reverse hanging shrimp binding Reverse prayer hands Arms bound in front Legs bound together Rifle tie Futomomo -Leg, calf to thigh High Hands on Front Tie How Do I Find A Master BDSM Rigger?   If you want to learn from a master BDSM or get tied by one, where do you look? It’s not like you can head to your local grocery store and start asking people “hey, are you a BDSM master rigger by chance”? Can you imagine the looks… haha! But have no fear, social media is here! Today with the online communities its really not as hard as you’d think to find the Shibari community. Hell one #kinbaku on Instagram gives me 60,000 images. So, if your looking for a Shibari master check out places like this: Twitter Instagram Facebook Fetlife Reddit (sub categories) Kink Parties Kink Expos Sex Toy Expos Porn Expos Maybe even your local grocery store? 😉 I want to try Shibari & Kinbaku. What Do I need? You need a rigger and a rope bunny, some shibari rope, and additional sex toys if you so desire. You should also have medical grade scissors and a safe word for safety. But most importantly you’ll need a good quality rope. Even with a high-quality rope, if you’re a beginner I suggest staying away from “crotch ties”. Leave these to once you gain more experience, crotch ties can be extremely uncomfortable unless tied right. Also, without the proper rope they can be horrible. Make sure it is made from silk for hemp to help avoid itching, burning sensations. Best Shibari Rope:   Here is my favorite Shibari rope. It comes in 5 meter long or 10 meter long natural pure hemp rope. You can also get it in a softer silky-smooth black rope. They have metal tips to prevent them from unwinding and are perfect for erotic bondage. BDSM Handcuffs:   If you want some BDSM play without the knot tying, the best option would be bondage handcuffs. They are a quick and easy way to hold your partners hands above their head, behind their back, or to an object like a bedpost. I prefer using leather ones, they are usually more comfortable, and feel less like a criminal during use. Check these BDSM handcuffs out if you’re interested. Silk Bondage Rope:   Here is my favorite silk bondage rope. It is 72” long and made from pure silky-smooth polyester. It has a little more stretch and give to it than natural hemp rope. It’s a sexy dark grey color and will keep your partner comfortable for those long tying sessions. Silicone Bondage ties:   Buttery smooth silicone that stretches over your wrists and ankles… Perfectly conforming to every contour of you body. These silicone bondage ties are a very unique way to tie someone up. They are different and take some getting used to. They don’t lay perfectly flat, and can pinch your arm/leg hair a bit if not laid proper. But believe me, they are incredible once you get the hang of. I love you still have some flex. You’re not locked 100% only 95% so you can still twist and contort if you need to find a more comfortable position. Here is a great article on them if you need more info! Shibari Accessories:   With any Shibari experience, you want to keep the rope bunny entertained. This can be difficult unless you’re a rigger who constantly is contorting and moving the rope bunny to his set positions. One great way to keep them intrigued, turned-on, and forever fantasying is with accessories. Try some of these accessories during your next light bondage, erotic bondage, or shibari experience to keep thing mysterious and pleasurable! Tantra Feather Sex Pinwheel Suede Whip Pegging Equipment (female riggers) Leather Harnesses Flogger Spanking Paddle Blindfold Crop Nipple Clamps Water-Based Lube Gag Ball You can use your imagination and quickly visualize how anyone of these shibari accessories could enhance the rope tie experience. **Each shibari accessory is a link to a high quality product offered from Diskret. How Do I Make Erotic Rope Bondage Even Better?                     While tying someone up is a lot of fun, make sure to keep the person being tied entertained too. Some rope bunnies enjoy the tying session to be more erotic in nature. If you’re with a partner and plan to use the shibari as foreplay leading to penetrative sex; bring the accessories out to keep them turned on and craving more the entire time you’re tying them. Building the anticipation and bringing them close to orgasm before stopping is one of the hottest ways to preform rope bondage. Have them “edge” multiple times before penetration even occurs! You have so many different options to use on them during the bondage experience, but here are some you must try at least once! Wand Vibrators: One of the most common forms of stimulating a female rope bunny. Wand vibrators are extremely powerful and provide huge waves of clitoral stimulation. You can tie her in a fashion that the wand vibrator is automatically held against her body, or tie her hand holding it so she can apply the wand vibrator when she desires. A common tie is wrapping the rope around her inner thigh and the wand, making the vibrating wand head to sit directly on her vagina and clitoris. This can make her orgasm hard while being restrained. While I wont link to it because that’s totally NSFW, check out Owen Gray with a wand vibrator on PornHub. He knows how to use one with or without bondage 😉 Check out the 6 most powerful wand vibrators here. Butt Plugs Try inserting a butt plug into the bondage bunny before you start tying. This provides pleasure with each twisting on the legs or torso; which happens a lot throughout the tying process. Get a vibrating butt plug and turn it on and off as you bring them closer and closer to the most powerful orgasm of their life… All while being tied and restrained. The rigger can also use a butt plug. This will give them additional pleasure while they tie, and since it is hands free… Why not? Find the best butt plugs here Ben-Wa-Balls Some women find sliding in ben-wa-balls before going to a dinner party sexy. Believe me, I find that sexy too... But if you want a similar sensation, slide ben-wa-balls into the female rope bunny before you start to tie her. She will be rolling, twisting, and turning with pleasure from the balls the entire time you tie her! A female rigger can also slide these in before starting to tie since they are hands free. She can then do extraordinary sex dominant things later with them (such as have the rope bunny lick them). Find high-quality Ben-Wa-Balls here A Cockring A cockring should always be in the arsenal of a male rigger. Is it common in Shibari or Kinbaku to use cockrings? Not really… But I’m not here to show you the most common way, I’m explaing the most pleasurable way. Using toys might be a slight twist off traditional shibari, but if the rope bunny and rigger are up for it… It can add a huge boost in sexual sensation for both! I prefer the male rigger wear a cockring when he starts to tie. As he gets turned on throughout the tie session, the constriction from the cockring will keep him hard. Making sure he is ready to thrust at any moment! Find your ultimate guide on cockrings here. Finger Vibrator   Finger vibrators are another great sex toy to use during your erotic bondage session. They are very slim and discreet. A non-intrusive way to add huge waves of pleasure, particularly for her. These small vibrators slip over your fingertips and apply huge penetrating vibes to whatever you touch! A male rigger can wear these to use on his female bunny, or the female rope bunny can use them on herself while being tied. Keeping her well occupied and turned on during the shibari. Want the perfect teasing sensation? Let the female rope bunny use the finger vibrator on herself. As she nears orgasm, tie her hand up; just out of reach from caressing her clit! Check out the best finger vibrators for this here! Shibari tutorials: Here are some tutorials for rope tying. Sometimes the visualization from these experts really help you understand the knots and movements. I learned from a school: You can check out here You even get a “certification” when you graduate. I wouldn’t say it makes you an expert, only experience can do that, but free or paid schooling will both get you off to a great start. Twisted Monk (purely practical tutorials, latest videos are filmed in really high quality) Watts The SafeWord (a bit more fun approach) Two Knotty Boys Videos Crash Restraint — a huge database of tons of different ties you can try with videos Rope365 (a great site for tons of ideas and basic rope tutorials)

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Strap on Pegging!

Blog – by Diskret Life

Strap on Pegging!

Everyone has heard whispers of pegging among friends, but what exactly is it? You might recall some mainstream movies and documentaries that have brief pegging scene’s such as Deadpool, Broad City, Marco Polo, or Weeds. It has become a topic of discussion lately and for good reason! In this article we have pulled together some great resources and testimonies of actual men and women who participate in pegging. We explain everything you need to know about anal play and pegging. Then we will share with you why these men and women love or hate pegging so much, and how to participate in it yourself. Pegging is not an easy thing to jump right into especially for beginners, so we will guide you through all the necessary steps to participate in pegging a safe and pleasurable way. What is Pegging: Being in the sex toy industry we get asked a lot of the same questions from our customers, one of those being “what is pegging”. The actual word “pegging” is a fairly new word that was coined originally from Dan Savage “Savage Love” sex column that appears weekly in several dozen newspapers throughout the US. Pegging is the sexual act of a female using a strap on to penetrate her mans anus. The fact that the word “pegging” is new, does not mean people weren’t engaging in the act. Individuals were preforming pegging in porn scenes as early as 1970. It has become increasingly more popular throughout the last decade, so much it got coined the name and started appearing in a lot of modern documentaries and films. Anal Play 101: Before we get into all the sexy details of pegging, here is a brief overview of more popular anal play and how it can lead into pegging. If you have never engaged in pegging, you may want to start with something a little more basic in the anal play category, but that should always be communicated with your partner first. Anal sex: It sounds silly, but if the guy enjoys having anal sex with his woman, he might be up for giving it a try himself. If you’re already engaging in anal sex with your partner, it will be an easier transition into the pegging community. It means your man isn’t afraid of anal play, and neither are you. Try hinting to your partner that you may want to reverse roles.   Butt Plugs Butt plugs are a great way to ease yourself into the anal play community. Start with a small plug and lots of lube, but you can read everything you need to know on butt plugs here. If your man loves butt plugs, chances are he may want to try a dildo. If he is up for a dildo, then nothing is sexier than you wearing that dildo during the act. Check out a strap on dildo that will pleasure you, at the same time your penetrating him. Anal Beads Much like butt plugs, anal beads are great for beginners easing into the anal play world. Why is this? Because almost all anal beads start with a small bead on one end and gradually work their way up in size. This means you can start super small and work your way up in each size, slowly stretching the anus. This makes taking on a dildo much less daunting and you can go at your own pace.  Once you or your partner feel comfortable with the larger beads and enjoy the pleasure they bring, you might be more open to pegging. Anal Lube This one might go without saying, but anal lube is extremely important. Not just with pegging but with all anal play acts, male or female. The anus on both men and women do not produce a natural lubrication, this is why it’s extremely important to use loads of lube while preforming any anal play. We suggest a natural water-based lube, these will not react or break down silicone sex toys or latex condoms. They are also less likely to react with sensitive skin. Just remember they don’t last long in the water environment. If you plan on pegging or any anal play in the tub or shower, use an oil-based lube that will last longer. However, you can’t use oil-based lubes with condoms. Pegging for Beginners: If you are new to pegging, it all starts with communication. When we asked women who have engaged in pegging before; who brought up the idea of pegging first, you or him? It was brought up by the male 67% of the time. Now that doesn’t mean the woman shouldn’t be forth coming on her idea, a lot of men may not have ever entertained the idea or are too shy to bring it up. If the man enjoys anal play with butt plugs or anal beads, it should be an easy transition into asking if he is up for even more. But I would not surprise him with a strap on one day, it may be a bit overwhelming at first. The key to pegging is mostly in the preparation. He should use the bathroom and shower before anal play to keep things extra clean. This will give him peace of mind and feel more relaxed. Make sure the man is calm and very turned on to start. Foreplay is key here! Once the man is extremely turned on, start with lubing your finger and inserting it in his anus. You can use a smaller butt plug or anal bead in substitute of your finger if you wish. This will help loosen him up. It will get lube in and around his anus plus starting small will associate the anus with pleasure before stretching it out with something larger like a strap on dildo. Tools for Pegging: For every job, tools are an important part of the game. Here at Diskret, we never try to sell products we don’t believe in. We have been a part of this industry for a long time and simply are recommending what we found to work best. With that we give you the link to where we found it cheapest. By no means do you have to stick with what we recommend in order to engage in pegging. Oil-based Anal Lube: The first thing you need is a great lube. If you plan on pegging in a water environment, you should start with an oil-based lube. These last long in the water, or in the bed. A great lube is coconut oil and it might already be readily available in your kitchen. Another great lube for anal sex is the oil-based coco lube. Water-based Anal Lube: If you know you won’t be in a water environment, we suggest starting with a water-based lube. These are less sensitive on the skin and work great with all anal sex toys. A more natural water-based lube we love for anal play can be found here. Strap-On For Pegging: The next thing you will need is a strap on dildo! You can’t engage in pegging without one. So, what’s our favorite strap on dildo for pegging?! There is no strap on dildo made specifically for pegging. A strap on is a strap on so if it is advertised for lesbians, it really doesn’t matter. We highly recommend Wet For Her hands free harnesses and dildos. They make a great strap on that feels more like spandex underwear than the uncomfortable straps and belts that can dig into your hips and side. The “hands free” also allows you to slide a dildo into the spandex underwear. If this is your first time pegging, you will have some difficulty knowing where the dildo is and where it is in relation to his anus. Most likely you will need to use your hands, and that’s okay. Use your hands to find his anus and the tip of the dildo, then slowly guide the tip in. Most of the single dildos by “wet for her” have vibrating nub on the other end of the dildo to please you while you peg him! They also make double dildos. These double dildos will give you a little more control since you have short dildo in you, and that is connected to a longer dildo that can be inserted in him. Once you use this style enough times, you will have a great feel for where the extended dildo is just by the feel of the shorter one in yourself. Not to mention, while pegging him, it will give you intense pleasure as well! Anal Sex Toy: If you are not planning on using your finger to warm him up first, you might want to consider an anal sex toy. Something small for him, just to start associating the anal play with pleasure before starting to peg him. We highly recommend the smaller P-fun plug by Njoy. It is made to stimulate the prostate and is 100% stainless-steel. This makes it extremely easy to clean. Another anal sex toy to consider warming him up with is an anal bead that starts small and works its way up in size. Something like the Femme Fun which is made for men, and vibrates will really get him going. Anal Play PPE: Make sure you have the personal protective equipment for anal play. If you prefer to use gloves before inserting a finger in his anus, then get some latex surgical gloves, they will still require proper lubrication before entering. Another thing to consider is laying a towel down before pegging. The oil-based lube can stain the sheets and your clothing. How to Peg Your Partner: Here are the main things to consider before pegging your partner: Pegging Communication: Make sure you and your partner are on the same page. Pegging can bring a ton of intense pleasure if communicated properly. Make sure to communicate if you are in pain or something is uncomfortable. Also, don’t surprise peg him, both should know exactly what is going on and at what pace the dildo will be thrusted at. Pegging with a height Difference: This might sound silly, but after talking with men and women who engage in pegging one of the main struggles were if there was a big height difference. It can be difficult for women to find the correct angle for penetration and thrusting. If you have a large height difference with your partner, one technique explained to work well was having him lay on his side. With his knees bent, and her kneeling with the front of her thighs against the back of his thighs should work really well. Knowing How to Work Your New Limb During Pegging: For women, this is like adding a new leg however one you have never used, and can’t feel anything with. It might seem clumsy and difficult at first. Don’t let it distract you, understand it will feel a little silly at first. Just take your time, have fun with it and use your hands to guide it everywhere to start. Once you have full penetration and get a rhythm going you can remove your hand(s) and let your hips do the work.   Is Pegging to Please Men or Women? Most might automatically assume the pegging is to please the man and is just a lot of work for the women. According to our study this is completely false. To majority of women this was an extreme turn on. “It was fun swapping roles and giving him pleasure. The same way a blow job or hand job turns me on.” Not to mention if you were to use a double dildo or a dildo that vibrated on your clit it could bring you extreme pleasure and even bring you to orgasm with him. One of the women put it best “Every time I hit his P-spot I could feel all his muscles squeezing around me. It was really intimate and sexy.” A lot of men get hung up on sexual identity and can’t get past the fact of anal penetrative sex is not a “manly” thing or something. However, men like this will never get to experience the real pleasure that anal play can bring. It is said a P-spot orgasm for men is 33% more intense than a normal orgasm. In the end, the most important part is you communicate and use lots of lube. Have fun with it, you won’t be experts the first go around. If it feels uncomfortable just swap up positions and keep going. Most of the men and women who engage in pegging do not incorporate it as a regular sex act but something special here and there to change things up. Most women loved to be the penetrator for once and got great pleasure out of it! Have fun pegging and make sure to contact us about your pegging experience for a discount at Diskret! Remember to sign up for the Diskret newsletter from the bottom of our homepage. This will give you 15% off your entire first order. It will keep you up to date on all the latest deals, flash sales, and content filled free blogs such as this one!

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The Male G-Spot!

Blog – by Diskret Life

The Male G-Spot!

The male g-spot might be this dark and mysterious rumor you hear people whispering about. But just like with women, males have a g-spot too! We will go into detail on exactly what it is, where to find it, and of course how to stimulate it! Believe it or not, through many male testimonies it has been determine an orgasm from the male g-spot is 33% more intense than your standard penis orgasm! What makes this so pleasurable? How do men stimulate this g-spot for the most intense orgasm? Let us break down how simple and pleasurable this can really be guys! The male g-spot 101: Where did male g-spot come from? Well its quite simple actually… most men and women know all about the female g-spot. So, they naturally want to know if this extremely pleasurable spot applies to men as well? Who wouldn’t want to know, and how unfair would it be if only the women get all the pleasure?! Well guys, its true… Men have a g-spot just like the ladies however it’s actually your prostate! The only way to directly stimulate a mans g-spot is through the urethra. I know most of you guys just cringed. That’s okay because there is another way. A secondary form of stimulation (indirectly) can be achieved through the anus. Now that doesn’t seem to bad does it? Male g-spot: Anal Play Most sexually curious men and women are interested in anal play. So, if a man is going to test the waters, or perhaps they already have but might not be utilizing it to its fullest potential. Here is what you should know first: Male g-spot location: The male g-spot is not located 8 inches in the body. This gives bad reputation that you need to have massive anal penetration to achieve an orgasm through prostate stimulation. Actually, similar to the female g-spot the male g-spot is located about 3-4 inches in from the rim of the anal cavity. It is about 1 inch in diameter and is just behind the deepest portion of the penis. The male g-spot runs across the urethra. If you feel something similar to a walnut in this location facing your belly, congratulations you’ve found the male g-spot! The male g-spot function: Now unlike the female clitoris the male g-spot has an actual function in the male body beyond bringing mind blow orgasms. The prostate gland’s main function is to secrete fluid during ejaculation. It is part of the semen and helps propel semen through the urethra during ejaculation. This is exactly why the male g-spot is so pleasurable when stimulated. It gives the sensation of an orgasm just by massaging it! Imagine that feeling of just before you orgasm lasting for as long as you want. Now you understand why it’s called the male g-spot! Can A Man Orgasm from the Male g-spot? Is it possible to stimulate a male g-spot until he has an actual orgasm? Why yes, it is! Not just any normal orgasm either. An orgasm induced by stimulating the male g-spot is said to be 33% more intense than the average male orgasm. Not to mention there is no recovery time after he orgasms from this. He can just continue to orgasm as many times as he wishes. Most men are nervous and uncomfortable the first time they start anal play. But through experience and practice this can become one of the most pleasurable ways for any man to masturbate.   Male g-spot mindset: The first steps to stimulating the male g-spot is getting in the correct mindset. Like most sexual acts, being relaxed and turned on is very crucial to bringing yourself or a partner pleasure. You should start with a bowel movement 1-3 hours before you plan on stimulating your male g-spot. Then take a warm shower to wash yourself clean. Feces is stored much higher in your intestinal track so there is really not a big threat of “dirty acts” happening during stimulation. However, a bowel movement and shower may help ease your mind that you are all clean down there. Next climb into bed and get extremely comfortable. You should be so relaxed you could practically fall asleep. You need this calm state of mind to loosen your anal muscles and prepare to receive your finger, partners finger, anal beads, or butt plug. Male g-spot preparation: The second step to stimulating the male g-spot is preparation. Get out the lube! I can’t stress this enough. You need to lube your anus and whatever you plan on putting in it. I suggest starting with your finger since you have complete control and it’s a small diameter. Your anus doesn’t have a natural lube when your turned on like the female vagina. You will need to apply plenty of lube and start with slow pulsating movements of your finger over your anus. Slow shallow circular motions can feel pleasurable as well. Then start to ramp up the pressure you are applying until you can slide your finger in and out without much discomfort. Its important to be turned on during this. You can massage your penis with the other hand, watch porn, or have a partner stimulate you but its about the correct mindset to receive the pleasure! Male g-spot stimulation: Once you can get your finger in the anal cavity, progressively enter more fingers or reach for the male g-spot with just the one. Again, don’t be concerned with fecal matter since you’re not that far in, but if it helps ease your mind you can wear a latex glove or use a condom over your finger. If you are using an anal sex toy to start with, it may feel uncomfortable at first. Especially anal butt plugs. These are designed to be put in and stay in, hands free. So, they have a particularly large bulb that may cause discomfort for a beginner but once you get past that “bulb” it will feel much more comfortable. Remember if you feel any pain, serious discomfort, or bleeding just stop! It might not happen your first go around. If you continue to try you will slowly stretch the required muscles to insert your finger and experience the pleasure. It doesn’t have to be the first time for everyone though.     Male g-spot orgasm: Now that you have stimulated your mind and anal cavity its time to stimulate your male g-spot! This is where all the fun really begins. Work your finger or anal sex toy about 3-4 inches in your body and feel for the walnut that is facing inwards towards your body. Once you find it, slowly and lightly massage it with your finger or anal sex toy. This is your male g-spot! Start with slow circular patterns or the “come here” motion. Increase your pressure as you feel necessary and as the waves of pleasure pass through you. If you are preforming this on your partner, communication is everything! Ask them about the speed and pressure, make slight adjustments as they deem necessary. This communication may not be necessary the more experienced you become, but it should be there for the first handful of times. Flex Your PC Muscles You can also try to stimulate the male g-spot through the “contract and release” method. This is where you flex your PC muscles and relax them. The PC muscles are flexed when you cut off your urine mid-stream. That is how you would “flex” them. So, flex and hold then release. Reenact this sensation during your next male g-spot massage to help achieve a prostate orgasm. I suggest holding the flex for a few seconds then slowly releasing. Once you train your body in this fashion you can use this technique to experience more intense orgasms. When you flex your PC muscles the rectal wall muscles are slightly drawing in the butt plug. This causes it to bump against the male g-spot. This is massaging your male g-spot hands free! The harder you squeeze the harder the bump. You can play around with this to find the right method to receive the most pleasure from your g-spot. Male g-spot Pleasure: Remember that the ultimate goal for anyone stimulating their male g-spot is pleasure! It takes a lot of time, practice, and patience to learn how to achieve orgasm from the male g-spot. This is likely not something you will understand the first time you start anal play. The entire point of simulating the male g-spot is for pleasure. Just have fun with it, stay relaxed, and enjoy the pleasure it provides. If this ends up leading to a male g-spot induced orgasm great! But if not, don’t worry about it. Focusing too hard on the orgasm can actually make it harder to get, and make the overall experience less pleasurable.   Male g-spot orgasmic process: Contractions from male g-spot stimulation: The first sign you are heading towards a male g-spot orgasm is contractions. Stimulate the prostate until you are receiving minor PC and anus contractions that you can not control. You’ll notice a warmth and sensation of fullness in your anus an g-spot location.   Male g-spot build up: The next sign you are heading in the right direction is an increasing tension around the male g-spot. The contractions behind your pubic bone starts to intensify and the warmth grows. Continue down this road for the ultimate orgasm.   Male g-spot trembling: This is where it really gets good… you will transition from the increasing tension and warmth to slight trembling that is completely involuntarily. Its typically focused around the pelvic area. For some, they experience full body trembling! Remember how you got to this point because you are extremely close to a male g-spot orgasm! For many men this is where an erection may start. But don’t focus on the penis. You are about to experience something much more pleasurable than any penis orgasm can bring. Don’t change up your technique, whatever got you here, stick with it. The male g-spot orgasm! (The Big Bang): Now its time for the big bang. You’ve put your time, relaxation, and effort to get this far so you might as well reap the full benefits. Most men report an 33% more intense orgasm from stimulating the male g-spot. After the buildup and trembling your PC muscles start the most intense stage of contractions and release. The feeling of fullness and warmth will surround your entire mid-section. Your penis will likely go soft, but at this point who cares? The incredible waves of pleasure will radiate throughout your entire mid-section. Remember there is no refectory time so if you want to stimulate the male g-spot again right away, go for it. You can receive multiple of these orgasms all in a row! Talk about filling your entire body with complete ecstasy feeling!   Recommended male g-spot sex toys: Ro-Zen:   The Ro-Zen is their latest unique design giving stimulation to the male’s shaft, testicles, perineum, and anal p-spot all at once! This design provides continuous waves of pleasure to the user!   Fantasy Anal C-Ring: As you become fully erect the cock ring provides good constriction around the base of your shaft. This allows you to stay rock hard for extended amounts of time and also prolongs your orgasm.   Linger Wood Anal Beads: The shape of the NobEssence wood anal beads are designed with a slight curve to hit the p-spot. It has a silky-smooth, complex, biocompatible lubrosity coating on it. The wood adapts quickly with your body temperature and stays warm.  

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The Pleasure Principle!

Blog – by Diskret Life

The Pleasure Principle!

When it comes to sex, many of us are people pleasers. The way to building our arousal becomes dependent on our lover’s satisfaction and if our lover isn’t pleased, then we aren’t pleased and it makes for a very difficult sexual situation. However, when our lovers are pleased, that’s when we become the most turned on and the ability to orgasm becomes easier. We aim to please for several reasons: 1) We enjoy the company of our lover(s), 2) It helps us with intimate, emotional and or physical bonding, and 3) It helps build our ego and confidence with our sexual techniques. Overall, it helps us to feel good about ourselves and with the person(s) that we’re with.   There are several ways that you can aim to please someone:  1) Pay attention to what they say to you and implement it into your sexual techniques. 2) Pay attention to what their body is saying to you while you’re implementing the sexual techniques 3) Give feedback in the form of dialogue or moaning that indicates that you are enjoying the pleasure that you’re giving them. Aiming to please is a form of conquering a goal in which you want to achieve, which brings us to the next point of being able to please to aim until orgasm. Pleasing to aim until orgasm is total goal-oriented behavior. It is about pleasing your lover until you are able to get the orgasm that you want them to have. It is also about getting as close to your orgasm as possible (and if you’re turned on enough, coming to orgasm without touching yourself!). When your goal-oriented and persistent, you will get what you want, provided that you make the right moves at the right moment and with the right attitude. Overall, pleasing to aim requires persistence, erotic acuity and sexual intelligence. Having all these things will help you achieve the prowess that you need to please your lovers and please yourself!

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The Ultimate Sex Toys for Men!

Blog – by Diskret Life

The Ultimate Sex Toys for Men!

Someone brings out a sex doll in your favorite sitcom and everyone laughs. All of the porn you've seen features women playing with dildos and vibrators - but you've never really seen or heard of sex toys for men. While toys for men don't have the same popularity of toys for women, there are still hundreds of sex toy options made for male-bodied individuals. They may not make the front page on most sex toy sites, but almost every retailer has a "toys for men" category right on their website. Or they may have a “cockring” “butt plug” or “anal bead” category. Just click in there and be amazed by the options! Some sex toys will focus on the penis while other sex toys will focus on the unique anal anatomy of male-bodied individuals. Either way, there's a fun sex toy for your interests! How Can Toys for Men Help Me? Do you enjoy pleasure? Are you tired of using your own hand - or just want to explore some new avenues of pleasure for a male body? That's exactly where sex toys for men come in. Specifically designed for male pleasure, these toys will allow you to try new things in the bed, explore sensations on your own, add different experiences with a partner, and just generally enjoy the fun of playing with sex toys! After all, who doesn't like new sex toys? What Toys For Men Exist? Despite the fact that sex toys for men aren't often talked about, there are a surprising number of male sex toys out there! Some of the most common options include: Toys for Men: Male Masturbation Sleeves The easiest and most popular variety of toys for men is the male masturbation sleeve. There's no coy naming tricks here: the male masturbation sleeve is a cylindrical toy - usually with a pleasurably textured internal chamber - that the penis can slide into. Because of this simplistic design and its universal appeal, male masturbation sleeves are, by far, the most plentiful of the toys for men categories. Despite their basic design, male masturbation sleeves still have variance. The internal chamber textures can be tighter or looser - with different textures. The length of the sleeve itself can be different, and it's something you need to pay attention to. When the texture of the male sex toy doesn't start until 4" and your penis is only 5" long, it's something to know. Some sleeves will come with realistic orifice designs - like lips or genitals. Some may have an open-ended design - to allow for easier clean-up and longer penises, but other sleeves may have a close-ended design to provide more suction during use. The longevity of male masturbation sleeves is a huge variance as well. Some male masturbation sleeves will only cost a couple of dollars - and are meant to be tossed when you're done with them. Other masturbation sleeves will last a couple of years, but they'll need to be thoroughly cleaned after every use. Pick the masturbation sleeve that works best for your sex toy practices. Toys for Men: Sex Dolls More than just the joke in your favorite sitcom, sex dolls are available for actual sexual use too. Sex dolls are life-like replicas of another human. Usually with multiple penetrable orifices, sex dolls can be life-sized at 5 or 6 feet tall - or smaller sized with just the torso, chest, and hips. However, this is where things can get a bit tricky. The quality of a sex doll varies widely depending upon price and manufacturer. For example, if you shell out thousands of dollars, you can definitely get a sex doll that'll function perfectly as an erotic sex toy – and could possibly star in a feature film with its realism. However, if you only buy the $10 blow-up doll from the local sex store? That might not work as well. However, there's a happy medium. The issue with the extremely-cheap inflatable sex dolls is that they tend to have seams - much like any inflatable pool toy. Unfortunately, these seams tend to regularly be placed within the penetration canals of the doll. I'm sure you can imagine how painful that can be for thrusting into. The simple solution is one that some sex doll manufacturers have found: a slide-in male masturbation sleeve. After your sex doll is blown up and ready for use, you can slide in the included male masturbation sleeve into the penetration holes. Now you have something with more added sensation for you - and something that protects you from the seams of the toy! Plus, easy clean-up! Toys for Men: Prostate Anal Toys Looking to play with other parts of your body? That's where prostate anal sex toys come in. Also known as the "p-spot", the prostate is generally considered the male-bodied version of the "g-spot". That is, any penetration and pressure to the area can be extremely pleasurable and cause orgasm in a lot of guys! The prostate is located in a relatively shallow location in the butt, however, so getting to it may require use of some well-shaped toys. Lucky for us, manufacturers are happy to help fill that need. P-spot anal sex toys are butt-safe toys that are especially designed with the curvature and design you need to hit your own prostate. These types of toys tend to come in two flavors: general prostate sex toys and hands-free prostate sex toys. General prostate sex toys are just that. Some prostate toys are anal plugs while others are dildos. Some may vibrate for added sensation as well. Some men are looking for a new experience, and that's exactly where "hands-free" prostate toys come in. Exactly how it sounds, "hands-free" prostate sex toys are toys that are designed to produce hands-free orgasms. That is, it doesn't require the user to touch their penis or mess with the anal sex toy in order to induce orgasms. These types of hands-free prostate toys require some practice, and it might take months before you're able to experience these hands-free orgasms, but it's definitely a reality for many users with a bit of patience and practice! Toys for Men: Cock Rings If you own a penis, a cock ring might be for you. Exactly how it sounds, a cock ring is a ring of material that goes around the penis. This ring should be a snug fit on the base of the penis, and it will restrict blood flow into the penis. Why is this good? Well, it makes for stronger, harder-feeling erections, can make the penis more sensitive, and it also can help delay ejaculation! Penis rings can be worn around the base of the penis shaft itself, or they can also be worn at the base of the penis and the underneath the balls. Are you still new to cock rings? While these are fun toys for men, they also can be a bit hard to use when you're new to them. If you're new, stick to buying cock rings with flexible and stretchy materials - such as TPR or jelly. You could even pick up disposable, stretchy cock rings for just a couple bucks! Once you've graduated into an experience cock ring user, you can consider going for the full steel or metal options that are out there. Toys for Men: Cock Extenders Next on the list is another penis toy - a penis extender. You can think of these like long, rigid dildos - only the dildo is hollow on the inside to allow a penis-owner to slide their own penis inside. Because the material of a penis extender can be a bit weighty, some extenders may come with their own built-in waist harness or others may use a ring around the balls to keep the extender from sliding off during penetration. Some people like to wear their cock extender just for looks, and others use their extenders during penetration for a thicker and longer feel than their biological penis. Penis extenders will vary on the size, shape, length, and heft of the material of the sex toy. They also will vary on how much sensation the sex toy will allow "through" the material of the extender. In some cases, the wearer can still feel some sensation. In other cases, the material will make that impossible. Make sure to read through some reviews and the manufacturer's marketing copy to have a good idea of what to expect from your penis extender. Toys for Men: Penis Pumps While many penis-owners use penis pumps for medical reasons, penis pumps can be just as fun for sexual reasons. Not only do they allow you to get an "erection on demand", but they also provide an interesting and pleasurable sensation while doing so - and for many users, can leave the penis a lot harder than with an unassisted erection! Penis pumps can vary widely in quality, so make sure to do a bit of review reading before picking out your perfect penis pump. You want to make sure it has a reliable seal, has worked well for others, and doesn't accidentally lose suction through design flaws. Toys for Men: Lube for Men While all lubricants can be "male" lubricants, there are few lubricants especially designed for penis-owner use. One of those personal care products would be any type of "delay" cream. "Delay" lubricants are lubricants crafted with desensitizing ingredients. When used on the penis, it helps reduce the sensation the penis receives - which can make someone last longer before ejaculation. Some "delay" creams are just delay creams - and that's that. Others have the desensitizing ingredients built into an actual slickening lubricant. While usually touted for use during partnered sexual encounters, some people like to use these "delay" lubricants on their own for self-teasing or frustration or just for longer masturbation sessions. The other "male lubricant" includes oil-based "jack off" lubes. Oil-based lubricants are dangerous for use with condoms, and they're usually inhospitable for use in vaginas, so oil-based lubricants are generally considered "penis lubricants". If you see a lube labeled as a male masturbation lubricant, it's likely made of oil-based ingredients. Despite their limited uses, oil-based ingredients are hardy and thick - and last a long, long time - which is what makes them perfect for male masturbation use. Toys for Men: All of the Toys! There's no reason you have to stay within the "toys for men" category when shopping for toys to play with. Yes, there are definitely toys specifically designed for penis owners (such as cock rings, masturbation sleeves, and the others that are mentioned above), but did you know that a lot of penis owners enjoy playing with vibrators and dildos too? If you think a "woman's" toy might be a good fit for you - try it! A lot of guys can reach ejaculation just from a strong vibrator on the frenulum!

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What is it like to be a Dominatrix?

Blog – by Diskret Life

What is it like to be a Dominatrix?

Years ago, Lola Jean met a guy on a dating app who liked to be submissive during sex. She realized she enjoyed dominating him, so she started doing it with others as well. She was between jobs at the time and wanted something flexible, and before she know it, she’d become a professional dominatrix, first at a dungeon and then independently. Now, she not only sees clients privately but also teaches workshops, coaches people on their sex lives, and performs at events. She specializes in entertaining those with wrestling fetishes (yes, that’s a thing). I asked her about what it’s like to be a dominatrix and the lessons she’s learned on the job.   What do you like about being a dominatrix? Impact play gets pretty old after a while even though it’s usually the first aspect that draws many people in. My favorite aspect is the psychological portion. The fragility and vulnerability that is trusted in my hands. Everyone is like a puzzle, and I enjoy delicately and deliberately unraveling their knots while earning their trust. What has surprised you about your job? I had my own notions about certain kinks and what I thought was “weird” before entering the professional setting. Once you learn about the reasoning behind each kink and generally how or why they were developed, most of them are quite adorable. I used to think adult babies/diaper lovers was one of the more odd fetishes until you realize they mostly want to be held in an infant-like state. They want to be helpless and loved like the rest of us. What is interesting to me and gives a better understanding of my client, instead of only knowing what it is they’re after — if they even know at all — is the how and why. This gives me a better foundation to map where I should take them on their journey. I know other varieties of sex work — like stripping — can be a lot more cutthroat between sex workers, but in domming, I developed a community of individuals who are SO supportive of each other. You would think there would be competition, but we all recognize that each of us has different skill sets, different aesthetics and such —  we help each other out, we root each other on. We congratulate and commiserate. We offer advice and support. This is the first time I’ve had a solid network of authentic female friends. Who knew I’d have to go to sex work to find it? Are there aspects of the job that you don’t like? Client or not, I grow tired of the assumption that everything related to kink and domming has to be sexual in order for someone to enjoy it. Whenever I speak of wrestling fetish, I’m constantly met with, “But wait, I don’t get it. Are they getting off to it? What do they get out of it? Do they cum?” In any type of sex work, people see it as something they could “get for free” with a consenting partner. But if you want a specific and tailored experience, especially if you want that experience from an unbiased third party, seeking out a professional makes sense. I can get a massage from a lover, but it’ll probably be more of what I want if I seek out a masseur. Are there particular kinds of people who tend to hire you? Any pattern? The taboo is inherently sexy. People tend to want what is the opposite from them. There’ a slew of hasidic clients, but I’m Jewish, so it’s less likely they’d seek me out. Hasidic and Indian cultures tend to be more suppressed, so you see a high proportion of clients in general coming from these backgrounds. Sex work or not, Black and Latino men tend to fetishize me due to my curvaceous figure. White men tend to fetishize Asian women. Jewish men tend to fetishize Black women. My wrestling clients skew more white male because that’s a large majority of who is into the fetish. Otherwise, I’d say Indian men, but that also is something to do with my feet. It really depends on the fetish, just as much as my aesthetic. What are people's most common reasons for seeing you? A release. And not the physical release because that’s one of my boundaries. This craving and need for a certain type of scenario gets pent up when one isn’t able to receive it in the way they desire. Finding someone to facilitate that and then experience it can feel like they are getting that itch that needed to be scratched for so long. Depending on the client, I’ve helped individuals work out some psychological issues, gain confidence, feel acceptance and safety. I really enjoy taking elements from therapy and psychology into my work, understand how and when people need to open up on their own. Some of my favorite client stories are when I’m able to make them uncomfortable for their own benefit or predict their needs before they are able to recognize them. One client sought me out for wrestling initially, and over the course of our first session, I was able to deduce that they were grappling with their gender identity. I knew it was a new and sensitive area for them that they were unsure of themselves. Being careful with my language and approach, we were able to slowly unravel their identification as trans and—in private—slowly work toward increasing their comfort and discovering themselves freely within our session before they were ready to bring that into the world. Why do you think we so often see the reverse dynamic of yours, with women in the submissive role and men in the dominant role? Clearly because of socialization. That is how we are raised and socialized in this world — not to say it can’t be reversed, but that is specifically going against the grain. The opposite of these socialized norms is seen as taboo. Thus, we tend to sexualize the taboo. It is not masculine for a male to be weaker than a female. It is not masculine for a male to exhibit sexual behaviors with another male or embody female qualities. It is not ladylike for a female to be the aggressor, to be physical and strong and vocal. My FAVORITE things in kink involve dichotomies. Masculine sissy subs. Feminine amazon muscular women. I love the genderfuck. Does this work make you feel empowered as a woman? Extremely. I’m in such control of my sexuality. Of what I do and do not do. It is extremely empowering to have someone else carry out your commands and requests. When I say ‘no’ it is respected. Sometimes I say no for the fun of it, to see how people react. It goes against my socialization as a woman to be pleasing and well liked. It feels like I’m staging a little protest every time I put my foot down. Some think that sex work is not helpful to gender dynamics but to that I say - if you don’t want women or trans fox to proser from sexual related work then stop fetishizes them and making the demand so high. Female bodies and transgender folx can often charge higher rates than cis-males regardless of their experience because the market value is higher. Does it ever make you feel degraded? Not really, because I’m turning the degradation into a profit. If anyone is sexualizing me, I can either choose to shame them or to not care, which takes the power away from their sexualization. Or I’m directly profiting from it. The reality is, I have always been sexualized since I was young, whether I wore baggy sweaters or bikinis. I grappled with this immense sexuality I possessed, and now I feel like it is more under my control and manipulation. Now, when I am sexualized, I’m making a profit from it. If I choose to sexualize myself, it is for me. In my brand image, I choose not to do anything intended for male pleasure. It may be a byproduct, but it is never the intention. You learn that anything or so many things will get someone off. Knitting a sweater, eating ice cream, or ignoring someone may be enough to do it for someone. So why spend time worrying if what I’m doing may be viewed as sexually appealing to the other gender? Many new clients may assume that because they are paying for my time, they can determine everything that happens in a session—or worse, that they somehow “own” me. But they’re not paying for me, they’re paying for my time. Domming is often like a staring contest, and I’m constantly making my client tow the line in a game of “chicken.” Fear is a common driver, and I like to make my clients the slightest bit uneasy to retain that power. What has being a dominatrix taught you about gender dynamics? Men face societal pressure that creates a sense of fear around not fitting in. Sometimes, this is acted out in aggressive ways (i.e. degrading women to assert their masculinity — to themselves), and other times, it is acted out by sexualizing that fear. Again, the taboo being erotic. I wonder if once gender dynamics are more equal and we’re open about our sexualities, if there will still be as many kinks! So many are built around shame or societal expectations, today’s youth may not have forced bi or sissification fantasies because they’re raised more open to gender and sexual fluidity.   How do you navigate consent when you’re in a situation where you’re potentially physically restraining or hurting someone? Depending on the type of session, we may set up a safe word ahead of time, but I’m actually not a fan of safe words because I think they can be forgotten easily. I discuss as much as possible before the session so I have a good idea of where their boundaries lie. We’ve discussed what they’re lookin g for, what they want. I may ask if certain things I plan on doing are okay with them. During the session itself, I don’t ask “May I…”  but I do check in throughout to make sure they’re tolerating and having fun. My style is to be very physically dominant and stern but ultimately kind — the two playing like multiple sides of my personality. I think it gives a little something extra for me to act like a happy baby when I’m squeezing someone’s head between my thighs. One of my friends calls me “kind but not nice." Especially given how physical my main form of sex work — wrestling — is, I’m very conscious about hurting others. I’ve recently started doing more knockouts (limiting blood flow to the brain, causing the person to temporarily go to “sleep”), which I had avoided due to the risks involved. I don’t go for the jugular (pun intended) immediately but instead ease on and off, giving them room to tap out if necessary. I try to always be able to see their face, as sometimes they can be too proud to tap. What have you learned from your job that you think we could all apply to our sex lives? Haha, I’m great at sniffing out bullshit and time wasters early on. But actually, I see this time and time again. Male doms tend to make the experience all about them, what they want, and their needs. As a dom, you can do that to an extent, but first and foremost, you have to craft it around your sub and their needs. There isn’t one right way to do anything. You don’t have to be mean to be a dom. You don’t have to be strict or scary. The reality is, being a good dom is about listening and being reactive to your submissive. When people try to emulate porn stars, movie stars, and other idols or pursue perfection, they may be missing out on the most important details and moments. With any type of sex work — or sex for that matter — it’s not necessarily about how big your XYZ is. You learn what makes you unique, your differentiators, your selling points, and you learn to play those to your advantage.

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Woman's Guide to Masturbation!

Blog – by Diskret Life

Woman's Guide to Masturbation!

Masturbation is an equal-opportunity activity, but women tend to report masturbating less often than men. Unfortunately, many women have been taught that masturbation is shameful, that their genitalia are too unclean to touch, that sex toys will desensitize them, and other harmful myths about masturbation. Many have been taught nothing about masturbation. If you’re fortunate to have received healthier messages about self-pleasure, you may know that masturbation not only is normal but also has lots of benefits, like improving your mood, relieving pain, and teaching you about your body. There’s even some research showing that regular sexual activity, whether alone or with a partner, is good for your health. But even if you know that, you may not have been taught how to masturbate. “A lot of women feel like they're supposed to instinctively know how to masturbate, but that's just not the case,” says sex therapist Vanessa Marin, creator of Finishing School, an online course that teaches women how to orgasm. “It takes time to explore your body and figure out what feels good for you.” If you haven’t masturbated before or are new to masturbation, here’s a guide that should help you pick up the habit and become a master in no time. Even if you’ve been masturbating forever, these tips should also help you step up your masturbation game, because there’s always more to learn. Ask yourself why you haven’t masturbatedWhen sex therapist Marissa Nelson, LMFT sees clients who haven’t masturbated, she first wants to explore what negative ideas they may have gotten about masturbation, their bodies, or their sexuality.Some women have been taught that masturbation goes against their family’s values or religion, which they may come to question as they get older. Some have the idea that “only dirty girls do that,” says Nelson, when really, most girls have done it by the time they hit 17. Others are concerned that their partners would object to them expressing their sexuality without them. But in reality, getting to know your body through masturbation only makes you a better sexual partner. “If I can’t even allow myself pleasure when I’m alone, how am I going to ask for what I need and know what I even like?” Nelson points out. “It’s very important for women to understand what has stopped them from doing that — not just from self-pleasure. A lot of women are blocking their own pleasure, period.” It may be helpful to talk to a therapist if you feel like you have emotional blockages to masturbation or sexual pleasure. Get to know your genitals while masturbatingIf you haven’t masturbated, you may not be familiar with your genitals. You may even have some anxiety around their appearance. Unrealistic porn images teach us that only certain types of genitalia are attractive, but all vulvas are unique, and they’re all beautiful in their own way.To get more comfortable with your body, Nelson suggests putting a hand mirror between your legs and looking at your vulva. See how it feels to touch your clitoral hood (the bunch of skin at the top), your clitoris (the nub that you’ll find if you pull back the clitoral hood), your inner labia (the lips around the vaginal opening), your outer labia (the bigger lips surrounding your inner labia), and your vaginal opening (the hole toward the bottom). Try out different kinds of touchOnce you know where everything is and how it feels to touch different parts of your genitals, experiment with different types of touch. Nelson suggests playing with softer and harder pressures or horizontal and vertical strokes on the clitoris. Many women like to be touched in a circular motion around the clitoris, she says. You can also try putting a finger inside your vagina and seeing how that feels. Some women like one finger pressed against the upper wall of the vagina. Some also enjoy the feeling of a finger inside the anus. If you enjoy several of these techniques, you can try combining them — for example, putting two fingers on your clitoris and one in your vagina or anus.You can also play around with your position. Some women, for example, like to be on their stomachs, humping a pillow or their hand. Others like to position their genitals underneath a showerhead or running water in the bathtub. You can even try it with the lights on vs. off or under vs. on top of the covers, says Nelson. There are endless variations. Touch your whole body while masturbatingMasturbation doesn’t have to only involve your genitals, and incorporating other parts of yo ur body can help get you in the mood. “Give yourself a slow start,” says Laurie Mintz, University of Florida psychology professor and author of Becoming Cliterate: Why Orgasm Equality Matters and How to Get It. “That is, caress your breasts, nipples, and inner thighs before touching your vulva. Or start off by rubbing your entire vulva slowly and luxuriously, using lubricant. Then very, very slowly move to your clit and inner lips and perhaps your vaginal opening as well.” Leave yourself plenty of time to explore your whole body.  Notice what comes upA big part of experiencing sexual arousal and orgasm is mindfulness, says Nelson. “How am I going to feel good, aroused, and even orgasm if I’m not completely present?” she asks. See what emotions as well as what physical sensations come up for you as you touch different parts of your body in different ways. Take note of what you enjoy so that you can repeat it, as well as what you don’t like. These are all valuable pieces of information to give partners. Set the stage before masturbatingSome people, especially first timers, find it hard to relax and get into the moment when they’re first masturbating. To make it easier, Mintz suggests doing something that relaxes you beforehand. This could mean having a glass of wine, taking a bath, or listening to calming music. It can also help to do something that stimulates you, like exercising, reading an adventure book, or watching an adventure movie. “Research shows that activities that activate the system help increase orgasm,” says Mintz. Tease yourselfBuilding up anticipation will make pleasure and orgasm more intense once you get there. “Move toward a sensitive spot over and over, yet only occasionally touch it,” Mintz suggests. “Tease your clit, or tease the touch­-sensitive nerves near the opening of your vagina— grazing but not going in. Build up intensity by getting close to your sensitive spots and then backing off, over and over, until you finally go in for more intensive touching.” Practice “edging” during masturbationEdging is when you get close to orgasm and then back off to make the eventual climax more intense. The site OMGYes, which asks women about their favorite sexual techniques, has found that there are three main ways women like to edge: take your hand off as you feel you’re about to orgasm, put it back down, then repeat as many times as you’d like; move your touch to a less sensitive part of  your genitals as you’re about to orgasm, move it back, and repeat as many times as you’d like; or continue the touch in the same place but with less pressure, increase the pressure, and repeat as many times as you’d like.“When edging in any of these ways, most women like to lighten their touch,” says Mintz. “No matter how you edge, the goal is to do so until you can’t take it anymore, finally giving in to the touch that will result in an orgasm.” Explore different fantasies while masturbatingWhat’s going on between your ears has a huge influence on what goes on between your legs. Nelson recommends reading erotica or watching porn if you’re not sure what turns you on yet. If you find mainstream porn degrading to women, Mintz suggests using the search term “feminist porn.” You can not only watch or read things that turn you on while you’re masturbating but also re-imagine them when you’re not in front of your computer.Don’t judge what turns you on. Plenty of people have strange fantasies that they don’t wish to enact in real life. Some even fantasize about things that seem to go against their morals. That’s OK — anything goes in the realm of fantasy. “I also encourage my clients to have the freedom to feel pleasure, whatever it is that they're thinking about, to feel like they have a safe space to explore sexually,” says Nelson.An alternative to fantasizing is to practice mindfulness —  that is, focus in on each sensation you feel in every moment, says Mintz. Some people find that making noise can help them get into the moment. Incorporate sex toys and lube while masturbatingMany women find that they orgasm more easily or intensely with vibrators or other sex toys like G-spot massagers. Some of the most powerful vibrators available include the Wands and the Sonja. Lube can also enhance the experience, even if you’re already lubricating naturally, says Nelson. Make pleasure the only goalYou don’t have to orgasm the first few times you masturbate. Instead, just focus on doing what feels good, and forget about any goal. “Some people who haven't masturbated may think there's a certain way they should be doing it or they’re doing it wrong,” says Nelson. “I would encourage them to let go and explore and allow themselves to feel good. Don't worry about ‘I have to orgasm and if I dont I'm doing it wrong.’ No, you’re allowed to see what feels good. You're just there to have fun and also see what works for you, so there's no pressure whatsoever.” Keep experimenting with masturbationLearning how to masturbate is a lifelong process. Even once you’ve figured out what works, there are endless ways to switch up your technique. “Don't get into a rut,” Marin advises. “Once you've learned how to make yourself orgasm, it's easy to get into a routine of using the same technique over and over again. A lot of women approach masturbation like scratching an itch. It's perfectly OK to want to have a fast or easy orgasm, but it's also great to have some masturbation sessions where you take your time and explore other ways of bringing your body pleasure.” Masturbate with a partnerMasturbating in front of your partner is a great way to show them what you like, get warmed up for sex, or just enjoy each other’s bodies. They could even masturbate at the same time as you. “Masturbating with your partner can be incredibly hot,” says Marin. “Plus, it's the best way to teach your partner how to bring you pleasure.”

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XXX Stories

Blog – by Diskret Life

XXX Stories

XXX stories, otherwise known as "erotic stories", are written stories that focus on sexual arousal and sexual fetishism. The range of this sexual focus can vary widely depending upon the author, the platform, and the work. In some XXX stories, the story consists of a sex scene - and that's it. In other XXX stories, the sex scenes are scattered throughout an otherwise-full storyline. You'll enjoy character development and plot points - that also happen to have some erotic sex scenes to read through. Why Do People Enjoy XXX Stories? XXX stories can be just as pleasurable as photos and videos. In fact, some people find that they prefer erotic stories over other types of erotic material. Not only does their imagination fill in the blanks, but it can be a lot easier to read xxx stories in public or when discretion is of the utmost importance. XXX stories are also some of the most popular ways to enjoy sex scenes between characters created by popular fandoms. In many cases, xxx stories may also be the only way to self-report an experience. While most people are able to describe a sexual adventure that happened to them, most people don't often have a camera crew or photographer nearby for their sexual escapades. For people who love to hear about other's experiences, xxx stories are clearly the way to go. XXX stories also offer a lower "bar of entry" for submission. Most people have the ability to write. While they may not be able to write well, they can still write. The same can't be said for someone's ability to render video, create animation, or draw art. Where Can I Find XXX Stories? The great thing about XXX stories is that they're not that hard to find. Sure, photos and videos can be amazing (and arousing!), but the written word is something that a lot more people are capable of producing - and more people are comfortable producing too (with privacy concerns in visual medias). Finding XXX stories can honestly be as simple as just logging onto your local sex chat. You'll probably find hundreds of people looking to "roleplay" and take turns pretending the two of you are having sex - all through the written word. If you prefer something more passive, though, you still have thousands upon thousands of options! The easiest place is accessible to you right now: the internet. There are hundreds of websites that exist purely for sexual stories. Some are based around specific fetishes and others are just general stories of sexual enjoyment. Some will be based around well-known characters of your favorite fandoms while others will be original characters with unique backstories. Not only that, but print and e-book services are a good place to find erotic stories too. Even the big-name book stores carry erotica books in print - right in their stores! Just check the "Self-Help and Relationships" section of most bookstores. Want something a bit more discreet? Lots of erotic authors are now publishing e-book versions of their favorite novels. The big e-book companies sell them - or you can check out some of the smaller indie e-book companies if you'd like less restriction on the fetish and sex content of the books. (While big box stores do allow erotic authors to sell erotic books on their platforms, there's usually more restriction about the content and wording.) But How Do I Find Good XXX Stories? Now that's where the hard part is, isn't it? Once you start exploring the world of xxx stories, you're going to find that there are a LOT of different xxx stories out there to read! There are thousands upon thousands - and no way that you could read all of them within your masturbatory lifetime. So narrowing down your potential choices becomes part of the process. First off, you'll want to look at xxx stories in print. In order to make it into a printed book, there are certain processes that most writing goes through. It usually requires a couple looks from copy-editors as well as a basic talent in the author itself. Printing physical copies of books isn't cheap, and companies don't usually invest their time and money into authors who can't write! However, printed books may have a limited range of fetishism and explicit sex - and they can be hard to read in public (if that's your thing). After that, the second best option is e-books. While there's less of a review process to publish an e-book, most e-book authors are still looking to make money - which means having a copy-editor look over their work and try to improve it to the best of their abilities. Look for authors who have a good amount of sales - or authors who have multiple erotic books under their belt. The ones who have managed to make a small living off of it are the ones who are doing some good writing. Loyal fans don't usually stick around for terrible writing. What about Good and FREE XXX Stories? Okay, that's true. Both of the options I've given you so far require a monetary investment in your xxx stories. Let's be fair: writers are providing content that you want to read, and as such, it makes sense that they should deserve a bit of a kickback for the time and erotic fantasies that they've painted. Whenever possible, you should try to support writers and artists of content you love. That being said, I know your budget may not be large enough to support a new erotic author every day. Finding free xxx stories that captivate your interest can definitely be harder than finding compensated ones, but it's still possible! You'll primarily be using the internet. It's possible to try to check out erotic books from your local library, but it's usually just easiest to try to wet your whistle with the variety of erotic writing available online. First, you'll need to find a website that appeals to you. If you have a particular fetish or kink, you might consider looking for websites that cater to those fetishes. Depending on the popularity of that kink, you might even be able to find forums or other group-meeting websites that will likely have quite a few real-life and fantasy stories for you to read! Try to do some thorough research and Google searches to find some good options that cater to your kink whims. Once you've found a website, the next part is narrowing down the xxx stories available to you. You'll likely have to weed through quite a few crappy stories to start to find the good stories that you want to read. Some writers just don't have much of a talent for writing - and since we're talking about sex literature, some authors are just "writing" with one hand too. Skip all of the stories that seem terrible and try to stick to the ones that are well-written and you enjoy reading. Finding a few authors that you enjoy is the first step. Once you have that under your belt, it's time to explore other writings from that same author. Sometimes you'll hit a dead end and that author will be new to the site, but in many cases, you'll find that the writer has written quite a few more other stories - and those stories will likely be of the same quality caliber as the first one you loved! Dig deeper down the rabbit hole, and you'll be able to find lots of stories from authors that you already enjoy. Once you tap out that reserve, depending on the website, you'll be able to see what stories that particular author has enjoyed reading - and you'll be able to hop over to those xxx stories. Once you've found a couple good authors to flush out, it makes it much easier to continue to read good xxx stories without bumping into the bad ones. Can I Write my Own XXX Stories? As you continue reading xxx stories, you might find yourself wanting to "give back" to the writing community too. This is totally normal, and most authors call it "inspiration". Writing an erotic story doesn't have to be hard - and it can actually be pretty damn fun too! Depending upon what website you're using, you might be able to submit your own stories for other people to read as well. In an awesome feedback loop of writing, commenters who love your story will likely have read other stories that you might enjoy too - further giving you new stories and authors to explore. What are Some Tips for Writing XXX Stories? Writing XXX stories is similar to writing regular stories - only the content is a bit more explicit this time around. It'll still take a bit of time, some inspiration, and a semi-clear view about what's going to happen within the story. Unlike non-sexual writing, however, your xxx stories likely do not need to have much character development or protagonists and other plot points. It's usually enough to just have hot, well-written sex. Before you even begin writing, you're going to want to have a basic plot in mind. You don't need to flush it out like with non-sexual writing, but you'll want to have a good idea of what's going to happen. Where are your characters? What kinks are they going to do? How are they going to make it into the sex? Who will orgasm and how? Will everyone leave the story happy and satisfied? Having answers to these basic questions will help you flush out your ideas - and prevent writer's block. This type of brainstorming is perfect for your morning shower. Once you have your ideas, you need to put them down to paper. Most erotic writers recommend doing this while aroused. It'll help you get into the character - and it'll help your writing flow more easily. Be in that nice half-way state between "very aroused" and "I need to masturbate". You'll want both of your hands for writing, but being in that sexual state will help your writing. After you've finished your writing (and it might take a couple different days to finish it depending on your schedule!), you'll want to let it sit for a few days. I know it's tempting to publish your work right away, but let it sit for a week. You may find that you have other things you want to add. More importantly, you're going to come back to that writing in a week and read through it. Preferably, read it out loud if you can. You'll find yourself changing words, editing spelling errors, and moving around sentences for better "flow" of the wording. This is part of the editing process, and it'll help take your work from "okay sex story" to "I want to read more from this person".

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