Adult Party!

Adult Party!

At some point in our lives we have either heard about it, wanted to attend or have attended an adult party. As a woman that has been putting together countless of adult parties here in Los Angles I am here to give you some key insights on how to prepare, proper etiquette and over all respecting all members involved in the adult parties. Adult-parties, also known by a variety of other terms such as play parties, swinger parties, and lifestyle parties, are organized sex get-togethers where consenting, paying party-goers engage in sex with other consenting, paying party-goers. Simple, right? I bet you still have a list of things to know before going to an adult party.

Consent is Sexy at Adult Parties:

Consent is the most important rule in every sex scenario and the same goes for a adult party. Not everybody will be on the same page when it comes to sex, so communication is key. Everybody has boundaries (Always respect all boundaries). The attendees may be interested in exploring their erotic sides, but that doesn't necessarily mean they will have sex with anyone and everyone. It's important to not just touch or grope somebody without asking first. Basic manners and etiquette apply here in the same way that they would in any other scenario when someone approaches someone else to chat them up and don't forget, this means you can refuse as well at any adult party. The word "no"is perfectly acceptable to use in an adult party situation and must always be respected.

Adult Party Protection:

Although the host of the adult party secures a safe, sane and consensual environment, never solemnly rely on others to keep you and your partner protected. Every adult party has a different set of rules or ways to behave, but it is your responsibility to practice safe sex. It is generally good to get in the habit of bringing your own condoms or dental damns and if allowed, the same goes for your own sex toys. Hygiene is a big deal, so it's also a good plan to bring some antibacterial wipes or gel with you. It is always safer to bring your own material and never to rely on others to care for your personal health and well being.

 Personal Care and Appearance at Adult Parties:

Practice proper hygienic politeness, your basic shower, mouth wash and hygienic properties all apply here after all you will be in close proximity of peoples personal spaces and other sensual parts. Some adult parties have a theme; Partygoers tend not to be judgmental. Ask the organizer what other people normally wear. You don't need to go overboard with your outfit or rush to your nearest latex store for a rubber suit! The clothes will soon be coming off anyway.

Each party has its own set of rules; Some are clear rules of things to know before going to a sex party and others you will pick up along the way. Make sure you do your research and homework before attending. There's also some behavior that you will learn as you go along. If you ever feel uncomfortable and are witnessing acts you feel are not safe, sane and consensual always look for the host/hostess of the parties and voice your concerns. It's also worth remembering that you might leave disappointed. Not every adult party will suit you or meet high expectations, so take it for what it is and put it down to an experience! The points above should give you a good introductory guide to things to know when going to a sex party. Every sex party experience varies and every party-goer is different.

by Diskret Life – February 06, 2023